Breitbart News Chairman And Ben Carson Come To Agreement: It's Time To Investigate Obama's Past


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is good news. It's time to finally investigate and find out just who that boy is sitting in the white house with a Connecticut social security number ( a state he never lived in), sealed college admissions (which Trump offered him 50 million to unseal), and unreleased alleged Harvard Law Review articles that he supposedly edited. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has already confirmed document fraud established by a lengthy investigation into Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011, but it is not enough. Now, it is being reported the brand new established 'Barack Obama Foundation' is having serious trouble finding attested documentation and artifacts establishing Obama's past. That is troubling. It is most troubling.

Major: Breitbart News Chairman Says Maybe Time To Investigate Obama's Past; Dr. Carson Agrees - Birther Report

Shock: Barack Obama Foundation Seeks Help To Tell Obama’s Story; They Need Obama Artifacts - Birther Report
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Pres. Obama was sent to rescue America in a time of distress.

Appearing out of nowhere; with no an ancient prophet.

He saved our nation from disaster and set the country back on course.

And for that all American citizens should be grateful and not ask questions. ...... :cool:
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Most scrutinized president in history and they still have not found anything they can use.
The time for this was 7-8 years ago. The damage is done.

Unless destroyed (likely), his school records will eventually come out, whether hacked or stolen.

He knew they would destroy him, otherwise he would not have been so insistent they be hidden.

Whatever. The damage is done. By the time things are known he'll have a sheikdom somewhere.
Double standard? The media knew about Bill Clinton's world class philandering and his abuse of women but they circled the wagons around the Clintons instead of doing their duty. Thanks to the liberal media we knew every thing there was to know about George Bush and his education and even his daughters life and education. We knew practically nothing about Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's early life. Nobody ever saw his birth certificate and his school records are locked up in some vault. None of the liberal media cared to dissect his auto-bio or address allegations that it was ghost written by friend and political mentor and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. The media circled the wagons around Obama rather than doing their job. Here we are with another republican candidate and the media is busy taking apart his entire life. Double standard? You betcha.
Most scrutinized president in history and they still have not found anything they can use.

He is the least scrutinized President in history.... Everything is sealed. The birther movement was not started by right wingers. Do your homework and focus on root cause.
You are certain there must be a "smoking gun" somewhere and because this theoretical vindication of all your hatred has not been found you feel no one has looked hard enough.
This is good news. It's time to finally investigate and find out just who that boy is sitting in the white house with a Connecticut social security number ( a state he never lived in), sealed college admissions (which Trump offered him 50 million to unseal), and unreleased alleged Harvard Law Review articles that he supposedly edited. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has already confirmed document fraud established by a lengthy investigation into Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011, but it is not enough. Now, it is being reported the brand new established 'Barack Obama Foundation' is having serious trouble finding attested documentation and artifacts establishing Obama's past. That is troubling. It is most troubling.

Major: Breitbart News Chairman Says Maybe Time To Investigate Obama's Past; Dr. Carson Agrees - Birther Report

Shock: Barack Obama Foundation Seeks Help To Tell Obama’s Story; They Need Obama Artifacts - Birther Report
And.....please send money.
Most scrutinized president in history and they still have not found anything they can use.

He is the least scrutinized President in history.... Everything is sealed. The birther movement was not started by right wingers. Do your homework and focus on root cause.
You are certain there must be a "smoking gun" somewhere and because this theoretical vindication of all your hatred has not been found you feel no one has looked hard enough.

If there is not, why did he hide it?

Logic, boy. It comes in handy. Avail yourself of it.
Most scrutinized president in history and they still have not found anything they can use.

He is the least scrutinized President in history.... Everything is sealed. The birther movement was not started by right wingers. Do your homework and focus on root cause.
You are certain there must be a "smoking gun" somewhere and because this theoretical vindication of all your hatred has not been found you feel no one has looked hard enough.

Hatred??? I point out a fact that just about every record of the current president is sealed and that's somehow "hatred"?
Most scrutinized president in history and they still have not found anything they can use.

He is the least scrutinized President in history.... Everything is sealed. The birther movement was not started by right wingers. Do your homework and focus on root cause.
You are certain there must be a "smoking gun" somewhere and because this theoretical vindication of all your hatred has not been found you feel no one has looked hard enough.

If there is not, why did he hide it?

Logic, boy. It comes in handy. Avail yourself of it.
Trying to prove a negative is not logic. The time and place of his birth has been proven to the satisfaction of everyone except conspiracy loons like yourself who think that a cover-up has been ongoing since before Obama was born. Logic? You have no idea what that is.
Half a jury is not "everyone".

And no, not since he was born. His literary agent had him listed as Kenyan-born as recently as 2005.
Most scrutinized president in history and they still have not found anything they can use.

He is the least scrutinized President in history.... Everything is sealed. The birther movement was not started by right wingers. Do your homework and focus on root cause.
You are certain there must be a "smoking gun" somewhere and because this theoretical vindication of all your hatred has not been found you feel no one has looked hard enough.

Hatred??? I point out a fact that just about every record of the current president is sealed and that's somehow "hatred"?
You reactionary motherfuckers started hating on the man at first sight before he even won the nomination.
Half a jury is not "everyone".

And no, not since he was born. His literary agent had him listed as Kenyan-born as recently as 2005.
Go look for Bigfoot you might have better luck. The whole thing is fucking ludicrous. Dwelling on this shit totally diminishes any realistic policy disputes the teabaggers might have with this administration.
Half a jury is not "everyone".

And no, not since he was born. His literary agent had him listed as Kenyan-born as recently as 2005.
Go look for Bigfoot you might have better luck.

No need. He's the Secretary of State.
Our secretary of state is another good and honorable man that the right wing conspiracy machine manufactured an alternate history for and you just bought it like the gullible fool you are.

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