Bush..GAFFE? British embassy in Tehran is NOT the "English embassy"!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President Obama said this afternoon that he is “deeply disturbed by the crashing of the English embassy”

In case the president is unaware, England forms part of Great Britain, which also includes Scotland and Wales, though not Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. There is no such thing as an “English” embassy anywhere in the world, and there hasn’t been one for several centuries.

Sequestered News - Did Obama Make Another Gaffe? Calls British Embassy ?English? Embassy

Gotcha!!! You Bush bashers... YOUR smartest President doesn't seem to know ENGLAND is Part of Great Britain!!!
President Obama said this afternoon that he is “deeply disturbed by the crashing of the English embassy”

In case the president is unaware, England forms part of Great Britain, which also includes Scotland and Wales, though not Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. There is no such thing as an “English” embassy anywhere in the world, and there hasn’t been one for several centuries.

Sequestered News - Did Obama Make Another Gaffe? Calls British Embassy ?English? Embassy

Gotcha!!! You Bush bashers... YOUR smartest President doesn't seem to know ENGLAND is Part of Great Britain!!!

Don't you know by know that this is ok????? It doesn't matter to the left how many gaffes obama makes, they will all have very good excuses why it happened then continue on with bashing Bush for all his. I'll sit back now and wait with you for the circus to start... :)
Just one more brick he has dropped over the years. ANd not an important one. But he keeps doing this on a regular basis. He campaigned on the concept that he wouldn't be as bad at annoying the rest of the world with this kind of stupid as Bush was.

Bush would have received a weeks worth of 24 hour coverage over this. That is also a stupid. It is worth noting he does this almost every time he opens his mouth and move on. There is more important stuff.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dat Ammerjabberjob is the one who's behind it...
Attack on UK embassy in Iran 'had support of the state'
2 December 2011 - The ruling regime in Iran are likely to have supported an attack on the UK's embassy in Tehran, the British ambassador to the country has said.
Dominick Chilcott told the BBC Iran was a country in which such action was taken only "with the acquiescence and the support of the state". Hundreds of protesters attacked the UK embassy in Tehran on Tuesday. Diplomats working at the Iranian embassy in London left Britain on Friday afternoon after being expelled. The Iranian diplomats flew out of Heathrow on a chartered Iran Air flight and Iran's official news agency is reporting that they are now back in Tehran. Their expulsion was ordered by Foreign Secretary William Hague after the British embassy in Tehran was stormed on Tuesday. Iran said it regretted the incident, which it described as "unacceptable behaviour by a small number of protesters".

But Mr Chilcott, the newly appointed British ambassador to Iran, told the BBC's Gavin Esler the attack was likely to have had state backing. He said: "Iran is not the sort of country where spontaneously a demonstration congregates and then attacks a foreign embassy. That sort of activity is only done with the acquiescence and the support of the state. "And there are a number of reasons why, with the benefit of hindsight, it's very clear that this was a state-supported activity." He also said some within Iran's ruling regime may have underestimated the British response. "The risk is that certain people in the regime who liked the idea of confrontation, because they felt it would rally people to the flag, miscalculated how strong the response would be," said Mr Chilcott. "They probably didn't expect us to send home the Iranian embassy in London and, reading between the lines, you can see in the way they have responded to that move, some remorse in having provoked it. I think that might apply more generally too," he added.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg told the BBC's Sarah Rainsford the UK's relationship with Iran had "taken a very serious knock". He said: "Something really bad happened when the Iranian authorities allowed those people to overrun our embassy compounds, and it is quite right that we have been very clear in our response - as have many other European countries who have withdrawn their ambassadors for consultations. "It doesn't mean we're cutting off all diplomatic relations with Iran. It doesn't mean we are in any way lessening our determination to try to find a diplomatic solution to the nuclear question, which is immensely important to Europe and the whole world, and we will continue to work tirelessly to find a negotiated solution."

On Wednesday, Mr Hague told MPs: "If any country makes it impossible for us to operate on their soil, they cannot expect to have a functioning embassy here." The foreign secretary said there had been "some degree of regime consent" in the attacks on the embassy and on another UK diplomatic compound in Tehran. He also said all UK diplomatic staff in Tehran had been evacuated and the embassy closed.

