Breakthrough in fusion reactors

Fusion can be reality in 30-60 yrs
Humans won’t ever need anything else
I remember the fleischman pons cold fusion at the University of Utah and what a hoax that was.
Being a byu fan, we never let them forget it
I don't believe we will achieve fusion, its not a realistic target in the short term, we need to focus on existing resources and how to process them more efficiently, and get up to pace with capturing carbon and turning it into fuel
Keeping power, in all its forms, centralized is very good for control.
Solar panels will always be with us because it is energy capture that eliminates the Pimp. Those who don't care what they leave behind for others to deal with are the true psychopaths.
Solar panels will always be with us because it is energy capture that eliminates the Pimp. Those who don't care what they leave behind for others to deal with are the true psychopaths.
Leave behind solar panel and windmill waste that have no recycling budget. Plus, many raw material mines.

The sooner we get away from these, the better for future generations.

Breakthrough in fusion reactors​

Coal , wind, natural gas and fission is antiquated
Fusion would solve all of earths energy and it’s clean

I like Michio and all that but if you actually bothered to do the math, all the tokamak managed to produce is the energy of a 100 watt lightbulb for one second. The trick is to SUSTAIN the process longer than a fraction of a fraction of a second.
I don't believe we will achieve fusion

You could very well be right. Fission is infinitely easier because it is begun as a small chain reaction that grows and it cost us over 300 billion to develop it with our best minds!

Fusion is far harder because the only place and way it is known to occur is with the weight of 330,000 planet Earths pressing in upon 600 million tons of hydrogen PER SECOND.
Fusion would solve all of earths energy and it’s clean

Fusion can be reality in 30-60 yrs
Humans won’t ever need anything else

If we can get it t work, it certainly has a great deal of potential to make energy far more abundant and affordable than we can now imagine.

Getting a controlled, sustainable fusion reaction to take place, without having to put more energy into making it happen and keeping it contained has been the goal that has always seemed to be just an eyelash away, for longer than I've been alive.

So far the only way that we've been able to get much more out of a fusion reaction than what we have to put into it, ends up looking something like this:


Very impressive to see, but not terribly practical as a power source.

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