*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

The facts are that the WH refused to take the reports seriously leading up to the anniversary of 9/11. making this president a weak, ineffectual and therefore dangerous leader. Whether he ignored threats due to his indifference or his arrogance and pursuit of power or some combination of both is unimportant... He is a terrible President...absolutely terrible!

If Obama's presidency is not done after this, then it is an indictment of the American people! The most disgusting and disturbing reality imo is the OMG (Obama media Groupies) who have completely betrayed their calling in their attempts to not only NOT investigate, but to actually offer the president cover!

IF he gets re-elected, there will be an impeachment over this....just have that gut feeling!! We are not going to let him get away with it. He's gotten away with so many other lies, but this time he's out-done himself and we are not going to forget!
And if he's impeached, he should be GONE in disgrace....not like Clinton did and hung around anyway. At least Nixon was man enough to step down, and he didn't kill or rape anyone!

Nixon was going to be impeached, convicted and removed from office. Killing no one? Yeah, as long as Asians don't count.

Asians? Nixon was impeached because he lied about the Watergate break-ins, not because he killed Asians. In truth compared to what Barack Obama just lied to us about, Watergate is rather benign. We have an Ambassador and three other Americans dead right now because of incompetence by this Administration. That in and of itself is bad enough but the Obama people then decided to try and bluster their way through this with a cover-up of what really happened hoping, I guess, that it would not be revealed until after the election. Now it's been shown quite clearly that it was THEM that were playing politics with this and that it was THEM that told us a narrative that they KNEW was completely false.
Lol, you ready? It is hilarious when you get mad.

Carney made it clear that the protests across the Muslim world targeting U.S. embassies and consulates were due to the video.

Which they were, he was NOT talking directly in relation to the Libya attacks, it was a general statement regarding all of the riots.

Next time READ the whole transcripts.

The fact that the emails said there was a group claiming they did it is NOT direct proof they did, in fact, do it. Like I have said a million times now, during 9/11/01 about 15 terrorist groups around the world took responsibility for the attacks.. An investigation needed to happen, to be sure it was terrorism.

The best way to look at this is like a court case, even if a man confesses to the killing there still has to be sufficient evidence to punish him for the crime. Same applies here, before executing blame and labeling it something they took the time to investigate.. And rightfully so told us they were doing that: “Look, this is obviously under investigation,”.

He was not just speaking specifically about Libya. Remember? There were other riots, where they were attacking our embassies.

Besides you ONCE AGAIN, cherry picked your quotes:

"There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy. There is no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan. "

As you can see, he was speaking in generalities, the ideas are not spoken to be the same.. The period (.), symbolizes the END of statement..

Wrong by default. :lol:

Carney said this on 9/14/12

As already stated, the claim to the attacks does NOT mean that they have been found to be the ones who committed it. It was just a claim, NO PROOF.

You are thick. You think the government is going to tell us anything about an active investigation even though they are unsure..

You would probably complain about that too. You partisan hack.

Forgot the rest of the quote?

"We do not, at this moment, have information to suggest or to tell you that would indicate that any of this unrest was preplanned.”

Which was the truth, we had someone who CLAIMED they did it, but no hardcore evidence. In addition, notice the use of "any of this unrest was preplanned", he used the word "this", as in the macro sense ... That is because his response was to a question regarding ALL of the unrest in the middle east as a whole



That's a complete lie from the Administration as the recently released e-mails prove. They had information within two hours of the start of the attack that it was carried out by terrorists and wasn't because of any video but chose to ignore that information because it didn't fit with their narrative that Obama had decimated Al Queda.

Wasn't the information that there was a group was claiming responsibility for the attack on facebook? Al Queda is like a bunch of roaches scattered into the darkness. Of course they are going to try and hit us when they can. But then again maybe al Queda has operatives all over the ME and formented the unrest over a shoddy video to obfusticate the issue and get the 'merkins to fight amonst themselves? Perhaps they think that Romney is a dumbfuck whom they want as president?

Why would they want Romney as President when the "dumbfuck" we have in there now didn't protect our Ambassador and couldn't get help to the two ex-Navy Seals in seven hours to keep them alive? It's hard to imagine anyone screwing up any worse than they did on this debacle.
IF he gets re-elected, there will be an impeachment over this....just have that gut feeling!! We are not going to let him get away with it. He's gotten away with so many other lies, but this time he's out-done himself and we are not going to forget!
And if he's impeached, he should be GONE in disgrace....not like Clinton did and hung around anyway. At least Nixon was man enough to step down, and he didn't kill or rape anyone!

