Bumbling Biden promises to re-raise taxes on the poor with Obamacare mandate tax.


Pro-American Patriot
Jan 28, 2019
Realville, USA
Biden vows to bring back Obamacare's individual mandate penalty for not having insurance

This isn't just politically stupid... It's just plain stupid.

This Obamacare tax was designed specifically to punish low income Americans that couldn't afford the crappy Obamacare mandated plans that they couldn't afford to use even if they had them.

It was to Trump's shame that he didn't eliminate it on day 1 of his Presidency, but at least he did finally undo that disaster.
Who needs ObozoCare when Biden can cure cancer???


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Biden vows to bring back Obamacare's individual mandate penalty for not having insurance

This isn't just politically stupid... It's just plain stupid.

This Obamacare tax was designed specifically to punish low income Americans that couldn't afford the crappy Obamacare mandated plans that they couldn't afford to use even if they had them.

It was to Trump's shame that he didn't eliminate it on day 1 of his Presidency, but at least he did finally undo that disaster.

Most people don't know that the mandate and tax were repealed because you still had to pay the fine for your 2018 returns. Next year (when you file your 2019 returns) you will see that savings if you were being fined in the past.

The timing should work out perfect with the election coming up. Trump should bring up that savings if Biden is actually the nominees, which of course I doubt.
Sigh. I keep hearing but not Biden-if not him, then who?

Maybe somebody that's not as confused as Biden. He recently made the statement that Russian meddling would have never happened under his administration or DumBama's. Well WTF does he think was in charge during the 2016 elections?

Joe is more confused than a baby at a topless bar. We can't put our country in his hands.
biden is a Tards Tard....

Dumb Ass on top of Dumb Ass...….
Biden vows to bring back Obamacare's individual mandate penalty for not having insurance

This isn't just politically stupid... It's just plain stupid.

This Obamacare tax was designed specifically to punish low income Americans that couldn't afford the crappy Obamacare mandated plans that they couldn't afford to use even if they had them.

It was to Trump's shame that he didn't eliminate it on day 1 of his Presidency, but at least he did finally undo that disaster.

Most people don't know that the mandate and tax were repealed because you still had to pay the fine for your 2018 returns. Next year (when you file your 2019 returns) you will see that savings if you were being fined in the past.

The timing should work out perfect with the election coming up. Trump should bring up that savings if Biden is actually the nominees, which of course I doubt.
/—-/ I think Old Joe is the warm up act for Manchella or Hildabeast’s last minute nomination.
Biden vows to bring back Obamacare's individual mandate penalty for not having insurance

This isn't just politically stupid... It's just plain stupid.

This Obamacare tax was designed specifically to punish low income Americans that couldn't afford the crappy Obamacare mandated plans that they couldn't afford to use even if they had them.

It was to Trump's shame that he didn't eliminate it on day 1 of his Presidency, but at least he did finally undo that disaster.

Most people don't know that the mandate and tax were repealed because you still had to pay the fine for your 2018 returns. Next year (when you file your 2019 returns) you will see that savings if you were being fined in the past.

The timing should work out perfect with the election coming up. Trump should bring up that savings if Biden is actually the nominees, which of course I doubt.
/—-/ I think Old Joe is the warm up act for Manchella or Hildabeast’s last minute nomination.

I don't think she's ever coming back; at least not in that capacity. Even if she wanted to, her party would never support her.

Appearance and showmanship are what the Democrat constituents thrive on. So if they are going to back a female, it would be Tulsi by a long shot.
Sigh. I keep hearing but not Biden-if not him, then who?

Maybe somebody that's not as confused as Biden. He recently made the statement that Russian meddling would have never happened under his administration or DumBama's. Well WTF does he think was in charge during the 2016 elections?

Joe is more confused than a baby at a topless bar. We can't put our country in his hands.
That is a head scratcher.
Anybody notice how Biden keeps referring back to his high school days and pretending he was a badass? He more likely was the guy who often got his ass kicked in high school.


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