Bush ignored multiple 911 warnings.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Where was Issa, his rope and match and his mob when Bush ignored multiple 9-11 warnings and instead went after Saddam who had no WMDs and was not an immediate threat and 3,000 died on 9-11 and 6,000 more in the Iraq based on lies. But now he want to hang and burn everyone in the Obama administration because 4 people died in Libya and based no more than what Foxnews as reported?
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld has been found guilty of war crimes and where was Issa and his mob?
NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes
Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized - Business Insider
Lil, call Kevorkian before you post again

Bush should have done a full FDR and interred every Muslims male in the USA.

Lil, at what point should Bush have ordered the USAF to engage and destroy fully loaded, but off course US commercial airliners? I've never gotten a Lib to answer that in 10 years.

Stop Fulffing Obama, it's destroyed your capacity for thought
Lil, call Kevorkian before you post again

Bush should have done a full FDR and interred every Muslims male in the USA.

Lil, at what point should Bush have ordered the USAF to engage and destroy fully loaded, but off course US commercial airliners? I've never gotten a Lib to answer that in 10 years.

Stop Fulffing Obama, it's destroyed your capacity for thought

LMAO Bush should have also shut down every major city in the US. Hell for days, Weeks or months on that warning.

Jesus she's a fluffer. Warnings don't tell you where, when or how. They are warnings. Vague warnings at that.

Of course fluffer convenietly forgets that Clinton had several opportunities to take out that dirtbag UBL several times and didn't.

Of course that was back in the 90's. Never mind.

Where was Issa, his rope and match and his mob when Bush ignored multiple 9-11 warnings and instead went after Saddam who had no WMDs and was not an immediate threat and 3,000 died on 9-11 and 6,000 more in the Iraq based on lies. But now he want to hang and burn everyone in the Obama administration because 4 people died in Libya and based no more than what Foxnews as reported?
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld has been found guilty of war crimes and where was Issa and his mob?
NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes
Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized - Business Insider

O'Neill faced political opposition from members of the Clinton Administration, who ignored his reports and warnings. On many occasions he was denied funding for his frequent trips to the Middle East to investigate leads on terrorist groups. On several trips, he paid for his own expenses -- plane fare, hotel accommodations, etc. -- in order to wage his one man war against terrorism.

9/11 anniversary: Remembering the man whose warnings America ignored - National public safety | Examiner.com


Where was Issa, his rope and match and his mob when Bush ignored multiple 9-11 warnings and instead went after Saddam who had no WMDs and was not an immediate threat and 3,000 died on 9-11 and 6,000 more in the Iraq based on lies. But now he want to hang and burn everyone in the Obama administration because 4 people died in Libya and based no more than what Foxnews as reported?
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld has been found guilty of war crimes and where was Issa and his mob?
NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes
Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized - Business Insider

Pssssssssttttttttt.............. Obama's gonna lose, like BIG time.

But hey, immerse yourself in this debunked bullshit.

Bill Clinton was busy bombing defenseless Yugoslavia while the 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in the US. His A.G. made damn sure the FBI and the CIA could not share information about international terrorism or risk going to jail. If Bush made any mistakes it was not firing every fat assed bureaucrat in the FBI and the CIA that Clinton hired.
If Clinton had not put those FISA rules in place protecting the rights of terrorists, we would have opened Zararias Moussaoui's laptop and known the whole plan days before.
This thread is good news. It indicates that president Hussein's criminal negligence in Libya is finally resonating in spite of the mainstream media's reluctance to deal with it. When the radical left brings up president Bush they are usually in trouble. If the mainstream media hadn't virtually ignored the 1st attack on the WTC and if Clinton had treated it as an act of international terrorism instead of a purse snatching we might not have had the 2nd attack on the WTC. Billy was too preoccupied with Monica's next pizza delivery to pay attention.
The left is getting mighty nervous these past few days....
There have been more blame Bush references then usual.
What I mean is usually there around 50 a day...Seems like that has doubled.
When Obama is criticized we get a bunch of "well Bush this and Bush did that"...
That's the big defense of Obama....Blame Bush...

Time for some new material guys...
Yeh Bush ignored 911 warnings....
I'm sure that means that Bin Laden emailed the WH saying I'm coming to get you guys on Sept 11...
No one knew these attacks were coming on 9-11
There were no 9-11 warnings as much as Democrats want to believe.
"Thanks for that pizza Monica" "Whoops, those stupid people tried to blow up the World Trade Center". Get down here and show me what the word blow really means". "God damn, is Hillary still in the building"?
No one knew these attacks were coming on 9-11
There were no 9-11 warnings as much as Democrats want to believe.

There were warnings, but not the connect-the-dot there should have been. Not the urgency.

At the same time, I've posted before from 2002 and on, my 8th grade students knew it was al Queda before the 2nd plane. I'd taught them enough the previous 2 years. USS Cole, embassy bombings, along with broad threats.
No one knew these attacks were coming on 9-11
There were no 9-11 warnings as much as Democrats want to believe.

There were warnings, but not the connect-the-dot there should have been. Not the urgency.

At the same time, I've posted before from 2002 and on, my 8th grade students knew it was al Queda before the 2nd plane. I'd taught them enough the previous 2 years. USS Cole, embassy bombings, along with broad threats.

What warnings were evident during the 7 months of the Bush administration that were not evident during the eight years of the Clinton administration?

Where was Issa, his rope and match and his mob when Bush ignored multiple 9-11 warnings and instead went after Saddam who had no WMDs and was not an immediate threat and 3,000 died on 9-11 and 6,000 more in the Iraq based on lies. But now he want to hang and burn everyone in the Obama administration because 4 people died in Libya and based no more than what Foxnews as reported?
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld has been found guilty of war crimes and where was Issa and his mob?
NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes
Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized - Business Insider

O'Neill faced political opposition from members of the Clinton Administration, who ignored his reports and warnings. On many occasions he was denied funding for his frequent trips to the Middle East to investigate leads on terrorist groups. On several trips, he paid for his own expenses -- plane fare, hotel accommodations, etc. -- in order to wage his one man war against terrorism.

9/11 anniversary: Remembering the man whose warnings America ignored - National public safety | Examiner.com


O'Neill faced political opposition from members of the Clinton Administration, who ignored his reports and warnings. On many occasions he was denied funding for his frequent trips to the Middle East to investigate leads on terrorist groups. On several trips, he paid for his own expenses -- plane fare, hotel accommodations, etc. -- in order to wage his one man war against terrorism.

9/11 anniversary: Remembering the man whose warnings America ignored - National public safety | Examiner.com


Dude you obviously did not read his links he posted.Clinton and Bush were both equally involved in 9/11 as his links prove and so do yours. Why do you expect him to listen to read your links when you wont even read his? He is right and so are you.
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