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Buh-Bye, Chairman Liz Cheney!

This is why I say Trumpers are in a cult.....

On the policies, Liz Cheney is 95% in line with the same bullshit policies, Conservatives have pushed for the past 30 years....which is how she rose up to be the 3rd ranking Republican....these same bullshit policies were also passed under Trump......

Trumpers do not give a fuck about POLICIES; they care about POLITICIANS and PERSONALITIES and believing those politicians hate the same people they hate...

So Liz is no hero because she did the bare minimum and decided not to back a fascist insurrection attempt.....
You say a lot of things . . . mostly batshit crazy things.
They're either avoiding the whole thing, exposing themselves only to what MAGA media gives them (as usual), or they're just fine with what happened.

And they call themselves "patriots". For what country?
Hey, Mac1958, Biff_Poindexter, and Penelope let's all take it a bit easier. What do you say, guys? ;) See post #20.
You say a lot of things . . . mostly batshit crazy things.
Refute a single thing I said or shut the entire fuck up...

She voted 92 to 95% of the time with everything Trump advocated for.....which was basically everything Conservatives have advocated for for the last 30 to 40 years...

She voted for the same tax cuts and deregulation that Republicans always push...including Trump..
She supports cuts to Medicare and Social security that Republicans always push...including Trump..
She voted to strip away healthcare from millions of Americans; same thing that Republicans always push...including Trump..

The only reason dumb asses like you turned against her is because she had a gag reflex and refused to suck off Trump to the extent you are....in other words, you have more bitch in you than Liz Cheney does
She and you obviously agree, might I suggest that you keep a close eye on her career. She's about to get her ass handed to her...
She's toast. Stick a fork in her.
Refute a single thing I said or shut the entire fuck up...

She voted 92 to 95% of the time with everything Trump advocated for.....which was basically everything Conservatives have advocated for for the last 30 to 40 years...

She voted for the same tax cuts and deregulation that Republicans always push...including Trump..
She supports cuts to Medicare and Social security that Republicans always push...including Trump..
She voted to strip away healthcare from millions of Americans; same thing that Republicans always push...including Trump..

The only reason dumb asses like you turned against her is because she had a gag reflex and refused to suck off Trump to the extent you are....in other words, you have more bitch in you than Liz Cheney does

You blew a gasket.
But I bet you won't refute a single thing I said tho......

and the fact remains, you have more BITCH IN YOU than she does...but most cucks do
Note the time on this post compared to your blown-gasket post: #20.

Which came first, your chickenshit faggot talk about my supposed ignorance of Cheney's voting record or my nicely gathered eggs about Cheney's conservatism?

You got nothin' on me, Loman
Well, if you notice....some of the most depraved folks always throw around the word freedom, patriot, liberty -- for example, the white supremacists that were arrested a couple of weeks ago in the back of a UHaul -- they called themselves "Patriot Front" -- there is a reason why these folks try to name themselves Patriot This, Freedom That.....

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" - Samuel Johnson 1775
The ironic thing is, I don't think most of the poor souls don't know what they're asking for.

They sure as hell don't have a solid grasp of world history.
Thank God for strong, determined, straight forward, fearless women! He put them where they were needed most, in a time of troubles.... and great delusion! :(

The world would be different today, if it were not for Speaker Pelosi......her not taking shit from Crooked Donald restrained his full desire of lawlessness, and Liz Cheney who chose the path of truth and her oath before God, to the constitution, over her career and over her beloved Party and their desire for power, over their oath of office.

3 Cheers for women! They were the Dragon Slayers!

Hip hip hooray!!!!! ;):D
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History will be very kind to Liz Cheney.

Being rejected by a cult is a positive thing.
I expect her to get enough democrat votes to hang on to her seat
I expect her to get enough democrat votes to hang on to her seat
There aren't any democrats in Wyoming....well, not enough to make a difference in her race....70% of Wyoming voted for Trump...I think that was more than any other state!
Liz Cheney has been voting Democrat

Cheney was more loyal to Trump’s agenda than Stefanik was. But Trump only cares about loyalty to him.​

House Republicans are preparing to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) from the No. 3 Republican position in the House and replace her with Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.). Why? Is Stefanik more conservative than Cheney? No, Cheney has an 80 percent lifetime rating with Heritage Action for America compared with a 48 percent rating for Stefanik.

Well, did she vote more loyally with President Trump? No, Cheney voted with Trump 92.9 percent of the time, while Stefanik voted with Trump just 77.7 percent of the time.
Indeed, Stefanik steadfastly opposed key elements of the Trump agenda. She voted against Trump’s singular legislative achievement — his 2017 tax reform bill — and against making his tax cuts permanent. She voted to block Trump from withdrawing from the Paris climate accords. She voted to condemn Trump for calling on the courts to invalidate the Affordable Care Act. She voted to overturn Trump’s emergency declaration at the southern border so he could fund the border wall, and then voted to override Trump’s veto of a bill that reversed his emergency declaration. Trump calls Cheney a “warmongering fool” who wants to “fight ridiculous, endless wars,” but Stefanik voted with Cheney to oppose Trump’s withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria.

I commented on her chances of getting reelected

Personally I hope she loses
Because any Repub who has the audacity to call out Don for his traitorous behavior must be purged from the POT, Party of Trump.

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