Bucket List.

Lots of things, but one I dream about a lot is going on a European castle tour.
Sky Diving.
been there. done that. I have 69 minutes of freefall time and I may go for my D license.

Most fun you can have while wearing pants!

But I want to get south of the equator someday. Been as far south as 18 degrees. Puerto Rico.

Do they still perform the Neptune ceremony for equator virgins?
See a Bush/Palin ticket for 2102 before I die.
Eighty eight years from now? I'll be enriching the soil by then!

LOL morphine tends to cause dyslexic finners.

I will be darned lucky to make it to the 2012 primaries.
Sing it, sister! 2012? Hell! If I don't make it to 2016, there's no one left to pay off the home equity loan and my brother will have to take the hit as executor of my estate.
I wanna see Nancy Pelois's titties.............

If I can convince her to flash her jugs - we will have freedom for the next 100 years...

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