Brilliant GOP "no leader" tactic


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm pasting my response from another thread because it's a good one. The critique was that the GOP has no leader, thus dooming it to lose to Obama. This is a pure tactic, and a brilliant one: Focus the target of our voters, blur the focus of theirs. Guerrilla warfare- voting style!

"Right now, for the GOP, YES it is (smart to not have a leader). See, unlike libtards, conservatives are independent and don't want feet to bow and worship. Our movement is a personal one. It's about the individual, not the savior. Providing a declared leader right now would be wrong, because it would send the message that we need to adhere to and become like this person. As Obama zombies have done.

The right is playing this perfect. Let our people figure out on their own who we are, what we believe in. Let individuals express themselves without being told by a savior what to do or think. This also gives the left a less defined target.

And THAT is the brilliance of what the right is doing. By not providing a defined target, the left is simply targeting the mass of individuals, like the tea party, and like the pro-border crowd. The more the ignorant left targets the masses, instead of a "leader", the more fuel they add to the movement on the right. See the brilliant tactic this provides? The left is desperately in attack mode, and their only targets are PRIVATE citizens, such as the Tea Party people, Limbaugh, Beck, but NO particular politician. Even Palin is now a private citizen. That is a brilliant political tactic, creating an us vs them mentality. Not a our guy vs their guy mentality.

Because criticizing "our guy" is a lot less personal than criticizing "us". Right now, the right feels the attacks from the left as an attack on "us" because we have no leader. And the masses are growing angrier and more motivated as a result. You lefties have no idea how much of a trap you've walked into.

So, let MSNBC and the left keep harping that the GOP had no leader. Then, follow that with yet another attack on the masses of the right. Keep criticizing the whole group, calling the movement racist, xenophobic, ignorant. Keep using that broad brush. It's fueling a massive backfire.

Whereas the right's attacks are squarely focused on Obama. Which you lefties take less personal, because it's "him", not "you all" that we are attacking. And when voting time comes around, our masses have an exact opponent, Obama, to vote against, while you guys are a bit less offended, and a bit less focused on any individual target but rather just a movement. Voter apathy will result on the left, assuming that your savior will win because "They GOP has no leader".

At that point, it won't matter. The left will have angered the masses so much, they'll vote for any generic conservative only to defeat Obama, while the left will not have a specific target (as the idea of W. Bush was in 08) to motivate them to get out and vote against.

Brilliance on the GOP's part, and you guys are walking right into it."
Very true. You throw out Palin or Huckabee as a name and they swarm like mosquitos.
Republicans don't need leader. At least for now. Republicans need only wait for Dems to make mistakes. Since US is democratic nation, we all know Reps have to succeed :) .
The right is playing this perfect. Let our people figure out on their own who we are, what we believe in. Let individuals express themselves without being told by a savior what to do or think. This also gives the left a less defined target.
I disagree...They're not that smart.

What they're doing is blundering into the situation, like they did in 1994.

The bad news is that if they don't find a credible and convincing front man (or woman) soon after they are given power by default, they'll end up with another establishment opportunist (like Newt Gingrich) stealing and misdirecting the thunder again.
The only time I've noticed the Republicans and Democrats having a leader is when they either (1) have a President in office or (2) a nominee for President. The advantage of the party out of power is that all competing factions are united by their goal of getting the current guy out of office. The interesting part is which faction will emerge with their candidate as the nominee and how that's met by others in the party and by us political independents?
Republicans had a leader, albeit figuratively, with Reagan.

Right now, they have no such figurehead...And giving the repubs the power in congress (all but a foregone result) this fall will most likely end up giving a squishy sellout DC insider dweeb, like John Boehner, the reins.
Brilliant GOP "no leader" tactic

The GOP certainly is "brilliant." The Grand Old Party is directly responsible for allowing wacko Leftists like Obama, Pelosi and Reid to gain power. Maybe in 2012, more GOP failures will allow a Communist to be elected President.
The right is playing this perfect. Let our people figure out on their own who we are, what we believe in. Let individuals express themselves without being told by a savior what to do or think. This also gives the left a less defined target.
I disagree...They're not that smart.

What they're doing is blundering into the situation, like they did in 1994.

The bad news is that if they don't find a credible and convincing front man (or woman) soon after they are given power by default, they'll end up with another establishment opportunist (like Newt Gingrich) stealing and misdirecting the thunder again.

This is already happening to the Tea Partiers.
GOP needs a leader, hell the country needs a leader. We certainly don't have one right now.

GOP needs someone to come from the back of the pack and take the reins.
The GOP doesn't need to pick a leader now, they can watch the presidential debates and see who wins. Wow, what a novel idea, let the voters decide instead of the MSM.
The GOP doesn't need to pick a leader now, they can watch the presidential debates and see who wins. Wow, what a novel idea, let the voters decide instead of the MSM.

They already did.
You forgot to mention that only 6% of scientists self-identify as republicans, dickweed! :lol::lol::lol:

I'm pasting my response from another thread because it's a good one. The critique was that the GOP has no leader, thus dooming it to lose to Obama. This is a pure tactic, and a brilliant one: Focus the target of our voters, blur the focus of theirs. Guerrilla warfare- voting style!

"Right now, for the GOP, YES it is (smart to not have a leader). See, unlike libtards, conservatives are independent and don't want feet to bow and worship. Our movement is a personal one. It's about the individual, not the savior. Providing a declared leader right now would be wrong, because it would send the message that we need to adhere to and become like this person. As Obama zombies have done.

The right is playing this perfect. Let our people figure out on their own who we are, what we believe in. Let individuals express themselves without being told by a savior what to do or think. This also gives the left a less defined target.

And THAT is the brilliance of what the right is doing. By not providing a defined target, the left is simply targeting the mass of individuals, like the tea party, and like the pro-border crowd. The more the ignorant left targets the masses, instead of a "leader", the more fuel they add to the movement on the right. See the brilliant tactic this provides? The left is desperately in attack mode, and their only targets are PRIVATE citizens, such as the Tea Party people, Limbaugh, Beck, but NO particular politician. Even Palin is now a private citizen. That is a brilliant political tactic, creating an us vs them mentality. Not a our guy vs their guy mentality.

Because criticizing "our guy" is a lot less personal than criticizing "us". Right now, the right feels the attacks from the left as an attack on "us" because we have no leader. And the masses are growing angrier and more motivated as a result. You lefties have no idea how much of a trap you've walked into.

So, let MSNBC and the left keep harping that the GOP had no leader. Then, follow that with yet another attack on the masses of the right. Keep criticizing the whole group, calling the movement racist, xenophobic, ignorant. Keep using that broad brush. It's fueling a massive backfire.

Whereas the right's attacks are squarely focused on Obama. Which you lefties take less personal, because it's "him", not "you all" that we are attacking. And when voting time comes around, our masses have an exact opponent, Obama, to vote against, while you guys are a bit less offended, and a bit less focused on any individual target but rather just a movement. Voter apathy will result on the left, assuming that your savior will win because "They GOP has no leader".

At that point, it won't matter. The left will have angered the masses so much, they'll vote for any generic conservative only to defeat Obama, while the left will not have a specific target (as the idea of W. Bush was in 08) to motivate them to get out and vote against.

Brilliance on the GOP's part, and you guys are walking right into it."

I pray you are not a strategist or tactical adviser for the GOP this fall, or it is doomed failure. Nearly fell out of my chair reading your drivel.

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