Brutal School Beating Teacher Does NOTHING!

Yet that outcome is tragic because unless the student wants to homeschool prior to that incident, whose life has now been majorly impacted the victim or the perpetrator? Whose life should be majorly impacted following that event? The violent student should be expelled. Not suspended. She’s the type that would do better in an alternative program where they’re typically much more strict. Students have their last strike if they fight in local alternative programs. “End of the road” after alternative can still lead to obtaining a GED if student pursues it.
I was that violent. Probably more so. I once beat a girl unconscious because I didn't like the way she said hello. I attacked teachers, students, anyone who got in my way. I finished school on an independent study program.
And you know what the worst part is? Often times the kid defending themselves will get punished instead of the bully. It's as if they expect your child to get beat up.

That's where the fight training comes in. Had the girl being beaten had the presence to open her eyes, she would have seen that she could have easily reached down and hooked the attacker's leg with her arm behind the knee, then stood up lifting the girl while grabbing one of her hands. Then, now holding the girl off the floor prone, helpless, behind her back, simply fallen over backwards on top of the girl with the girl under her, making it look like she fell losing her balance while driving the attacking girl down on top of one of the nearby desks breaking her fall! And probably the desk.

With a little acting, she could have feigned the victim lucky to get out of it falling off balance and the other girl might have spent a few days at home recovering in bed awaiting assault charges.
Was that before or after you started drinking heavily?
While waiting for a response from tough girl tipsy cat lover, I will take the opportunity to elaborate about how much I despise female bullies.

So, a subsequent question to you tipsy cat lover, are you still the same way in lacking control of your impulses, or did you get on the right meds to resolve your chemical imbalance?
That's where the fight training comes in. Had the girl being beaten had the presence to open her eyes, she would have seen that she could have easily reached down and hooked the attacker's leg with her arm behind the knee, then stood up lifting the girl while grabbing one of her hands. Then, now holding the girl off the floor prone, helpless, behind her back, simply fallen over backwards on top of the girl with the girl under her, making it look like she fell losing her balance while driving the attacking girl down on top of one of the nearby desks breaking her fall! And probably the desk.

With a little acting, she could have feigned the victim lucky to get out of it falling off balance and the other girl might have spent a few days at home recovering in bed awaiting assault charges.
Yes! It is so important for girls to take self-defense courses and women too! I need a refresher course as I just have been alerted that tipsy cat girl is a former (presumably) thug lol
Was that before or after you started drinking heavily?
I never drank and I never took any drugs. Frankly I was afraid that if I ever lost control I'd never get it back.

It's called Intermittent Explosive Disorder. It's something you grow out of, more or less. It never goes completely away.
I never drank and I never took any drugs. Frankly I was afraid that if I ever lost control I'd never get it back.

It's called Intermittent Explosive Disorder. It's something you grow out of, more or less. It never goes completely away.
It’s amazing to me that you could grow out of something that is labeled with the word “explosive” in it. I’ll have to take your word for it. Oh hold up, you said it never goes away, so that’s not really true that you grow out of it.
While waiting for a response from tough girl tipsy cat lover, I will take the opportunity to elaborate about how much I despise female bullies.

So, a subsequent question to you tipsy cat lover, are you still the same way in lacking control of your impulses, or did you get on the right meds to resolve your chemical imbalance?
I never took meds either. I can't say I ever bullied anyone. I never spoke to anyone in school. They got in my way and got flattened.
I never bullied anyone physically unless I was bullying my bullies but that's simply called self-defense. Emotionally I was a pretty bad bully making a bunch of empty threats,.. but I had a really bad childhood when it comes to dealing with bullies myself, so hopefully it's easy to see where it came from even though it doesn't excuse it.
Yes! It is so important for girls to take self-defense courses and women too! I need a refresher course as I just have been alerted that tipsy cat girl is a former (presumably) thug lol
Any fighting program specializing in soft and hard, and redirecting force (such as aikido) is great for women. But as to tipsycatlover, what's your beef? Why do you care how she lived as a girl long ago? I see nothing personal in it.
Any fighting program specializing in soft and hard, and redirecting force (such as aikido) is great for women. But as to tipsycatlover, what's your beef? Why do you care how she lived as a girl long ago? I see nothing personal in it.
Thank you for calling me out on this TF. I was wrong that TCL’s first reply meant it was her choice to be a bully. Subsequent post she gave me had the medical information I needed to know. Then, I realized I went overboard.

Yes, a medical condition switches it up. From what I’ve just read this condition affects many people, a low percentage but still a great number. Side question- are lawyers abusing IED in court to get violent offenders who don’t have it off?
I’m just surprised it isn’t used more often as a legal defense, at least I’ve never heard of it.

