Bush started Arab Spring in 2003 when he got rid of Saddam

And this whole time I thought the unions and communists infiltrated the local communities and got them stirred up just like they did here in America. But since you said it was all Bush's fault that puts it in better perspective.

NO credit OF ANY KIND shall be given to Bush.

It all goes to the "peace prize" President who has turned into a regular killing machine.

I'll credit President Bush with this. Tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of innocent Iraqi civilians were killed or wounded during the war based on a non-existant threat.
There is a direct correlation between Saddam being dragged out of the rathole and Gaddafi being dragged out of the drainpipe.
Do you really see just how stupid that sounds?

Stand by it.

When Bush took out Saddam it set a pattern of tinpot dictators being taken out.

Wish Carter had done the same with Khomenia when he held Americans hostage for over a year.

The libs and commies were calling Khomeni The Great Liberator when he returned from exile in Paris.
There is a direct correlation between Saddam being dragged out of the rathole and Gaddafi being dragged out of the drainpipe.
Do you really see just how stupid that sounds?

Stand by it.

When Bush took out Saddam it set a pattern of tinpot dictators being taken out.

Wish Carter had done the same with Khomenia when he held Americans hostage for over a year.

The libs and commies were calling Khomeni The Great Liberator when he returned from exile in Paris.

Yeah right, in reality it set a pattern for how not to take out our former allies.
Do you really see just how stupid that sounds?

Stand by it.

When Bush took out Saddam it set a pattern of tinpot dictators being taken out.

Wish Carter had done the same with Khomenia when he held Americans hostage for over a year.

The libs and commies were calling Khomeni The Great Liberator when he returned from exile in Paris.

Yeah right, in reality it set a pattern for how not to take out our former allies.

Iran was America's staunchest ally in the Middle East (except for Israel of course) under the Shah.

Iran had a high standard of living, the people were free to party or whatever - not sure what their problem was..........................

The commies and libs hailed Khomenie as The Great Liberater returning from exile - just like they did with Lenin........................................
Stand by it.

When Bush took out Saddam it set a pattern of tinpot dictators being taken out.

Wish Carter had done the same with Khomenia when he held Americans hostage for over a year.

The libs and commies were calling Khomeni The Great Liberator when he returned from exile in Paris.

Yeah right, in reality it set a pattern for how not to take out our former allies.

Iran was America's staunchest ally in the Middle East (except for Israel of course) under the Shah.

Iran had a high standard of living, the people were free to party or whatever - not sure what their problem was..........................

The commies and libs hailed Khomenie as The Great Liberater returning from exile - just like they did with Lenin........................................

First off, yeah..the Shah was a stanch ally..he was installed by Americans in Operation Ajax. Second, yep, Iran had a high standard of living for the very rich, everyone else, suffered. Third off, no one "hailed", Khomeni as a great "leader". The revolution took a good many American hostages. What people were hoping for was their safe return. Thanks the the Treachery of Ronald Reagan, 20 minutes after he was sworn in, they were returned. At a cost.
Stand by it.

When Bush took out Saddam it set a pattern of tinpot dictators being taken out.

Wish Carter had done the same with Khomenia when he held Americans hostage for over a year.

The libs and commies were calling Khomeni The Great Liberator when he returned from exile in Paris.

Yeah right, in reality it set a pattern for how not to take out our former allies.

Iran was America's staunchest ally in the Middle East (except for Israel of course) under the Shah.

Iran had a high standard of living, the people were free to party or whatever - not sure what their problem was..........................

The commies and libs hailed Khomenie as The Great Liberater returning from exile - just like they did with Lenin........................................

Actually I was talking about the way President Bush choose to take out Saddam.

Not how the Iranians kicked out the Shah.
Arab Spring was indigenousand in no way can be attributed to the Bushie neo-cons, though Condi likes to think so.
Show me the burkas in Iraq.

You guys should be ashamed of your "determined ignorance". This was only a 30 second search on Google. Republicans have torn through the world leaving behind pain and destruction and when you point that out, they say "Prove it". The ignorant fucks. They should be forced to wear Burkas for a year as penance. Shame on them. Shame on their ignorance. Shame on the US for allowing them to do this overseas and now here with voter suppression and new religious laws on women's rights. What a disgrace and they don't even know it. On purpose.




