Business As Usual


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Is it possible that environmentalists and their supporters will actually learn from data, and experience?


I know it's wrong to laugh at the congenitally guilty pleasure.

1. This was the final word from the know, along the lines of the Al Gore "the debate is over" kinda thing....

"FEB. 7, 2014 ... hundreds of millions of people will watch Americans like Ted Ligety and Mikaela Shiffrin ski for gold on the downhill alpine course. Television crews will pan across epic vistas of the rugged Caucasus Mountains, draped with brilliant white ski slopes. What viewers might not see is the 16 million cubic feet of snow that was stored under insulated blankets last year to make sure those slopes remained white, or the hundreds of snow-making guns that have been running around the clock to keep them that way.

....climatologist Daniel Scott, a professor of global change and tourism at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, to analyze potential venues for future Winter Games. His thought was that with a rise in the average global temperature of more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit possible by 2100, there might not be that many snowy regions left in which to hold the Games. He concluded that of the 19 cities that have hosted the Winter Olympics, as few as 10 might be cold enough by midcentury to host them again. By 2100, that number shrinks to 6.

....more than half of the 103 ski resorts may no longer be viable in 30 years because of warmer winters."

2. "The facts are straightforward: The planet is getting hotter. Snow melts above 32 degrees Fahrenheit."


No more Frosty?????

3. OK...cue the hand wringing...and throw in some anti-capitalism...
"So it has been a surprise to see the winter sports community, as one of the first populations to witness effects of climate change in its own backyard, not reacting more vigorously and swiftly to reverse the fate we are writing for ourselves.

It’s easy to blame the big oil companies and the billions of dollars they spend on influencing the media and popular opinion." [a proven lie.]

4. for the obligatory 'studies say....'
"Much of these environmental data come from a 2012 report, “Climate Impacts on the Winter Tourism Economy in the United States,” by two University of New Hampshire researchers,..."

5. This is the best: predicting a three-season year:
"a start-up advocacy group called Protect Our Winters. ... known as POW, in 2007 when he realized that many of the slopes he had once ridden no longer held snow. It has since become the leading voice for those fighting to save winter, ..."
(Now named "Chicken-Littles Untied")

6. for the ever-popular 'it's all over! Run for the snowless hills!"
"The truth is, it is too late for all of that. Greening the ski industry is commendable, but it isn’t nearly enough. Nothing besides a national policy shift on how we create and consume energy will keep our mountains white in the winter — and slow global warming to a safe level."

What would Liberals do if they didn't have the warnings from the NYTimes to discuss during group hugs at their cocktail parties???

I mean, really.
is this supposed to be a serious thread? :eusa_eh: Are you filling in for CrusaderFrank in the hyperbole dept? Save it Seoul sister.
I'm new here, so forgive me, but It seems all this OP does is find random quotes and add her own partisan bullshit.
you are correct in your assessment. Seoul grl writes using her own spechul formatting. I know- it hurts to read it. I mostly just skim through them as quickly as possible because they are an insult to intelligence.
I'm new here, so forgive me, but It seems all this OP does is find random quotes and add her own partisan bullshit.

Ooooo....look at that!

Some Liberal upset by NYTimes quotes!

Typical of exactly what I claimed about Liberals....right on cue.
I'm new here, so forgive me, but It seems all this OP does is find random quotes and add her own partisan bullshit.
I'm new here, so forgive me, but It seems all this OP does is find random quotes and add her own partisan bullshit.

Ooooo....look at that!

Some Liberal upset by NYTimes quotes!

Typical of exactly what I claimed about Liberals....right on cue.
I'm not upset, I'm simply saying what I've observed, and where did I mention if I cared about where the quotes are from?

Let's dropped by to complain about the OP....

The OP exposes the usual stupidity of you.

The import of the NYTimes, the Liberal house organ, is that in the future there will be no snow!

I love it!

No more snow!

It's the usual Liberal global warming scam on steroids....

....and you came running to object to something or other.

