Breyer to Retire: Anita Hill Should Take His Place


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California

Hill is at least as qualified as Thomas (not to mention Lewis Powell). and her nomination would give Corporate Joe a chance to redeem himself for one of his many past blunders:

Anita Hill - Wikipedia

"In 1991, President George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas, a federal circuit judge, to succeed retiring Associate Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Senate hearings on his confirmation were initially completed[13] with Thomas's good character being presented as a primary qualification for the high court because he had only been a judge for slightly more than one year..."

"According to Hill, Thomas asked her out socially many times during her two years of employment as his assistant,[7] and, after she declined his requests, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects.[4][7]

"'He spoke about ... such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes,' she said, adding that on several occasions Thomas graphically described 'his own sexual prowess' and the details of his anatomy..."

"Four female witnesses reportedly waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[15][18] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee chair, Democrat Joe Biden."

Hill is at least as qualified as Thomas (not to mention Lewis Powell). and her nomination would give Corporate Joe a chance to redeem himself for one of his many past blunders:

Anita Hill - Wikipedia

"In 1991, President George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas, a federal circuit judge, to succeed retiring Associate Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Senate hearings on his confirmation were initially completed[13] with Thomas's good character being presented as a primary qualification for the high court because he had only been a judge for slightly more than one year..."

"According to Hill, Thomas asked her out socially many times during her two years of employment as his assistant,[7] and, after she declined his requests, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects.[4][7]

"'He spoke about ... such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes,' she said, adding that on several occasions Thomas graphically described 'his own sexual prowess' and the details of his anatomy..."

"Four female witnesses reportedly waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[15][18] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee chair, Democrat Joe Biden."


That would be excellent!

Hill is at least as qualified as Thomas (not to mention Lewis Powell). and her nomination would give Corporate Joe a chance to redeem himself for one of his many past blunders:

Anita Hill - Wikipedia

"In 1991, President George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas, a federal circuit judge, to succeed retiring Associate Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Senate hearings on his confirmation were initially completed[13] with Thomas's good character being presented as a primary qualification for the high court because he had only been a judge for slightly more than one year..."

"According to Hill, Thomas asked her out socially many times during her two years of employment as his assistant,[7] and, after she declined his requests, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects.[4][7]

"'He spoke about ... such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes,' she said, adding that on several occasions Thomas graphically described 'his own sexual prowess' and the details of his anatomy..."

"Four female witnesses reportedly waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[15][18] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee chair, Democrat Joe Biden."
That would be funny. :heehee: She could keep waving at Justice Thomas as they sit the bench.

Hill is at least as qualified as Thomas (not to mention Lewis Powell). and her nomination would give Corporate Joe a chance to redeem himself for one of his many past blunders:

Anita Hill - Wikipedia

"In 1991, President George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas, a federal circuit judge, to succeed retiring Associate Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Senate hearings on his confirmation were initially completed[13] with Thomas's good character being presented as a primary qualification for the high court because he had only been a judge for slightly more than one year..."

"According to Hill, Thomas asked her out socially many times during her two years of employment as his assistant,[7] and, after she declined his requests, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects.[4][7]

"'He spoke about ... such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes,' she said, adding that on several occasions Thomas graphically described 'his own sexual prowess' and the details of his anatomy..."

"Four female witnesses reportedly waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[15][18] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee chair, Democrat Joe Biden."
Just for sheer entertainment value.

"Hey Clarence, what's new? How's the wife?

I predict Kamala.
Who is on Biden’s shortlist to replace retiring Justice Breyer?

"...Biden could also take a page from President Ronald Reagan’s playbook.

"Reagan promised to nominate the first woman to the Supreme Court, but when a vacancy opened up early in Reagan’s presidency, women of all racial backgrounds were underrepresented on the federal bench, and conservative women who shared Reagan’s political views were especially underrepresented.

"So Reagan turned to state courts, appointing a mid-level Arizona appeals court judge named Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court.

"If Biden wishes to follow this model, he could pick someone like Justice Leondra Kruger of the California Supreme Court, who is considered to be another frontrunner for Breyer’s seat."
Who is on Biden’s shortlist to replace retiring Justice Breyer?

"...Biden could also take a page from President Ronald Reagan’s playbook.

"Reagan promised to nominate the first woman to the Supreme Court, but when a vacancy opened up early in Reagan’s presidency, women of all racial backgrounds were underrepresented on the federal bench, and conservative women who shared Reagan’s political views were especially underrepresented.

"So Reagan turned to state courts, appointing a mid-level Arizona appeals court judge named Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court.

"If Biden wishes to follow this model, he could pick someone like Justice Leondra Kruger of the California Supreme Court, who is considered to be another frontrunner for Breyer’s seat."
Trump was given a list. Biden will never see a list.
That would be funny. :heehee: She could keep waving at Justice Thomas as they sit the bench.
There were many details of Thomas's misogyny that were never aired thirty years ago, and there are far more instances of corruption by Clarence and his Tea-Party wife since that time that could result in impeaching "Long Dong" and giving Biden a second pick before next November.
Who is on Biden’s shortlist to replace retiring Justice Breyer?

"...Biden could also take a page from President Ronald Reagan’s playbook.

"Reagan promised to nominate the first woman to the Supreme Court, but when a vacancy opened up early in Reagan’s presidency, women of all racial backgrounds were underrepresented on the federal bench, and conservative women who shared Reagan’s political views were especially underrepresented.

"So Reagan turned to state courts, appointing a mid-level Arizona appeals court judge named Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court.

"If Biden wishes to follow this model, he could pick someone like Justice Leondra Kruger of the California Supreme Court, who is considered to be another frontrunner for Breyer’s seat."

I predict KamelToe Harris
Jim Clyburn might have given Corporate Joe a list with one name on it.
Neither Trump nor Biden should have been allowed within spitting distance of the White House.
Trump was elected because the media/hollywood and elites shit on half the population. They still are. And he was good for the country. Lost in this is he did ask for people to work with him in the beginning.

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