Bush tax cuts did not create jobs


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

It caused job lose that continues. The rich and small business have not created jobs so why continue on a course that has proven to fail. Taxes create revenue and revenue create jobs. GOP’s tax cut plan as been in effect for 10 years and has led to the biggest deficit in history and our children will pay.

Tax cuts will be paid for on the backs of our children. Reagan said we cannot balance the budget on the backs of our poor.

Bush tax cuts resulted in 3.8 million job lost in 2008.
Tax cuts do not create jobs.

1986 amnesty legalized 1.7 million illegal aliens and resulted in 20 million now.
Amnesty do not solve the illegal immigration problem.

What have we learned from these mistakes?

“All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.”
Winston Churchill

Extending Bush Tax Cuts WON'T Create Jobs, Says Leading Economist
Extending Bush Tax Cuts WON'T Create Jobs, Says Leading Economist

Rep. Pence Inadvertently Admits Bush Tax Cuts Did Not Work
November 18, 2010
Rep. Pence Inadvertently Admits Bush Tax Cuts Did Not Work | Political Correction

Another Bush Lie: Tax Cuts for Jobs
by JACK RASMUS (Copyright 2004)
Tax Cuts vs. Jobs: The Last Three Years

During the first three years of the Bush administration, more than 3 million jobs in the U.S. have disappeared, been destroyed, dismantled, vanished. Not since the early years of the Great Depression of the 1930s has America experienced three consecutive years of net job destruction! Nor has any President since Herbert Hoover faced the prospect of leaving office with the economy having fewer jobs than when he entered.
Another Bush Lie: Tax Cuts for Jobs
Look through the economic history of the United States for the answer. What "creates" jobs?

Supply and demand. There has to be a "demand". Then comes "investment" and then "supply".

The economic greats didn't start out "rich". They took out bank loans. They pooled their resources.

Republicans seem to see "rich people" as "Gawds". There is no charity. If no one has any money, there is no demand. That means, "No jobs". It's just the simple.

What else attracts companies besides "demand"? You guessed it, "Infrastructure". That means it takes investment to attract investment. Roads, transportation, power, raw materials, labor and so on.

No Republican leader has even mentioned the word "investment". Why? Not sure. Maybe they don't know what it means?
I have before me statistics from the US Bureau of Labor Statisics. It shows average annual total number employed in 2001 was 136,933 (thousands) with an unemployment rate of 4.7%. In 2007 we had 146,047 thousand employed with an unemployment rate of 4.6. And that was with an additional 7 million people not in the labor force by 2007. So, while I wouldn't say the Bush tax cuts were entirely responsible, there was a very nice uptick in employmnt and economic growth in the Bush years until the recession hit.

Now if someone wants to blame the recession on those tax cuts, I'd like to know what logic or reasons were used to arrive at such a conclusion. Otherwise I will be forced to raise the BS flag.
Of course the Bush Tax Cuts for the Evil Rich didn't work, that's why Obama extended them!

Wait, wut? :confused:
Of course tax cuts do not create jobs. None of them did nor will they.

Republicans are working for their benefactors when they insist they do..
Of course the Bush Tax Cuts for the Evil Rich didn't work, that's why Obama extended them!

Wait, wut? :confused:

Don't be. Why exactly did he HAVE to extend them? Don't be a child. You know exactly what happened.

All of us were held hostage by the republicans in office. 98% of us.

Damn, how disingenious of you.
I pay more in taxes every year than most Liberal idiots on this forum EARN as income.
So please - STFU.
If you don't think we're taxed enough, whip out your checkbook and pay more.
Bush & the Republicans were creating jobs until the Democrats took control of congress in 2007 & destroyed jobs & the economy. Then Obama got elected & destroyed even more jobs. Every since the Republicans took back the House in 2011 jobs are once again on the rise. Democrats have destroyed all the jobs & the economy. Now since Republicans took back the House jobs will start to comeback.

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