To further answer you: I’ve seen many girls bullied during my formative years and as an adult, so my beef stems from that. I’ll admit I’m sexist with my opinion about those who choose to bully. All bullying is wrong, but I can tolerate a male bully easier than I can a female bully. Why? I guess because I’m a female I expect more from other females? Idk… could be I’m thinking that no mother should ever be a former bully because how do you shut that light switch off just because you’re older? Do you really “grow out” of being a bully or just reach different stages of it?

I know adults who try to bully others to get their way, how about you? I don’t like it. As adults, if somebody wants a job they have to act right in order to get paid, but on their off time they can start fights in bars on a nightly basis. Destroying private property deserves a strong penalty imo, smashing somebody’s face in deserves more. Appropriate consequences for app actions, according to age. Intent of the offender also helps to determine the extent of outcome.
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Thank you for calling me out on this TF. I was wrong that TCL’s first reply meant it was her choice to be a bully. Subsequent post she gave me had the medical information I needed to know. Then, I realized I went overboard.

Yes, a medical condition switches it up. From what I’ve just read this condition affects many people, a low percentage but still a great number. Side question- are lawyers abusing IED in court to get violent offenders who don’t have it off?
I’m just surprised it isn’t used more often as a legal defense, at least I’ve never heard of it.

To further answer you: I’ve seen many girls bullied during my formative years and as an adult, so my beef stems from that. I’ll admit I’m sexist with my opinion about those who choose to bully. All bullying is wrong, but I can tolerate a male bully easier than I can a female bully. Why? I guess because I’m a female I expect more from other females? Idk… could be I’m thinking that no mother should ever be a former bully because how do you shut that light switch off just because you’re older? Do you really “grow out” of being a bully or just reach different stages of it?

I know adults who try to bully others to get their way, how about you? I don’t like it. As adults, if somebody wants a job they have to act right in order to get paid, but on their off time they can start fights in bars on a nightly basis. Destroying private property deserves a strong penalty imo, smashing somebody’s face in deserves more. Appropriate consequences for app actions, according to age. Intent of the offender also helps to determine the extent of outcome.

Most bullies do so out of innate insecurities. I was an egghead geek as a kid so got picked on too for a while until one day I discovered the secret that stops all bullies in their tracks. The cool thing is that after that, they want to be your friend. :SMILEW~130:
Most bullies do so out of innate insecurities. I was an egghead geek as a kid so got picked on too for a while until one day I discovered the secret that stops all bullies in their tracks. The cool thing is that after that, they want to be your friend. :SMILEW~130:
I weighed 98 pounds in high school and was glad I was not a target of a bully in school. I was also shy around older kids who in my mind looked like full-grown adults, many at 16.

So come on now TB, what’s the secret to get bullies to become your friend!? Not that I want any bullies to become my friends or anything:p Is it insincere compliments or perhaps hard, illicit drugs?
I am sorry to have gone overboard TCL. Because of your condition it separates the behavior from being intentional, a choice to act or not act. From what I’m reading your condition removes the choice factor.
You know you might be right. There have been times I made the decision to get into a fight. Sometimes it just happens. My last episode was years ago. I was living in Los Angeles. I went to get gas and the gas station beggars just came at me. I turned into a maniac and scared the crap out of them. Then my son said I should not be living in Los Angeles. It wasn't safe. So I moved to quiet Orange county. Aside from a leaning toward sadism, I've been pretty good for many years.

I would never harm an animal. Just people.
You know you might be right. There have been times I made the decision to get into a fight. Sometimes it just happens. My last episode was years ago. I was living in Los Angeles. I went to get gas and the gas station beggars just came at me. I turned into a maniac and scared the crap out of them. Then my son said I should not be living in Los Angeles. It wasn't safe. So I moved to quiet Orange county. Aside from a leaning toward sadism, I've been pretty good for many years.

I would never harm an animal. Just people.
And never hurt yourself tipsy. I’m right with you on the animals:)

I came back to add that it sounded like in the example you gave that you were basically defending yourself, at least that was in part your perception of being approached by a group all at once. You might’ve even anticipated that it was going to happen before it did that boosted your adrenaline rush to fight instead of flight.
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Most bullies do so out of innate insecurities. I was an egghead geek as a kid so got picked on too for a while until one day I discovered the secret that stops all bullies in their tracks. The cool thing is that after that, they want to be your friend. :SMILEW~130:
Goodness. I never bullied anyone. I never teased anyone or picked on anyone. I never belonged to a clique. Needless to say I made no friends. I didn't have a friend until I was 13 and out of formal school.
I'd like to see what triggered this girl to pummel that other girl. I mean is this bully mentally deranged? What could that girl have done to trigger such a violent beating? Also, were there no one about to stop this other than the marshmellow teacher?

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