Brexit opinions - Adults vs Fantasists

Why does Cameroon like playing with fire? Is he so afraid of the ukip? The problem is that the uk has quite a number of morons, especially in the small business sector. One of them proudly bitched on tv, that his fish canning factory had to eat the cost of EU label regulations, but couldn't figure out how to find a new market for his fish if the EU stops buying it. I have no idea what the British will do when or if they realize that they asked to be in one cell with moron, way out of the canteen. Hehehe.
Cameron is a piece of shit. However he recognises that the Brexit argument is an immigration play that will ruin the British economy. Brexit is run by half wits who appeal to bigots. Cameron has had to sack most of its leaders for incompetence.

Cameron gave us our chance at a Referendum .. yet, bleats on about how catastrophic it'd be to leave the EU, having given the British people the power to arrange it !!

This makes no sense. NONE. It can only mean that Government scare tactics about Brexit can be, and should be, regarded as entirely worthless ... to be disregarded.
Financially and logically, the brexit is catastrophic though, even if the warnings against it sound like worthless propaganda. You don't want to be locked together with a bunch of serfs, do you?
He just wants to kick "darkies " out. Anything else is just scenery to disguise his xenophobic shite.

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