Brutal Ad from VoteVets

That’s military veterans, not veterinarians, for the feeble minded and the trolls.

This is more brutal than the Lincoln Project ads.

Best leftwing progressive faux military conservative anti-Trump fake ad I've ever seen. Yeah, lets worry about what NAME we call a military base now just because a couple centuries ago, Americans who dared disagree about the direction of the country and dared to fight for their beliefs to follow them on their own, lost instead of won.

In a way, the Confederates did nothing different then than BLM and all these rioters are doing now. Both disagreed about the direction of the country and fought or are fighting to pursue their beliefs.
That’s military veterans, not veterinarians, for the feeble minded and the trolls.

This is more brutal than the Lincoln Project ads.

Actually its more STUPID (not brutal). President Johnson exonerated all of the Confederates of treason way back in 1868. Leftard Hero Jimmy Carter finished the job by restoring President Jeff Davis' citizenship in the 1970's. Why would these "vote vets" think that veterans or any other Americans would be disinterested in reconciling with our fellow Americans about something that happened more than 150 years ago?

It seems like breaking this country apart and reopening old wounds is Sleepy Joe's strategy

Not sleepy Joe's strategy. This is exactly the strategy of Mao Tse Tung used in China's cultural revolution.
Trump must be seriously eroding into the black vote which the democrat Party has taken for granted and suddenly realized they can not currently replace with Illegals

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
Its one of the hardest of all insults to absorb, black's pissing on republicans and the white American's who make up the majority of that party, and swinging 95% or more of the time with the very slavers republicans banded together around and killed by the hundreds of thousands in failed attempt at freeing the black man! I believe Malcolm X was about as right as is humanly possible when he told his community the truth about the slavers masquerading as their liberal democratic party friends! We tried to help them, we coughed up 200,000 dead in the process, its time blacks help themselves and break their dependence upon the chains democrats have fashioned about their minds in the way of welfare handouts, and instead take "extended hand-up" from their republican neighbors....
Eventually, the rioters will want their own States and when the Republicans take the House or Senate, all Federal aid to those States will be cut off.
That’s military veterans, not veterinarians, for the feeble minded and the trolls.

This is more brutal than the Lincoln Project ads.

Actually its more STUPID (not brutal). President Johnson exonerated all of the Confederates of treason way back in 1868. Leftard Hero Jimmy Carter finished the job by restoring President Jeff Davis' citizenship in the 1970's. Why would these "vote vets" think that veterans or any other Americans would be disinterested in reconciling with our fellow Americans about something that happened more than 150 years ago?

It seems like breaking this country apart and reopening old wounds is Sleepy Joe's strategy

Not sleepy Joe's strategy. This is exactly the strategy of Mao Tse Tung used in China's cultural revolution.

Fair enough, although the old plagiarist will still expropriate the Chi-com
strategy and claim it as his own.
That’s military veterans, not veterinarians, for the feeble minded and the trolls.

This is more brutal than the Lincoln Project ads.

Sooooo what is the Left Wing standard for the removal of names and monuments?
What else do they want to censor?
Washington Monument?
Jefferson Memorial?
FDR statues?
Kennedy statues?
Lincoln Memorial?
The removal of statues and names is really about Left Wing cultural agression.

They want to censor everything they don't like and in particular pander to lazy ass blacks.

There it is.
Democrats just don't get it. Robert E. Lee was an American. George Pickett was an American. Jefferson Davis was an American. Braxton Bragg was an American. Nathan Bedford Forrest was an American. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was an American. They wanted what was best and what was right for the people in their American states. So now Democrats say Americans fighting for what is right is a bad thing?
Aldrich Ames is an American. Robert Hanssen is an American. We don’t put up statues celebrating their treason.
Democrats just don't get it. Robert E. Lee was an American. George Pickett was an American. Jefferson Davis was an American. Braxton Bragg was an American. Nathan Bedford Forrest was an American. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was an American. They wanted what was best and what was right for the people in their American states. So now Democrats say Americans fighting for what is right is a bad thing?
Aldrich Ames is an American. Robert Hanssen is an American. We don’t put up statues celebrating their treason.

The confederates were all rehabilitated and reconciled with.

Why do you think its a good idea to fight the War of Northern Aggression again?
Not because of this. Because of trump.
Uh huh. You hold your breath.
Whatever happened to Obama Gate? Trump plays you for fools.

That’s military veterans, not veterinarians, for the feeble minded and the trolls.

This is more brutal than the Lincoln Project ads.

/----/ How fu***ng stupid. If Americans want to celebrate democRATs who fought to preserve slavery, who are we to say no?
That’s military veterans, not veterinarians, for the feeble minded and the trolls.

This is more brutal than the Lincoln Project ads.

/----/ How fu***ng stupid. If Americans want to celebrate democRATs who fought to preserve slavery, who are we to say no?

Were those Democrats liberals or conservatives?

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