Brothers Who Killed Ethan Liming, Stomped on His Chest, Broke His Neck and Took His Car Acquitted of Involuntary Manslaughter Charges


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Some things are just so outrageous it bedevils the mind to try and understand how any human beings could committ such evil and even more so how the people on the jury could fail their obgligations to society.

It is a sad commentary on our society that we see such miscarriages of justice so often in cases where the defendants are a is a reflection I think on how so many have been misled by our schools in particular but also by the media and the entertainment industry into believing that if your skin is a certain color you are excused way too often for outrageous criminal behavior to the extreme.

Blacks can't commit crimes, and black scum killing some white kid is fine with Democrat, it's their party platform, second only to legalizing faggots raping little boys. I'm shocked that OP would imply otherwise. Now Boedica will alert the FBI and stuff and you go on a terrosit watch list.
So a jury of Democrats
Some things are just so outrageous it bedevils the mind to try and understand how any human beings could committ such evil and even more so how the people on the jury could fail their obgligations to society.

It is a sad commentary on our society that we see such miscarriages of justice so often in cases where the defendants are a is a reflection I think on how so many have been misled by our schools in particular but also by the media and the entertainment industry into believing that if your skin is a certain color you are excused way too often for outrageous criminal behavior to the extreme.

So Liming and some of his friends were riding around and shooting folks with soft pellet guns, which caused a confrontation and a fight broke out. Is that true?

The Akron Police Department held a news conference Wednesday afternoon to provide and update on the death of Ethan Liming, a 17-year-old senior at Firestone Community Learning Center who was savagely beaten to death last week near the I PROMISE School.

According to Akron Police Chief Stephen Mylett, Liming arrived at the parking lot with several other individuals in a car.

"Shortly after their arrival, they got out of the vehicle, and at least two members of occupants of the vehicle started discharging what we know now to be a SPLATRBALL Water Bead Blaster gel gun. They started discharging it at the direction of four individuals who were playing basketball on the basketball court. The four individuals on the basketball court started running away, and it appears that two of the occupants of the vehicle started running in their direction. Moments later, two occupants of the vehicle are seeing trotting back to their vehicle. The four people who had been on the basketball court are also seen running in the direction of the vehicle in the parking lot. A confrontation occurs. Ethan Liming is assaulted, and a fight ensues. At the conclusion of it, Ethan Liming is dead," Mylett said.

So the black kids were on the court minding their own business and the white kids roll up and start shooting gel gun pistols at them, which means it was the white kids who started this confrontation. Am I correct?
I join all decent human beings in expressing the deepest condolences to the victim's family and friends.

The victim was wrong to intervene in the situation.

A wise person should always run in the opposite direction whenever he sees a disturbance involving members of ethnicity X.

It is impossible to reason with them.

Of course, if the two murderers had been Caucasian and the victim a member of ethnicity X, the media would be screaming bloody murder at the acquittal, and President Biden would be on national TV lamenting the unfair treatment of ethnicity X.
I join all decent human beings in expressing the deepest condolences to the victim's family and friends.

The victim was wrong to intervene in the situation.

A wise person should always run in the opposite direction whenever he sees a disturbance involving members of ethnicity X.

It is impossible to reason with them.

Of course, if the two murderers had been Caucasian and the victim a member of ethnicity X, the media would be screaming bloody murder at the acquittal, and President Biden would be on national TV lamenting the unfair treatment of ethnicity X.
The so called victim and his friends set this confrontation in motion or did you like the OP just ignore that part.
Thank you for adding context to this, it is missing in a lot of these "news" reports, and creates confusion and bad feelings. I do think it is not unintentional by the press, though, and done to generate emotion when the facts aren't sensational enough. The jury hears all of it, usually, and we have to trust them to do the right thing or it all collapses.
So a jury of Democrats

So Liming and some of his friends were riding around and shooting folks with soft pellet guns, which caused a confrontation and a fight broke out. Is that true?

The Akron Police Department held a news conference Wednesday afternoon to provide and update on the death of Ethan Liming, a 17-year-old senior at Firestone Community Learning Center who was savagely beaten to death last week near the I PROMISE School.

