Brilliant liberal idea actually "stinky".


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
This is classic...............really. Only a city like SanFransisco or other city with a large majority of liberals could come up with this level of genius............

Low-flow toilets cause a stink in SF
Phillip Matier,Andrew Ross
San Francisco Chronicle February 28, 2011 .

San Francisco's big push for low-flow toilets has turned into a multimillion-dollar plumbing stink.

Skimping on toilet water has resulted in more sludge backing up inside the sewer pipes, said Tyrone Jue, spokesman for the city Public Utilities Commission. That has created a rotten-egg stench near AT&T Park and elsewhere, especially during the dry summer months.

Low-flow toilets cause a stink in SF

Its the old adage, "but the intentions were good" often do people have to see idea's like this fall flat on their face? Like the genius "slow down the subway" crusades back in the 1970's. Too many homeless people were getting run over by trains in American cities and the liberal politicians in plces like New York came up with the idea to slow down the subways from 70mph to 55mph. What happened? The subway was so slow tens of thousands took to taking their cars to work and the deathtoll on the freeways skyrocketed in the early 80's!!
Ha! I love it. Shit always flies back in liberals' faces.

It's like those fucking "water saver" showers that you have to shower twice as long in. Thus, saving nothing.
At least liberals have ideas. The only ones conservatives have are those they stole from liberals.
Let's assume for a second the thread poster is saying a truth statement. My question then is what is the source for the statement? How does he define liberal? If this is a truth, can we all agree on its veracity? And can the tread poster confirm with secondary sources the truth? Obviously no, so instead we must arrive at the conclusion the poster is A: Stupid B: a Fool C: Unlearned D: Wasting time E: all of the above.

"Politics, ideology, and power matter more than metaphysics to most advocates of construction analyses of social and cultural phenomena. Talk of construction tends to undermine the authority of knowledge and categorization. It challenges complacent assumptions about the inevitability of what we have found out or our present ways of doing things." Ian Hacking 'The Social Construction of What'
At least liberals have ideas. The only ones conservatives have are those they stole from liberals.

But they never seem to think through the consequences.

Even something so simple as the fact that a sewage system designed to work optimally with a specific water flow might not work as well if the water flow is drastically reduced cannot be fathomed.

I don't think that particular idea had anything to do with liberal or conservative ideas. Rather the fact that many US cities are running out of usable water, period. But addressing that fact seem a bit beyond the capacity of most of the dingleberries on this board.
I don't think that particular idea had anything to do with liberal or conservative ideas. Rather the fact that many US cities are running out of usable water, period. But addressing that fact seem a bit beyond the capacity of most of the dingleberries on this board.

Doesn't SF sit by an ocean?

Ever hear of "de-salinisation" (-1sp)?

They went with the "feel good" regulation and skimped on the math.
I don't think that particular idea had anything to do with liberal or conservative ideas. Rather the fact that many US cities are running out of usable water, period. But addressing that fact seem a bit beyond the capacity of most of the dingleberries on this board.

Libbies are the ones pushing to pass laws forcing people to user CFLs, low flow showers and toilets etc.

They just don't ever seem to think ahead.

sewers designed decades ago to work within certain parameters (like required water volume) cannot just have a new set of variables thrown into the engineering and still be expected to work.

I am glad I have my own well and septic system so none of you busybodies can tell me what kind of shower head or toilet I have to use.
The best paid plans of mice and men oft times go astray.

Clearly the only solution is for San Franciscans to not give a shit.

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