Butthurt 3rd partiers. STFU

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I am so fucking sick of hearing how the Gop and the Dems are the same. Maybe on a rare issue they find consensus. Just take your sore asses and find some preparation h and go fucking rub your wounds.

If the candidates you supported weren't partially insane they would garner more support. You also do them no favors by running around with your pants down spouting off like a spoiled fucking 9 year old.

I am so fucking sick of hearing how the Gop and the Dems are the same.

Not the same, but far too often they offer different versions of government that no longer resides within the confines of the law. I'd LOVE to see the Republicans return to their roots of low taxes and limited government. They'd get my vote every time. The Dems I'm afraid have lost the plot entirely. That's my take anyway.

All the best
I'd better stop at Walgreens on the way home and pick up one of these:

Sorry gramps, can't oblige. On the issues that matter most to me, there is no significant difference between Romney and Obama. That's not sour grapes, just a different perspective. And the issues where they do differ are a net wash; they certainly don't convince me of the urgency of choosing one over the other.

You may not want to hear about it, and nothing's forcing you to listen, but neither the Democratics nor the Republicans represent my political values in a meaningful way. I'm not about to waste my vote on them.
It's a free country, sir. I'll be taking my sore ass over to vote for the candidate I choose. We lost. YOu'll lose in November. Keep your fucking mouth shut about it then too.

K, Thanks.
They are the same in that they are special interest driven, not constitutionally driven. The rule of law to these parties means nothing to meet their agenda. In that, they are the same. They only hold a good opposing view in public.

I don't think there are many who think both parties are the same.

There are plenty who find both undeserving of a vote, but that's a different matter.


And that's completely fair. I've been a lifelong goper and the vast majority of the dems platform makes my skin crawl. Doesn't make the gop right but there are HUGE differences
I am so fucking sick of hearing how the Gop and the Dems are the same. Maybe on a rare issue they find consensus. Just take your sore asses and find some preparation h and go fucking rub your wounds.

If the candidates you supported weren't partially insane they would garner more support. You also do them no favors by running around with your pants down spouting off like a spoiled fucking 9 year old.


As I recall you lost in 2010 and America sent a congress to stop your commie march and all Maobama does is cry how he can't get anything past the congress.

Why aren't you tilling him to shut the fuck up and deal with the people sent there to do a job, instead of doing all the finger pointing. :cool:
It's a free country, sir. I'll be taking my sore ass over to vote for the candidate I choose. We lost. YOu'll lose in November. Keep your fucking mouth shut about it then too.

K, Thanks.

First of all I didn't tell you who to vote for.

Second if you claim both are the same I don't care what you think because there are clear differences.

Just because something is vital to you doesn't mean it is to everyone else.

I don't think there are many who think both parties are the same.

There are plenty who find both undeserving of a vote, but that's a different matter.


And that's completely fair. I've been a lifelong goper and the vast majority of the dems platform makes my skin crawl. Doesn't make the gop right but there are HUGE differences

Yeah, that takes some pretty serious generalizing.

Like, "they both breathe".


I am so fucking sick of hearing how the Gop and the Dems are the same. Maybe on a rare issue they find consensus. Just take your sore asses and find some preparation h and go fucking rub your wounds.

If the candidates you supported weren't partially insane they would garner more support. You also do them no favors by running around with your pants down spouting off like a spoiled fucking 9 year old.


As I recall you lost in 2010 and America sent a congress to stop your commie march and all Maobama does is cry how he can't get anything past the congress.

Why aren't you tilling him to shut the fuck up and deal with the people sent there to do a job, instead of doing all the finger pointing. :cool:

As you recall? You just joined and we're on the same team moron.

Negged for being an idiot
I don't understand why Republicans keep trying to browbeat the Libertarians. They are only alienating them. Y'all should be sucking up to them. They're your only hope.

Mitts going down in flames.

Yes, many difference on the window dressing items. The core of it is identical.


Life is a core issue

Raising my kids without govt interference is a core issue

Not using our energy sources is a core issue

Cutting back on govt is a core issue

Just because one or two people don't follow those principles doesn't mean the PARTY doesn't still stand for them
I am so fucking sick of hearing how the Gop and the Dems are the same. Maybe on a rare issue they find consensus. Just take your sore asses and find some preparation h and go fucking rub your wounds.

If the candidates you supported weren't partially insane they would garner more support. You also do them no favors by running around with your pants down spouting off like a spoiled fucking 9 year old.


As I recall you lost in 2010 and America sent a congress to stop your commie march and all Maobama does is cry how he can't get anything past the congress.

Why aren't you tilling him to shut the fuck up and deal with the people sent there to do a job, instead of doing all the finger pointing. :cool:

As you recall? You just joined and we're on the same team moron.

Negged for being an idiot

She didn't agree with your OP, so clearly you must be a dem :D

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