According to Akron Police Chief Stephen Mylett, Liming arrived at the parking lot with several other individuals in a car.

"Shortly after their arrival, they got out of the vehicle, and at least two members of occupants of the vehicle started discharging what we know now to be a SPLATRBALL Water Bead Blaster gel gun. They started discharging it at the direction of four individuals who were playing basketball on the basketball court. The four individuals on the basketball court started running away, and it appears that two of the occupants of the vehicle started running in their direction. Moments later, two occupants of the vehicle are seeing trotting back to their vehicle. The four people who had been on the basketball court are also seen running in the direction of the vehicle in the parking lot. A confrontation occurs. Ethan Liming is assaulted, and a fight ensues. At the conclusion of it, Ethan Liming is dead," Mylett said.

So the black kids were on the court minding their own business and the white kids roll up and start shooting gel gun pistols at them, which means it was the white kids who started this confrontation. Am I correct?
You could be correct about the white kids being the cause of the fight

But the savage beating of the white kid deserves long prison sentences even if the jury didnt see it that way

However they heard all the evidence and I didnt

So I defer to their decision
So the black kids were on the court minding their own business and the white kids roll up and start shooting gel gun pistols at them, which means it was the white kids who started this confrontation. Am I correct?
From what I have read up;

Ethan, with a European friend and two Negro friends - were up for teenage mischief and targeted a group of Negros
Ethan got beaten up by three Negros - so far, nothing unusual, or out of order - at least to me

When Ethan's friend's tried to help him and bring him to their car (still alive) the 3 Negros didn't like it - returned, chased away Ethan's friend's and then savagely killed him - with a Negro female looking on.

Obviously you find it okay for three Negros to savagely kill an injured person - as "retribution" for some teenage mischief/prank !!
The black thugs were scum, period. obviously vicious sociopaths, and of course the usual mob of thug fans here approve.
From what I have read up;

Ethan, with a European friend and two Negro friends - were up for teenage mischief and targeted a group of Negros
Ethan got beaten up by three Negros - so far, nothing unusual, or out of order - at least to me

When Ethan's friend's tried to help him and bring him to their car (still alive) the 3 Negros didn't like it - returned, chased away Ethan's friend's and then savagely killed him - with a Negro female looking on.

Obviously you find it okay for three Negros to savagely kill an injured person - as "retribution" for some teenage mischief/prank !!
Where did you read that at? Storefront.

What's that bullshit you clowns say, "Play stupid games, get stupid prizes."
The so called victim and his friends set this confrontation in motion or did you like the OP just ignore that part.
The Moon Bats say that Kyle Rittenhouse could have avoided the confrontation he was in if he had just stayed at home.

If these Blacks had been at home taking care of their families or doing math homework or maybe working so they wouldn't be on welfare they could have avoided the confrontation.
Hmmm, but the whites who set this in motion were just white, all American boys.

you're full of shit. Teenagers get in fights all the time. Feral Hiood Rats think that means murder is legal and 'normal', as you obviously do. This is just another black hate crime, period. They singled out the white kid, which is why you got a woody and are holding a pep rally for the little scum.
Unlike you I can read and know how to use links given in an article by the OP.

You didn't answer my question/statement:

Obviously you find it okay for three Negros to savagely kill an injured person - as "retribution" for some teenage mischief/prank !!
No I don't think it's OK for anyone to murder someone else.

See that's the problem with idiots like you, make excuse for white kids.
No I don't think it's OK for anyone to murder someone else.
Okay - next time state this first - instead of ranting racist idiotic Negro remarks
See that's the problem with idiots like you, make excuse for white kids.
See the problem is that the savage killers/murders were NEGROS - only a racist Negro like you will bring in "excuse for white kids" into this discussion that is about THREE NEGROS beating an injured European-American to DEATH.
Okay - next time state this first - instead of ranting racist idiotic Negro remarks

See the problem is that the savage killers/murders were NEGROS - only a racist Negro like you will bring in "excuse for white kids" into this discussion that is about THREE NEGROS beating an injured European-American to DEATH.

These racist vermin could care less. They're sociopaths.

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