
The events that are public knowledge are so clear as to the corruption that those pretending that only a jury trial can allow the obvious conclusion, are self-identified as the political hacks….and I mean that in the dictionary sense of the term….

“Hack: A cheap, mediocre, or second-rate practitioner, especially in the fields of journalism and literature: a charlatan or incompetent.” Urban Dictionary: hack

….and such an individual should be held in the lowest repute.

Here, McCabe, Comey’s partner in crime:

“ In late spring 2016, just weeks prior to Comey’s July 5 press conference clearing Clinton of any crime, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe ordered FBI agents in New York to shut down their investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Their objections were overruled.

Sources have told me that McCabe also shut down an additional Clinton investigation. This is the McCabe who, while he was overseeing the Clinton email investigation, had a wife running for the Virginia State Senate and receiving more than $460,000 in campaign contributions from a longtime Clinton loyalist, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Moreover, it was only after the news of Clinton’s private server became public in The New York Times that McAuliffe recruited McCabe’s wife to run for office.

… Comey and his senior staff thought they had helped Clinton clinch the presidency. Their actions put an end to a decades-long tradition of non-political federal law enforcement.”
The Politicization of the FBI

Anything here in dispute?????

Then, neither is the assessment of criminal conduct of this cartel.

Know who you remind me of - I watched a little of her angry ass last night! :)

The events that are public knowledge are so clear as to the corruption that those pretending that only a jury trial can allow the obvious conclusion, are self-identified as the political hacks….and I mean that in the dictionary sense of the term….

“Hack: A cheap, mediocre, or second-rate practitioner, especially in the fields of journalism and literature: a charlatan or incompetent.” Urban Dictionary: hack

….and such an individual should be held in the lowest repute.

Here, McCabe, Comey’s partner in crime:

“ In late spring 2016, just weeks prior to Comey’s July 5 press conference clearing Clinton of any crime, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe ordered FBI agents in New York to shut down their investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Their objections were overruled.

Sources have told me that McCabe also shut down an additional Clinton investigation. This is the McCabe who, while he was overseeing the Clinton email investigation, had a wife running for the Virginia State Senate and receiving more than $460,000 in campaign contributions from a longtime Clinton loyalist, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Moreover, it was only after the news of Clinton’s private server became public in The New York Times that McAuliffe recruited McCabe’s wife to run for office.

… Comey and his senior staff thought they had helped Clinton clinch the presidency. Their actions put an end to a decades-long tradition of non-political federal law enforcement.”
The Politicization of the FBI

Anything here in dispute?????

Then, neither is the assessment of criminal conduct of this cartel.

Know who you remind me of - I watched a little of her angry ass last night! :)


As you were unable to dispute anything I posted in the OP.....

...I'll put you down as agreeing with it.

As you were unable to dispute anything I posted in the OP.....

...I'll put you down as agreeing with it.


Nah - I read your screeds long enough to get a chuckle and then move on. Debating you is like herding cats ;-)

Debate me?????


You know less than nothing.

Let's put it this way....I'm so far out of your league, I'm surprised you're not suffering from altitude sickness.
Debate me?????


You know less than nothing.

Let's put it this way....I'm so far out of your league, I'm surprised you're not suffering from altitude sickness.

So what you're saying is that you're so far above me that you suffer from oxygen depravation?

These are your people PC - enjoy them!

Debate me?????


You know less than nothing.

Let's put it this way....I'm so far out of your league, I'm surprised you're not suffering from altitude sickness.

So what you're saying is that you're so far above me that you suffer from oxygen depravation?

These are your people PC - enjoy them!


The OP irked you enough for you to slither out from under your five posts, not one disputed what brought you here.

Even you must recognize how inept you are.

What more proof than your posts is necessary to prove that all that's necessary here is the ability to fog a mirror....not a brain, not an IQ....
It looks like career bureaucrat drone Brennan is still determined to "overthrow the government". The 9-11 hijackers were Saudi and Brennan was station chief in Saudi Arabia when 9-11 happened. He should have been fired. The CIA hasn't gotten anything right since JFK illegally used the agency to raise an invasion army to attack Cuba. LBJ used the CIA to run the Vietnam conflict. How did that turn out? To add insult to injury the CIA turned on George Bush and accused the administration of "outing" socialite Valery Plame as a covert agent when it was journalist Robert Novak. Since there are no more secrets thanks to traitors and leakers in the CIA it's time to reorganize the agency.
Agree but shouldn't Sessions have recused himself ??
yes, he probably should have, or in the very least, he should have been FAIR and NOT made this political by following the President's tweet requests, and fired him at 10 pm at night on a Friday, 24 hours or so from his retirement, and waited for the full IG report to be completed and released and given McCabe the 6 months for his chance of due process to argue his side with the IG etc LIKE ALL OTHER gvt workers of his status have been given, BEFORE he fired him....

So he got fired in a screwed up way, so what? I mean McCabe is about to be implicated in a huge way in helping overthrow a surly elected president. Honestly, I would have cut the string closer to the wire and even let Andy think he got it in the bag before I cut the turd lose. I have zero sympathy for the so called man. Trump and his people never got a chance to argue their sides, well not until criminal charges were filed after they were destroyed financally anyway. It was okay for them, but some how McCabe deserves better? Why?
It's a bitch getting fired by a guy who sold steaks in the mail

Trump has done more for Americans in one year than Hussein did in eight.


But I still think he is a dick. That aside, what’s going on with all this investigation crap is evil.
evil?? Did you think that after years of investigating Clintons??
Brennan is an embarrassment. Now he says out loud that he thinks Putin has dirt on Trump.

He was Obama's CIA director, is he that clueless???

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