A colleague of mine emailed me a disgusting photo of how this issue is changing the shape of the Iraqi women who once were ones of the most fashionable women in the world in former cosmopolitan cities like Baghdad, Basra, and Mosul. I was so disgusted when I saw the photo. Inside me, I was shouting “Nooooooo. It shouldn’t be like this. We were not like this. Enough distortion and abuse to the women.”

This disaster continues. The Parties’ TV stations are doing the same thing. Iraqi Islamic Party’s Baghdad Sunni channel and SCIRI’s Al-Furat Shiite channel introduce their programs with fully-scarfed anchors to make the people get used to their ugly faces.

The new dictators of the “new” Iraq are doing things that Iraq’s former dictator did not do. As 24 Steps to Liberty said in his latest entry: “When they invaded Iraq, they didn’t have an already-formed Iraqi government to take place after Hussein’s was toppled… Their only advisors were Iraqis who’ve never been to Iraq in the last 40 years at least.”

World Prout Assembly: The veil of American Liberation descends upon Iraqi Women

Those pictures were not taken in Iraq. You've been misled.

Because Najaf isn't in Iraq?:eusa_whistle:
I just don't understand why Republicans on this site don't use Google or some other search engine.

It's easy to find things out when you sit in front of the Internet. They repeat so much bullshit and when you show them evidence, they simply "deny" the evidence without a shred of evidence of their own. It seems their position is "That's not what I choose to believe". As if that could be a real position. I just don't get it.
You guys should be ashamed of your "determined ignorance". This was only a 30 second search on Google. Republicans have torn through the world leaving behind pain and destruction and when you point that out, they say "Prove it". The ignorant fucks. They should be forced to wear Burkas for a year as penance. Shame on them. Shame on their ignorance. Shame on the US for allowing them to do this overseas and now here with voter suppression and new religious laws on women's rights. What a disgrace and they don't even know it. On purpose.




A colleague of mine emailed me a disgusting photo of how this issue is changing the shape of the Iraqi women who once were ones of the most fashionable women in the world in former cosmopolitan cities like Baghdad, Basra, and Mosul. I was so disgusted when I saw the photo. Inside me, I was shouting “Nooooooo. It shouldn’t be like this. We were not like this. Enough distortion and abuse to the women.”

This disaster continues. The Parties’ TV stations are doing the same thing. Iraqi Islamic Party’s Baghdad Sunni channel and SCIRI’s Al-Furat Shiite channel introduce their programs with fully-scarfed anchors to make the people get used to their ugly faces.

The new dictators of the “new” Iraq are doing things that Iraq’s former dictator did not do. As 24 Steps to Liberty said in his latest entry: “When they invaded Iraq, they didn’t have an already-formed Iraqi government to take place after Hussein’s was toppled… Their only advisors were Iraqis who’ve never been to Iraq in the last 40 years at least.”

World Prout Assembly: The veil of American Liberation descends upon Iraqi Women

Those pictures were not taken in Iraq. You've been misled.

Because Najaf isn't in Iraq?:eusa_whistle:

Najaf is in Iraq. Those pictures were not taken in Najaf. Your extreme source is incorrect, as are you.
I just don't understand why Republicans on this site don't use Google or some other search engine.

It's easy to find things out when you sit in front of the Internet. They repeat so much bullshit and when you show them evidence, they simply "deny" the evidence without a shred of evidence of their own. It seems their position is "That's not what I choose to believe". As if that could be a real position. I just don't get it.

You haven't shown any "evidence."
Arab Spring was indigenousand in no way can be attributed to the Bushie neo-cons, though Condi likes to think so.

Not really.

It changed the geo-political landscape. Most people in the middle east knew that Saddam Hussien was essentially brought to power by the US. He went feral, essentially and tried to play the Russians against the United States..with some success. But that didn't last forever.

But what people in the Middle East saw, that if conditions were right, the US had no trouble getting rid of their puppets.

And that was the takeaway.

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