Britain has lower crime...because police don't report them....that's a nice solution to crime...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Looks like Britain is still hiding their crime rate by having their officers simply not report them accurately....

A million crimes reported by public left out of police figures - Telegraph

Almost a million crimes a year are disappearing from official figures as chief constables attempt to meet targets, a study by the police watchdog has disclosed.

Its report exposed “indefensible” failures by forces to record crime accurately, and said that in some areas up to a third of crimes are being struck out of official records.

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary said violent crimes and sex attacks were particularly vulnerable to being deleted under “inexcusably poor” systems.

Although the report stopped short of accusing police of widespread “fiddling” it said there was an “undercurrent of pressure not to record a crime across some forces” and “wrongful pressure” by managers.

So that is how they do it....makes you wonder what their true crime rate is and if they would be able to keep complaining about guns in the U.S. if they actually had to report all of their violent crime against innocent....disarmed....citizens in their own country....

t means violent criminals and even rapists are not investigated, potentially allowing offenders to strike again.
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In all, the report estimated 800,000 crimes reported by the public every year are wiped out of official figures.

Overall, almost a fifth of crimes failed to appear in the figures for England and Wales, the inspectorate concluded, but in some forces the proportion was as high as a third. Overall, police failed to record a quarter of rapes and a third of violent crimes across England and Wales.

About one in five “no crimes” was unjustified, including more than 200 rapes and 250 violent assaults that were deleted from the official figures. The inquiry, commissioned by Theresa May, the Home Secretary, involved inspectors listening in to 8,000 calls to police by the public. Inspectors made their own decisions about what should be recorded as a crime and what should not, according to strict rules set out by the Home Office.

They then compared their conclusions with what was actually recorded by police in relation to the 8,000 calls and found far too few crimes were being logged in the official figures. The overall official figures for the period covered showed 3.7 million offences.
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The rapes and violent assaults go unreported as long as it is Pakistani or other Muslim men doing it. Britain wouldn't want to be considered "Islamophobic", you know.

At some point, I'm hoping a child will appear to point out that the multiculturalist emperor has no clothes, but it does not appear that the U.K. is ready for that quite yet.
The rapes and violent assaults go unreported as long as it is Pakistani or other Muslim men doing it.



Or did you simply make that up?

You need to keep up on things. You have some very serious deficiencies in your ability to understand how things work.

If Rotherham didn't teach you anything, nothing will.

Your political correctness is a disease, and you are clinging to it as do people to the most fundamentalist of fundamentalist religions.
Dogmaphobe -

Yeah, just the evidence to back up your claim will be fine, thanks.

I'm not really interesting in hearing about what you learned on the terraces at Millwall.
Yeah, just the evidence to back up your claim will be fine, thanks.

I'm not really interesting in hearing about what you learned on the terraces at Millwall.

I'm sure you are quite uninterested in anything that would shake your very dogged faith.

and this is precisely why Europe will be unrecognizable in 50 years.
Dogma -

Ok, so you made the claim up. In actuality, it has no basis in reality.

I figured as much.

I did not invent Rotherham, nor did I invent the the multiculturalist mind set responsible for it.

If you had one millionth the concern for the British children who were offered up as sacrifices as you do your lock step politically correct defense of the perps, the world would be a much better place, indeed.
This is the effect of politically correct police work...

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

While the majority of perpetrators were known to be Asian or of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[28] One Home Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns with senior police officers in 2002 over the level of abuse, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[29] The researcher told BBC Panorama that:

...she had been accused of being insensitive when she told one official that most of the perpetrators were from Rotherham's Pakistani community. A female colleague talked to her about the incident. "She said you must never refer to that again – you must never refer to Asian men. "And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues."[14]
The report noted that the police showed lack of respect for the victims, who were deemed "undesirables".[29]
Billc -



And you wonder why people don't take your posts seriously?

Can the average British citizen own a gun for the specific purpose of self defense? No. Can the average British citizen carry a gun for the specific purpose of self defense? No.

They have been disarmed....


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