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Hum Dinger

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
This is the approach that Trump has taken - using the government shutdown to BLACKMAIL the Senate Democrats into passing the bill funding the Mexican border wall.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell has surrendered the Senate as an independent branch of Government.

No matter what justification you may have for building a wall, BLACKMAIL is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!

No matter what the President wants the Democrats should never give into this method.

Blackmail should NEVER be allowed to succeed!

What the House of Representatives should do is:

Impeach the President over and over again. Multiple impeachments are not unconstitutional.

That would force the Senate to put the President on trial over and over again.

If McConnell refuses to put the President on trial, the House of Representatives should impeach McConnell

McConnell would be forced to recuse himself from his own impeachment Trial.

This process could go on continuously until the President re-opens government.
The Wall is chump change. Barry Hussein spent more bailing out failed solar companies. Democrats don't give a damn about federal workers. They are using blackmail tactics to prevent the President from following through with a campaign promise.
This is the approach that Trump has taken - using the government shutdown to BLACKMAIL the Senate Democrats into passing the bill funding the Mexican border wall.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell has surrendered the Senate as an independent branch of Government.

No matter what justification you may have for building a wall, BLACKMAIL is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!

No matter what the President wants the Democrats should never give into this method.

Blackmail should NEVER be allowed to succeed!

What the House of Representatives should do is:

Impeach the President over and over again. Multiple impeachments are not unconstitutional.

That would force the Senate to put the President on trial over and over again.

If McConnell refuses to put the President on trial, the House of Representatives should impeach McConnell

McConnell would be forced to recuse himself from his own impeachment Trial.

This process could go on continuously until the President re-opens government.

Yikes, BLACKMAIL sounds terrible.
Obama Administration Tries To Blackmail States Into Expanding Medicaid
The Wall is chump change. Barry Hussein spent more bailing out failed solar companies. Democrats don't give a damn about federal workers. They are using blackmail tactics to prevent the President from following through with a campaign promise.

Undermining the Constitutional legislative process by blackmailing the Senate Democrats is an impeachable offense. The Democrats have no obligation to help uphold the President's campaign promises.
This is the approach that Trump has taken - using the government shutdown to BLACKMAIL the Senate Democrats into passing the bill funding the Mexican border wall.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell has surrendered the Senate as an independent branch of Government.

No matter what justification you may have for building a wall, BLACKMAIL is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!

No matter what the President wants the Democrats should never give into this method.

Blackmail should NEVER be allowed to succeed!

What the House of Representatives should do is:

Impeach the President over and over again. Multiple impeachments are not unconstitutional.

That would force the Senate to put the President on trial over and over again.

If McConnell refuses to put the President on trial, the House of Representatives should impeach McConnell

McConnell would be forced to recuse himself from his own impeachment Trial.

This process could go on continuously until the President re-opens government.

Yikes, BLACKMAIL sounds terrible.
Obama Administration Tries To Blackmail States Into Expanding Medicaid

There is no Constitutional relationship that was violated by Obama. Trump's use of blackmail to undermine the Constitutional legislative process is an impeachable offense.
Actual, yes, he did.

Court: Obama appointments are unconstitutional
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Against Obama's Executive Actions on Immigration - The Atlantic
Judge: Obama's immigration move unconstitutional - CNNPolitics

There are more, just don’t have time to find them all. Will later, if you want.
This is the approach that Trump has taken - using the government shutdown to BLACKMAIL the Senate Democrats into passing the bill funding the Mexican border wall.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell has surrendered the Senate as an independent branch of Government.

No matter what justification you may have for building a wall, BLACKMAIL is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!

No matter what the President wants the Democrats should never give into this method.

Blackmail should NEVER be allowed to succeed!

What the House of Representatives should do is:

Impeach the President over and over again. Multiple impeachments are not unconstitutional.

That would force the Senate to put the President on trial over and over again.

If McConnell refuses to put the President on trial, the House of Representatives should impeach McConnell

McConnell would be forced to recuse himself from his own impeachment Trial.

This process could go on continuously until the President re-opens government.

Yikes, BLACKMAIL sounds terrible.
Obama Administration Tries To Blackmail States Into Expanding Medicaid

There is no Constitutional relationship that was violated by Obama. Trump's use of blackmail to undermine the Constitutional legislative process is an impeachable offense.
This is the approach that Trump has taken - using the government shutdown to BLACKMAIL the Senate Democrats into passing the bill funding the Mexican border wall.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell has surrendered the Senate as an independent branch of Government.

