Bush Charges Kerry With Campaign Crimes


Aug 28, 2003
New York
WASHINGTON – President Bush's campaign and the GOP on Wednesday accused Democrat John Kerry's campaign of illegally coordinating political ads and get-out-the-vote activities with independent groups.

The Bush campaign and Republican National Committee said they would file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission accusing Kerry and pro-Kerry groups of violating a campaign law that broadly bans the use of "soft money" - corporate, union and unlimited individual donations - to influence federal elections.

The Bush campaign and GOP say that pro-Kerry groups are illegally spending soft money in the presidential race, and that Kerry's campaign is illegally coordinating that spending. The groups have contended they are operating legally.

Groups such as MoveOn.org Voter Fund and Media Fund, which work on behalf of Democrats but independently of the Kerry campaign, have been running ads this month criticizing Bush in several battleground states. Kerry, too, has been airing ads in key states, but on a much smaller scale.

The coordination complaint is the second the Bush campaign has filed against the groups.

The campaign in early March asked the FEC to investigate soft-money spending by Media Fund on anti-Bush ads. Media Fund, using large individual donations to fund its ads, argues its activities are legal.

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I didn't have the chance to read the website but is the same sort of deal that Howard Stern went through - does anyone remember he was running for some sort of office and was told he could not use his airways as means of promoting himself....is this the same thing?
All I know is I have heard interviews with the owner of and have heard radio spots for move-on.org, and I know all about sorros.

Sorros is one of the most influential non-office holding socialists you ever knew and is downright evil to the core.

Move on is knee deep in this by their own past admissions in public on radio.

If this is illegal, they should be hung by their toenails.
I've seen stuff on this. These guys are runnig a anti-Bush campaign through moveon and other PAC's. These PAC's are chaired by people who have very deep ties to the DNC. the party running Kerry. that is one hope skip and a jump away from the Kerry campaign. a little close for comfort.

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