Bernie Sanders???
I can tell that a demitasse would fit your head like a sombrero.
So....if NYTimes says there won't be any more snow....
...who can doubt it?

After all it's all about the 'proven fact' of global warming, huh?
Dakeon, PC lives in a world of her own, you'll love her conspiratorial stuff. She pulls quotes from all over proving life in a bubble can be very time consuming. Education is a favorite with her. Welcome by the way.

Destroying the American Character US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I quoted the know....your bible.
So....if NYTimes says there won't be any more snow....
...who can doubt it?

After all it's all about the 'proven fact' of global warming, huh?

Time for the punch line:

The OP was taken from the NYTimes of "FEB. 7, 2014 ... "

Update: May 2, 2015 9:35 PM

"Snow, cold keep New England skiers, riders stoked into May
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- Skiers and snowboarders at Vermont's Sugarbush resort right now can spend the morning on the slopes and play golf in the afternoon - testament to the abundance of snow that extended the season at many northern New England ski areas."

[For you Liberal...'abundance' means 'a very large quantity of something.]

"....more than half dozen areas in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine still operating this weekend.
''We've had six months of a phenomenal season,'' said Prindle, noting Wildcat was the first New Hampshire area to open on Nov. 9. The mountain had a 30 percent increase in skier visits compared to past years....

[Memo to NYTimes and all the environmentalist wackos:] ''We've had so much snow and the cold to preserve it,''....snow was so plentiful it was problematic.

...four successive weekends of winter storms. Vazzano said a cold spell in February...."
Snow cold keep New England skiers riders stoked into May - Yahoo Sports

Hand-wringing by the warmists....

....bogus tales by the NYTimes.....

....objections by the Liberals who pretend not to understand the OP....

...and all of it blown to bits by the facts.


I call her- PoliticalSpice. She wouldn't be so bad if she used all that pent-up rw energy and applied to some college/university. As it is now, she's some girl w/ a high school- level education (at best) blathering all over the forum w/ her randian pipe dreams :yawn:
I call her- PoliticalSpice. She wouldn't be so bad if she used all that pent-up rw energy and applied to some college/university. As it is now, she's some girl w/ a high school- level education (at best) blathering all over the forum w/ her randian pipe dreams :yawn:

He'll learn what everyone else do nothing but tell lies to hide your inability to contend with the posts.
Ol' PoliticalShit believes that the whole of the scientific community, in all nations, is in on a vast conspiracy to present fraudulent information to the rest of us. She is definately deep into little tin hat territory.
Ol' PoliticalShit believes that the whole of the scientific community, in all nations, is in on a vast conspiracy to present fraudulent information to the rest of us. She is definately deep into little tin hat territory.

Once again, you provide vulgarity in place of a response to an unassailable argument showing what a lamebrain you environmentalist wackos are.

That's called 'working to ability.'
Whether global warming is fake or not, doesn't matter. It has no glaring affect on the economy or anything else. She simply exposes the radical wacko environmentalists who are against ANY kind of use of natural resources. We do have to use them wisely and having large chunks of land set aside to keep pristine is also an idea that any sane person would support.
Pubs.GISS Hansen et al. 1981 Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide

Hansen et al. 1981

Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

In 1981 Dr. Hansen wrote this paper and made these predicitons. At the time, the denialist line was that nothing at all was happening. A meme they continued until 2000, when it was no longer possible to deny that the world was warming.

Today, the denialists attack using the same tactics, and even the same advertising agencies, as the tobacco companies did in denying that their product was dangerous to the health of those using it. In fact, they even pay the same scientists, like Lindzen of MIT, to whore out their credentials and testify to falsehoods in front of Congress.

We are changing the environment that we depend on for life. And people like PoliticalShit think that is a good thing. After all, money above all.
Ol' PoliticalShit believes that the whole of the scientific community, in all nations, is in on a vast conspiracy to present fraudulent information to the rest of us. She is definately deep into little tin hat territory.
shes a tin foiler :tinfoil: alright ;) No wonder she blathers here as much as she does, she :up: has a captive audience.

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