No matter what justification you may have for building a wall, BLACKMAIL is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!

No matter what the President wants the Democrats should never give into this method.

Blackmail should NEVER be allowed to succeed!

What the House of Representatives should do is:

Impeach the President over and over again. Multiple impeachments are not unconstitutional.

That would force the Senate to put the President on trial over and over again.

If McConnell refuses to put the President on trial, the House of Representatives should impeach McConnell

McConnell would be forced to recuse himself from his own impeachment Trial.

This process could go on continuously until the President re-opens government.

Yikes, BLACKMAIL sounds terrible.
Obama Administration Tries To Blackmail States Into Expanding Medicaid

There is no Constitutional relationship that was violated by Obama. Trump's use of blackmail to undermine the Constitutional legislative process is an impeachable offense.

The Wall is chump change. Barry Hussein spent more bailing out failed solar companies. Democrats don't give a damn about federal workers. They are using blackmail tactics to prevent the President from following through with a campaign promise.

Undermining the Constitutional legislative process by blackmailing the Senate Democrats is an impeachable offense. The Democrats have no obligation to help uphold the President's campaign promises.

The Democrats have no obligation to help uphold the President's campaign promises.

and Republicans had no obligation to uphold Obamas campaign promises, but he still got ACA passed, didn't he?
Blackmail is today's buzzword?
Thought it was hostage.

Just can't keep up with NPC soundbites anymore.

Cute word fail!

Comrade traitor, didn't Schumer vote for a border wall in 2006? Didn't Pelosi vote for a border wall in 2010? Didn't Barack Mugabe promote a border wall in 2012?

Why do you traitors refuse to defend the nation now?

The Wall is chump change. Barry Hussein spent more bailing out failed solar companies. Democrats don't give a damn about federal workers. They are using blackmail tactics to prevent the President from following through with a campaign promise.

Undermining the Constitutional legislative process by blackmailing the Senate Democrats is an impeachable offense. The Democrats have no obligation to help uphold the President's campaign promises.

The Democrats have no obligation to help uphold the President's campaign promises.

and Republicans had no obligation to uphold Obamas campaign promises, but he still got ACA passed, didn't he?
And if Republicans have the votes, they are entitled to get their wall

Obama did not shut down government to get Obamacare passed......that was Republicans who shut it down to try to repeal it
This is the approach that Trump has taken - using the government shutdown to BLACKMAIL the Senate Democrats into passing the bill funding the Mexican border wall.

Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell has surrendered the Senate as an independent branch of Government.

No matter what justification you may have for building a wall, BLACKMAIL is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!

No matter what the President wants the Democrats should never give into this method.

Blackmail should NEVER be allowed to succeed!

What the House of Representatives should do is:

Impeach the President over and over again. Multiple impeachments are not unconstitutional.

That would force the Senate to put the President on trial over and over again.

If McConnell refuses to put the President on trial, the House of Representatives should impeach McConnell

McConnell would be forced to recuse himself from his own impeachment Trial.

This process could go on continuously until the President re-opens government.

Yikes, BLACKMAIL sounds terrible.
Obama Administration Tries To Blackmail States Into Expanding Medicaid

There is no Constitutional relationship that was violated by Obama. Trump's use of blackmail to undermine the Constitutional legislative process is an impeachable offense.

Wrong. The president is under no obligation to sign any bill placed on his desk.
Blackmail is today's buzzword?
Thought it was hostage.

Just can't keep up with NPC soundbites anymore.

The "hostage" are those Federal Employees working without pay, and those not working and not getting paid, plus every citizens whose work is a product of Federal services and goods who are not earning sufficient income to meet their financial obligations.

Blackmail and bellicose rhetoric has nothing to do with the Art of the Deal. Trump is an empty suit and his personality disorders are open wide for all to observe.

I hope this has aided you to "keep up".
The Wall is chump change. Barry Hussein spent more bailing out failed solar companies. Democrats don't give a damn about federal workers. They are using blackmail tactics to prevent the President from following through with a campaign promise.

Undermining the Constitutional legislative process by blackmailing the Senate Democrats is an impeachable offense. The Democrats have no obligation to help uphold the President's campaign promises.
The one thing the goverment is suppose to do is pretect it's citizens. A border wall is part of it. I don't care what it takes, build the wall.

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