BUSTED: MSNBC Race-Baiters Quietly Edit Cheerios Article Smearing Conservatives

You really have to wonder why the left is so obsessed with race.


We've never ever heard you folks refer to Reagan, Bush or Bush as the "White" President or the "German" President or the "Irish" President.

So when you folks bray on and on about Obama race and ethnic background, we have to assume that you folks are "obsessed".

And that you view these things as negative.

I wonder, who was the first person to bring up Obama and his skin color in this thread? Could that person be considered the most vocal racist on the board?
You really have to wonder why the left is so obsessed with race.


We've never ever heard you folks refer to Reagan, Bush or Bush as the "White" President or the "German" President or the "Irish" President.

So when you folks bray on and on about Obama race and ethnic background, we have to assume that you folks are "obsessed".

And that you view these things as negative.

I wonder, who was the first person to bring up Obama and his skin color in this thread? Could that person be considered the most vocal racist on the board?

Damn, I just checked, and, no surprise, it was Sallow.
Cheerios ad featuring interracial couple sparks racist backlash* - NY Daily News

An innocent ad for heart-healthy Cheerios has sparked an onslaught of disturbing racist backlash on the Internet.

The cereal brand was forced to pull comments from its YouTube page after a cereal commercial featuring an interracial family reportedly prompted a string of messages about Nazis, racial genocide and viewers so disgusted they “want to vomit.”

There was no racist backlash?

Let me guess, you think all conservatives are racist because you watch MSNBC.
I prove with a SCOTUS decision that your party is the racist party.

that means your claims of race baiting are obvious lies

Dear Troll:

If you want to start a thread about race baiting by all means do so. This thread is about MSNBC employees screwing up again. The OP just used the term "race baiting" but the true issue is how MSNBC employees are showing their true colors once again.

They are haters.

Martin Bashir = shitting in Palin's mouth, pissing in her eyes and her mouth, and beating her and rubbing salt in her wounds

Melissa Harris-Perry = mocking Romney's grandchild and Romney's family with her panel

And now this.

They're truly FUBAR'd at MSNBC. Even good Democrats who are a rare breed these days recognize that they are whack jobs at that media outlet.
Get it right td...MHP DID NOT mock Romney's grandchild.

There were panelist on her show that went into a joke about it and she didn't say anything against them. I watched it live and watched it numerous times since then.

In fact, MHP actually said the child was good looking and intimated it would be an interesting thing if that child grew up to marry Kanye's and Kim K's child.

Don't lie.

Get it straight, she apologized for it because, despite your massive bias, she was wrong.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

Jeez, the whole culture over there is rabid and hateful. How many times have they had to apologize now?


Had to? How many times has Fox apologized for attacking liberals?

I guess I can't blame you for deflecting, they're pretty nasty over at MSNBC.

Maybe you like that stuff, huh?


Apparently not nasty enough...they apologized for upsetting the right wing. But that's how it is since the Comcast took control.
I prove with a SCOTUS decision that your party is the racist party.

that means your claims of race baiting are obvious lies

Dear Troll:

If you want to start a thread about race baiting by all means do so. This thread is about MSNBC employees screwing up again. The OP just used the term "race baiting" but the true issue is how MSNBC employees are showing their true colors once again.

They are haters.

Martin Bashir = shitting in Palin's mouth, pissing in her eyes and her mouth, and beating her and rubbing salt in her wounds

Melissa Harris-Perry = mocking Romney's grandchild and Romney's family with her panel

And now this.

They're truly FUBAR'd at MSNBC. Even good Democrats who are a rare breed these days recognize that they are whack jobs at that media outlet.
Get it right td...MHP DID NOT mock Romney's grandchild.

There were panelist on her show that went into a joke about it and she didn't say anything against them. I watched it live and watched it numerous times since then.

In fact, MHP actually said the child was good looking and intimated it would be an interesting thing if that child grew up to marry Kanye's and Kim K's child.

Don't lie.

Oh bite me. :lol:

Her show and her panel AND she was mocking the baby and the Romney's with the suggested this "future wedding". Get a grip.

The kicker line that I have from the transcript that verifies that it was not complimentary but mocking the Romneys I have highlighted in red.

On the Sunday broadcast of her MSNBC show, Melissa Harris Perry and her panel poked fun at a Romney family portrait that included his new black grandson.

"One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just isn’t the same. And that little baby, front and center, would be the one," panelist Pia Glenn commented.

"My goal is that in 2040, the biggest thing of the year will be the wedding between Kieran Romney and North West. Can you imagine Mitt Romney and Kanye West as in-laws?" Harris Perry said.

