Bristol's fiance has 'secret ex-wife'

Getting elected is a popularity contest. It doesn't qualify you for anything (don't forget that one of Hillary's so called accomplishments is she is the most travelled Sec of State) how you perform the job is what determines your competency and Sarah quit the job before her term was over. I understand that she was under constant attack, but that doesn't matter. She quit. That is a non starter in my opinion.

Maybe if you looked into what happened to your "non-starter" you'd know the Governor of Alaska at that time had to pay for their own defense against lawsuits. The left quickly buried her in nuisance-suits until she and Todd were $500,000 in debt with no other way out but to resign before they were bankrupt. Then the left chortled that she'd "quit". You're the kind of GOPer who loses us elections by being an elitist dick.

they never cared to find out. She wasn't a Career Politician like Hillary, or some magical black man like Obama who BOTH has lied right in our face and blows smoke up our asses on top of it
your word salad posts, interspersed w/ rw code words, is fascinating
Libtards still scared of the plains, how funny.

The "plains".

Finally, a rabid RW gets it right.

Fact is, no one would pay any attention to this bunch of trailer trash if $arah wasn't constantly pushing herself into the headlines. You know what they say -- no such thing as bad publicity. Although, their drunken crashing an innocent neighbor's party should have been very bad.
The Rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains.
Palins, sometimes spellcheck sucks.
Getting elected is a popularity contest. It doesn't qualify you for anything (don't forget that one of Hillary's so called accomplishments is she is the most travelled Sec of State) how you perform the job is what determines your competency and Sarah quit the job before her term was over. I understand that she was under constant attack, but that doesn't matter. She quit. That is a non starter in my opinion.

Maybe if you looked into what happened to your "non-starter" you'd know the Governor of Alaska at that time had to pay for their own defense against lawsuits. The left quickly buried her in nuisance-suits until she and Todd were $500,000 in debt with no other way out but to resign before they were bankrupt. Then the left chortled that she'd "quit". You're the kind of GOPer who loses us elections by being an elitist dick.

She could have asked for, and no doubt received, money from donors to fight the accusations. As it is, she quit and her good name has not been cleared. If she was innocent of the charges, she could have destroyed those who were "persecuting" her and her family. She could have counter sued and at the end of the day, were she victorious, she would have owned everything her attackers had.

That's a fact.
She could have asked for, and no doubt received, money from donors to fight the accusations. As it is, she quit and her good name has not been cleared. If she was innocent of the charges, she could have destroyed those who were "persecuting" her and her family. She could have counter sued and at the end of the day, were she victorious, she would have owned everything her attackers had.

That's a fact.

Not even close...nuisance-suits are dismissed, not counter-sued which would be even more expensive. The woman who brought most of the suits was destitute even if Sarah could have gotten relief from the courts. You might remember this is Alaska we're talking about....not exactly overflowing with rich benefactors to help out a political figure.
She could have asked for, and no doubt received, money from donors to fight the accusations. As it is, she quit and her good name has not been cleared. If she was innocent of the charges, she could have destroyed those who were "persecuting" her and her family. She could have counter sued and at the end of the day, were she victorious, she would have owned everything her attackers had.

That's a fact.

Not even close...nuisance-suits are dismissed, not counter-sued which would be even more expensive. The woman who brought most of the suits was destitute even if Sarah could have gotten relief from the courts. You might remember this is Alaska we're talking about....not exactly overflowing with rich benefactors to help out a political figure.

Absolutely untrue. She could have sued them for defamation of character and absolutely owned them were their accusations found to be specious.
Absolutely untrue. She could have sued them for defamation of character and absolutely owned them were their accusations found to be specious.

Public figures rarely if ever win defamation suits....your ivory tower must not have windows, eh?

If their claims were as specious as Palin claims, she would have absolutely crushed them. You must not have believed her either.
Getting elected is a popularity contest. It doesn't qualify you for anything (don't forget that one of Hillary's so called accomplishments is she is the most travelled Sec of State) how you perform the job is what determines your competency and Sarah quit the job before her term was over. I understand that she was under constant attack, but that doesn't matter. She quit. That is a non starter in my opinion.