Nixon was going to be impeached, convicted and removed from office. Killing no one? Yeah, as long as Asians don't count.

Asians? Nixon was impeached because he lied about the Watergate break-ins, not because he killed Asians. In truth compared to what Barack Obama just lied to us about, Watergate is rather benign. We have an Ambassador and three other Americans dead right now because of incompetence by this Administration. That in and of itself is bad enough but the Obama people then decided to try and bluster their way through this with a cover-up of what really happened hoping, I guess, that it would not be revealed until after the election. Now it's been shown quite clearly that it was THEM that were playing politics with this and that it was THEM that told us a narrative that they KNEW was completely false.

Yeah sure, since every time a spokeman talked about the attacks that lead off with something like "The Benghazi attack is still under investigation so we will wait on that but....." There was no lie or crime (other than the terrorists crime) and therefore no coverup.

Here is what Congress was doing that made Preisdent Nixon resign. Nothing the Obama administration has done is remotely equivalent.

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
There is no lie and no cover up. Obama came forth the next day and referred to the Benghazi incident as an " on act of terrorism" before he had conformations. It took Romney two weeks and how long did it take Bush to declare 911 a terrorist act? This is just propaganda to discredit Obama before the election. Just like the DVD that is being circulated in Fla., the video "the real Obama." Too bad the radical right don't believe they an win without lying. Becareful for what you wish for it just may come true. If Obama loses, we all lose and GOD help us because we will have a sociopath in this country that is more dangerous then Hitler.

Reading such as this reaffirms my contention that liberals will make excuses for Obama and vote for his sorry ass no matter what he does or says. Even after the clear evidence within this thread, you dare to say that Obama didn't lie and said it was an act of terror just a couple of days after it happened...when he clearly kept blaming the attack on a fucking video...even going on Letterman to do so.

You people are CLUELESS IDIOTS! I am sure there will be a shitload of idiots voting for Obama who do not even bother to expose themselves to the truth about the sleazy lying bastard.

Fuckin' IDIOTS!

Obama should be impeached and thrown out office.

Liberalism is a mental disorder! Throw all the goddamned liberals out! Reid, Pelosi, and everybody that thinks like they do. Worthless assholes!
I was watching CNN for a while today. Andrea Mitchell looked like she had just risen from the dead.
Poor girl knows after all they did to protect him its going to be for not. The agenda is just about over.
That's a complete lie from the Administration as the recently released e-mails prove. They had information within two hours of the start of the attack that it was carried out by terrorists and wasn't because of any video but chose to ignore that information because it didn't fit with their narrative that Obama had decimated Al Queda.

Wasn't the information that there was a group was claiming responsibility for the attack on facebook? Al Queda is like a bunch of roaches scattered into the darkness. Of course they are going to try and hit us when they can. But then again maybe al Queda has operatives all over the ME and formented the unrest over a shoddy video to obfusticate the issue and get the 'merkins to fight amonst themselves? Perhaps they think that Romney is a dumbfuck whom they want as president?

Why would they want Romney as President when the "dumbfuck" we have in there now didn't protect our Ambassador and couldn't get help to the two ex-Navy Seals in seven hours to keep them alive? It's hard to imagine anyone screwing up any worse than they did on this debacle.

Well if Mr. Sketch wins I'm betting you'll see worse.
Anyone else wonder what the weather is like on LGS's planet?

You simply don't give a flying fuck about what this president did. Pretty soon you will be saluting him as dear leader. :mad:

We just don't give a fuck about what you haters say he did.

Even if he did it? Come on Sarah.....this is no small matter. The guy covered up a terrorist attack on a United States Embassy. Security was requested and denied and our ambassador and navy seals are dead as a result. This is not some trivial thing.
You leftist mindlessly support your dear leaders as you want socialism. You don't give a damn how much blood it takes to get it. Unlike Russia of 1917 we have the past to look at.

Time line of lies!

Obama's Benghazi Lies - Home

Destroys Obama's case.

On the 12th he was talking about the protest when he said terrorized.

Susan Rice said on the 16th that this wasn't a pre-planned attack. LIES

On the 18th Obama went on the letterman show and blamed our first amendment for the attack. LIES!!!

If the terrorized was supposed to mean a terrorist attack. Well, Obama sure inserted his foot in his ass.

Clinton on the 21st was the first to say it was a Terrorist attack. SPIN!

Obama on the view on the 25th said it was about the fucking video! Spin some more!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD4a9GHBF_U&feature=related]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPzjayOh-PU&feature=relmfu]Who is responsible for the attack in Benghazi? - YouTube[/ame]

Yet we learn today that Stevens was begging for months for security??? WTF is wrong with the Obama Admin. If you leftist had any honor you wouldn't vote for Obama.

Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attack
Fox News ^ | 10-19-2012 | James Rosen
Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attack | Fox News

Across 166 pages of internal State Department documents -- released Friday by a pair of Republican congressmen pressing the Obama administration for more answers on the Benghazi terrorist attack -- slain U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and the security officers assigned to protect him repeatedly sounded alarms to their superiors in Washington about the intensifying lawlessness and violence in Eastern Libya, where Stevens ultimately died.

On Sept. 11 -- the day Stevens and three other Americans were killed -- the ambassador signed a three-page cable, labeled "sensitive," in which he noted "growing problems with security" in Benghazi and "growing frustration" on the part of local residents with Libyan police and security forces. These forces the ambassador characterized as "too weak to keep the country secure."
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It will be interesting in a couple of weeks if The American People choose to stay the course with a President that clearly put his interests before American Security. He and his Administration hung the Ambassador and Americans in Libya out to dry and blamed it on a viral video that had been out since June. They could not stand dropping the ball on 9-11 because of their narcissism. What kind of President refers to American deaths as "not optimal" ? The President, his Admin, and their water- carrying supporters truly believe that by killing bin -Laden, they snuffed out Al Qaeda and other terror threats.
Nixon was going to be impeached, convicted and removed from office. Killing no one? Yeah, as long as Asians don't count.

Asians? Nixon was impeached because he lied about the Watergate break-ins, not because he killed Asians. In truth compared to what Barack Obama just lied to us about, Watergate is rather benign. We have an Ambassador and three other Americans dead right now because of incompetence by this Administration. That in and of itself is bad enough but the Obama people then decided to try and bluster their way through this with a cover-up of what really happened hoping, I guess, that it would not be revealed until after the election. Now it's been shown quite clearly that it was THEM that were playing politics with this and that it was THEM that told us a narrative that they KNEW was completely false.

Yeah sure, since every time a spokeman talked about the attacks that lead off with something like "The Benghazi attack is still under investigation so we will wait on that but....." There was no lie or crime (other than the terrorists crime) and therefore no coverup.

Here is what Congress was doing that made Preisdent Nixon resign. Nothing the Obama administration has done is remotely equivalent.

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

Sorry, Boo but the "still under investigation" line was what the Obama people started putting out AFTER their narrative that Bengazi was spontaneous event prompted by the YouTube video fell apart. At first they were adamant that this was NOT a terrorist attack and when they told us that, they knew that it WAS. That was them telling us a lie. The pleas coming now from the Obama Camp for everyone to wait for the results of the investigation is simply them trying desperately to push this to the far side of the November elections. It's been over a month now and we still aren't getting information from this Administration about what happened and why. The fact is...they are frantically stonewalling this issue and hoping the Main Stream Media provides enough cover for them to get away with it.
Wasn't the information that there was a group was claiming responsibility for the attack on facebook? Al Queda is like a bunch of roaches scattered into the darkness. Of course they are going to try and hit us when they can. But then again maybe al Queda has operatives all over the ME and formented the unrest over a shoddy video to obfusticate the issue and get the 'merkins to fight amonst themselves? Perhaps they think that Romney is a dumbfuck whom they want as president?

Why would they want Romney as President when the "dumbfuck" we have in there now didn't protect our Ambassador and couldn't get help to the two ex-Navy Seals in seven hours to keep them alive? It's hard to imagine anyone screwing up any worse than they did on this debacle.

Well if Mr. Sketch wins I'm betting you'll see worse.

I'm trying to think of what could be "worse" than the display of ineptitude that the Obama White House exhibited in A) not providing even a semblance of security for our Libyan diplomats, B) totally failing to respond to the crisis that night while terrorists hunted down and killed two Americans almost seven hours after the initial attack began, and C) in thinking that they could get away with blaming it on the YouTube video (going so far as to arrest the idiot that made the YouTube film and perp walk him in front of the cameras to appease the Muslim world.

These buffoons are running our country? No wonder we have the slowest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression! Barack Obama is so far over his head on the job he now holds that it's almost become farce. Put Barry out of his misery and send him off to a life of golf and canoodling with Hollywood celebs. Put someone serious in the Oval Office and let's get our country working again!
We can all read, hear..see for ourselves the TRUTH about the EXPLICIT White House emails.. We don't need you lying ass libs telling us we're not reading or seeing what we do.. You no longer have control of the media and what story gets taken up and how it's worded.. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER so put a fucking sock in it .. No one buys your snake oil any longer.

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