Melissa Harris Perry & Panel Mock Mitt Romney's Black Grandson | Video | RealClearPolitics
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Jeez, the whole culture over there is rabid and hateful. How many times have they had to apologize now?


Yep, it should be shunned they are nothing but hate, hostility to anyone not Democrat and lies..They have to be getting funded because their rating aren't enough to keep them going by advertising...guess where it's coming from?

Disgusting station
This station should be SHUNNED...This is the type of hate they make up and spread around about YOU in this country...Let them know you are sick of this and this is what's tearing this country APART
a lot of links, the tweets and video on this at site


Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, January 30, 2014, 3:53 AM
Guest Post by Kristinn Taylor

MSNBC brought upon itself a tsunami-sized response from conservatives Wednesday evening for a Tweet promoting an article at MSNBC.com about the new Cheerios ad set to debut during this weekend’s Super Bowl broadcast.

The MSNBC tweet said, “Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family.”
msnbc cheerios

The brief article, credited to Gabriela Resto-Montero, that was being promoted on Twitter began with “The Cheerios family is back.

“The breakfast cereal’s new Super Bowl ad features the same fictional biracial family that sparked a conservative backlash last year.”

cheerios 1

The phrase “sparked a conservative backlash” contained a link to an MSNBC article from last year that mentioned the controversy over the ad, but the article did not report a political bent to the racist comments made about the ad. That article in turn links back to another MSNBC article about the ad controversy that also does not ascribe political motives to the racist attacks.

In other words, Gabriela Resto-Montero and MSNBC made up the alleged ‘conservative’,’ right wing’ racist attack on the Cheerios ad.

After Michelle Malkin went after MSNBC on Twitter, MSNBC.com Executive Editor Richard Wolffe posted a personal apology on Twitter. Wolffe did not apologize for the article that prompted the tweet nor did he mention the edit.

The article was edited so that the word conservative was taken out. The article now reads “…sparked a backlash last year.”
The edit is not mentioned, but the article time stamp notes an update at 9:14 p.m. EST.
cheerios 2

At 10:55 p.m. EST MSNBC apologized on Twitter for the tweet smearing conservatives as racists. MSNBC then announced it would be deleting the offending tweet.

The original language of the MSNBC article was reported at Free Republic at 9:11 p.m. EST, shortly before the article was “updated”.

ALL of it here
BUSTED: MSNBC Race-Baiters Quietly Edit Cheerios Article Smearing Conservatives | The Gateway Pundit

Compared to the garbage from fux, that's pretty harmless and lightweight but,
as usual, the ledt polices itself while the right shoves it down our throats.

All day, every day, fux cranks crank out the lies about President Obama and the Ds but you'll never see them apologize or admit their lies.

That's the difference between right and left.

The difference between human beings and racist scum is that human beings condemn everyone who is wrong, and racists scum try to pretend it is only the other side that is wrong.

For example, the left wing progressive blog penned by Eric Wimple is calling out MSNBC for this whole thing.

The Cheerios ad and MSNBC?s apologetic pathology
He is hardly the only left wing pundit to call MSNBC out for their problems. But, you for some reason, probably because you are a racist scumbag, defend them.

In other words, you are a scumbag asshole KKK member.
Had to? How many times has Fox apologized for attacking liberals?

I guess I can't blame you for deflecting, they're pretty nasty over at MSNBC.

Maybe you like that stuff, huh?


Apparently not nasty enough...they apologized for upsetting the right wing. But that's how it is since the Comcast took control.

They actually apologized because they, supposedly, don't believe that. This despite the fact that a staff writer submitted an article to an editor who approved it, and then tweeted out on the official MSNBC Twitter channel with official permission from the people that check to make sure nothing goes out over that channel that isn't approved three times.
As a liberal I would like to apologize to all conservatives for even considering that some of you oppose biracial marriage

What was I thinking?

What conservative has opposed biracial marriage?

Obviously you think some do.

Personally I don't give a rat's ass what race marries what race.

You mean like opposing a "halfrican" President?

Halfrican? That's hilarious. Usually, USMB Right Wingers say either "boi" or "mulatto".
You really have to wonder why the left is so obsessed with race.


We've never ever heard you folks refer to Reagan, Bush or Bush as the "White" President or the "German" President or the "Irish" President.

So when you folks bray on and on about Obama race and ethnic background, we have to assume that you folks are "obsessed".

And that you view these things as negative.

It was the liberal media and the left who made such a major deal over Obama being the first black president yet now you find some evil meaning behind saying he's black hypocrisy anyone.

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