Maybe if you looked into what happened to your "non-starter" you'd know the Governor of Alaska at that time had to pay for their own defense against lawsuits. The left quickly buried her in nuisance-suits until she and Todd were $500,000 in debt with no other way out but to resign before they were bankrupt. Then the left chortled that she'd "quit". You're the kind of GOPer who loses us elections by being an elitist dick.

Oh good grief.

The incompetent and corrupt twit got caught in her lies.

If their claims were as specious as Palin claims, she would have absolutely crushed them. You must not have believed her either.

You didn't know the story behind the Palin resignation and now want to deflect your ignorance to're losing that too.

As usual, you're wrong. I mentioned the lawsuits in my first post. You really should learn how to read posts fully before making a fool of yourself. It's too late in this instance but consider it friendly advice for the future.
As usual, you're wrong. I mentioned the lawsuits in my first post. You really should learn how to read posts fully before making a fool of yourself. It's too late in this instance but consider it friendly advice for the future.

I been on these boards a lot longer than you have, got your dice in a vice all by yourself.
Bristol Palin's wedding CALLED OFF: Sarah Palin announces cancelled nuptials in Facebook post days after ex-Marine groom's 'secret ex-wife was revealed'
  • The former vice presidential candidate said Monday that planned barbecue would still happen but the wedding is off
  • A friend of groom Dakota Meyer's former wife, Cassandra Wain, said recently the couple 'realized it was a mistake' to get married in 2008
  • She said in a Facebook post to Meyer that they had 'remained civil' and she didn't understand why he was trying to hide the marriage
Sarah Palin took to Facebook on Monday to reveal that her 24-year-old daughter Bristol will not be wed to ex-Marine Dakota Meyer this coming Saturday as previously planned.

News of the nixed nuptials comes just days after accusations emerged that 26-year-old Meyer had covered up a 'secret wife' he married at 19 and soon divorced.

The former vice presidential candidate did not give a reason for the cancellation. However, Mrs. Palin did say a celebration would still be held on May 23.


Bristol and Dakota couldn’t be more thankful for the love and support of family and friends over the past months while preparing for their wedding. They have informed loved ones that unfortunately the announced celebration planned for May 23 will not be held. Many friends and family still look forward to getting together that day in Kentucky anyway – and the Palins and Meyers are happily looking forward to still being at "the old Kentucky home" on May 23 to celebrate life, in general! Family members and close friends know they are welcome to share a great bar-b-que on the farm that day. All involved, especially Dakota, Bristol and Tripp, and their parents and grandparents, thank supporters for the love they've expressed.

And friends, please see Bristol's message clearing up rumors that tabloids salivate over:

'Regarding salacious headlines in recent days about “secret wives”, Dakota and I discussed our past relationships prior to our engagement. Dakota was legally divorced years ago, as any good reporter could and should have disclosed to readers. As usual, false stories and dramatically written headlines begging controversy should be disregarded, and we have faith that our privacy will be respected at this time by those with decency. Thank you! – Bristol'

-Sarah Palin

Source: Facebook

Read more: Bristol Palin s wedding CALLED OFF Sarah Palin announces cancelled nuptials in Facebook post days after ex-Marine groom s secret ex-wife was revealed Daily Mail Online
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So what?

Why would this matter so much that he would lie about it?

Needless to say, I wish the couple every happiness.

As for $imple $arah, if she really wanted their privacy respected, she would have announced this on Facebook.

I just don't get what the big deal is.

Dakota married, then divorced. I am not so sure what is so secret about it.

But I agree, if Sarah Palin really doesn't want her family's privacy to be intruded upon, why in the fuck did she post this crap on facebook?

I just don't get what a scandal this is supposed to be. Why should this cause a marriage to be called off....
A possible reason is: The Palins belong to a fundamentalist, evangelical church who likely frown on divorces. To marry a divorced man might not be accepted.
A possible reason is: The Palins belong to a fundamentalist, evangelical church who likely frown on divorces. To marry a divorced man might not be accepted.

Another possibility is that leftist queers planned to disrupt the ceremony same as would have happened to Ross Perot's daughter's wedding. A good parent won't let their child suffer from their own vile enemy's tactics.
Nothing gets past Luddly....
I guess that's what happens when you spend your day trolling the net for stuff to post here.

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