'Hasty' move

See also:

Iranian diplomats leave U.K. after expulsion
2 Dec.`11 – All Iranian diplomats in London left on a chartered airplane Friday, expelled by the U.K. government in retaliation for attacks on the British Embassy in Tehran.
They left Heathrow Airport in the afternoon, the Foreign Office said, and the roughly two dozen diplomats and their dependents will be welcomed back at Tehran airport, according to Iran's semiofficial Fars news agency. Iran's relations with Britain have become increasingly strained in recent months, largely due to tensions over Tehran's refusal to halt uranium enrichment — a process that can lead to the development of nuclear weapons. Images broadcast around the world Tuesday showed demonstrators tearing down British flags and brandishing a looted picture of Queen Elizabeth II at the embassy compound in Tehran. The incident has deepened Iran's isolation and significantly escalated tensions with the West.

Britain's ambassador to Iran, Dominick Chilcott — now back in Britain — said the experience had been "frightening." "We had no idea how it was going to end," he said, describing how the mob trashed rooms, damaged furniture, scrawled graffiti and tore up a portrait of Queen Victoria, as staff took shelter in a secure area of the embassy. "It felt like very spiteful, mindless vandalism, but it wasn't quite mindless," Chilcott said. They removed anything that was electronic — mobile telephones personal computers … anything that might give information about who you were talking to or what you were doing." He said seven staff at a separate residential compound that was also attacked were seized and "quite roughly handled" by the invaders.

In response to the attack, British Foreign Secretary William Hague on Wednesday ordered the Iranian diplomats to leave within 48 hours. Hague also pulled Britain's diplomats out of Iran following the embassy attack and backed new sanctions on the Islamic republic. At least four other European countries, including Germany and France, also moved to reduce diplomatic contacts with Iran. Hague has said the attacks were "clearly premeditated" by high-ranking officials, but claimed there were "divisions within the Iranian regime" about the move. Chilcott said he believed the violence was connected to moves by Iranian hard-liners including parliament speaker Ali Larijani to bolster their standing within the regime. He said that in Iranian politics, "you can do yourself a lot of good by bashing the Brits."

Iran's government has criticized the attacks, but hard-liners have spoken out in support of the protesters. Mohammad Mohammadian, a representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised the attackers, saying they had targeted the "epicenter of sedition." As the deadline for the Iranian diplomats approached, about 20 protesters gathered outside the Iranian Embassy in London to demonstrate against the regime in Tehran. Shouting "terrorists, terrorists, must go," the protesters — many from the London Green Movement which campaigns against Iranian human rights issues — stood in front of flags reading "Free Iran."


How dare you criticized Him, the Great One, the Savior, the Almighty Barack Hussein Obama.

OF COURSE he meant "English" as in....like...you know...they speak English inside there, not Arabic, so since he is so much more wordly than you, of course, he being familiar with Arabic cultures knows they refer to certain buildings as "English" because they speak English.....so, like, they refer to Embassy.....they are like "English".......see how much smarter he is than you racists??!!
I hope the British......I mean English.....I mean United Kingdomians are not too offended

They might decide to attack America again......I mean the United States
President Obama said this afternoon that he is “deeply disturbed by the crashing of the English embassy”

In case the president is unaware, England forms part of Great Britain, which also includes Scotland and Wales, though not Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. There is no such thing as an “English” embassy anywhere in the world, and there hasn’t been one for several centuries.

Sequestered News - Did Obama Make Another Gaffe? Calls British Embassy ?English? Embassy

Gotcha!!! You Bush bashers... YOUR smartest President doesn't seem to know ENGLAND is Part of Great Britain!!!

Why is OBAMA disturbed?

You don't remember the Carter Administration--where 50 American hostages were held by radical Iranian maniacs for 1-1/2 years--when Iran took over the American embassy in the 1970's.

What did Obama really believe that they have had a change of heart since then---:lol::lol:
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Obama will discuss the issue tomorrow at breakfast over a British Muffin.
Obama will discuss the issue tomorrow at breakfast over a British Muffin.

I am not certain what this thread has to do with BOOOOSH--because we haven't had an embassy in Iran since the Carter administration?

Went way over your head didn't it?

A) Obama called it the English Embassy! For the smartest President ..stupid!
B) If that had BEEN BUSH, the MSM would be saying "how stupid"!
C) And for you to even comment???
Del says "get a life".

Yeah. As if he never paid attention to Palins "Russia from my house" comment. Or any of the other gaffs by GOP reps.

Look away folks. Nothing to see here. His Brilliance, Barack Obama, simply made what appears to be a gaff, but what is actually a new way to label the English Embassy according to cultural observances that are just too far over our petty minds to grasp. Just trust His wisdom. It is vast and deep, and we should not even try to grasp it. All Heil President Obama!

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