BREAKING: University of Missouri football team on strike until president resigns!! Over racism


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Missouri football players to boycott until president Tim Wolfe resigns

Wow. Craziness. Most of the Missouri Tigers football team is going on a strike/boycott until their demand of the school president resigns.....over claims he hasn't done enough about racial incidents. Some include racist graffiti on walls.

I'm not sure what they expect him to do....over the than kick whites off campus maybe. Not sure. Wonder how much of this is inspired from Ferguson down the road.

So...maybe Missouri is forfeiting the rest of their games????

Missouri was the 2013 and 2014 SEC East Division Champions.

This year....they're second from dead last in the conference.

Can't help but think their "cause" would be different if they were in 1st place.
Your expert case-by-case analysis of the incidents black students are protesting would be welcome.
Dear Leroy,

Stop demanding shit because no one owes you shit, pull up your pants and act like a human being, then maybe "racism" will go away, at least on the part of the (white) people you hate.

Otherwise keep killing yourselves. No one cares.

Your expert case-by-case analysis of the incidents black students are protesting would be welcome.
Is the university going to stop the credit cards the players get for free meals and clothes? Is it going to stop paying the player's rent/power/cell phone/internet connection/medical/dental/physio/transportation/walking around money' expenses? Not to mention 100% free tuition and books.
Or is the President going to get tossed under the bus so a bunch of negro thugs can go onto the piece of grass and attempt to murder each other legally?
Missouri football players to boycott until president Tim Wolfe resigns

Wow. Craziness. Most of the Missouri Tigers football team is going on a strike/boycott until their demand of the school president resigns.....over claims he hasn't done enough about racial incidents. Some include racist graffiti on walls.

I'm not sure what they expect him to do....over the than kick whites off campus maybe. Not sure. Wonder how much of this is inspired from Ferguson down the road.

So...maybe Missouri is forfeiting the rest of their games????

Missouri was the 2013 and 2014 SEC East Division Champions.

This year....they're second from dead last in the conference.

Can't help but think their "cause" would be different if they were in 1st place.


"Yer on a football scholarship. You ain't playin' football. Yer off the team. Bye."
Missouri football players to boycott until president Tim Wolfe resigns

Wow. Craziness. Most of the Missouri Tigers football team is going on a strike/boycott until their demand of the school president resigns.....over claims he hasn't done enough about racial incidents. Some include racist graffiti on walls.

I'm not sure what they expect him to do....over the than kick whites off campus maybe. Not sure. Wonder how much of this is inspired from Ferguson down the road.

So...maybe Missouri is forfeiting the rest of their games????

Missouri was the 2013 and 2014 SEC East Division Champions.

This year....they're second from dead last in the conference.

Can't help but think their "cause" would be different if they were in 1st place.


"Yer on a football scholarship. You ain't playin' football. Yer off the team. Bye."
And because you've never bothered to show up for the classes you'll be expelled from the university.
Say fucking goodbye to the camaro the university is paying the monthly lease costs on. You'll never even sit in a new camaro for the rest of your life. (Not you the poster LOL)
Your expert case-by-case analysis of the incidents black students are protesting would be welcome.

They don't even explain the incidents much themselves. Basically sounds like..."racism happens on campus so we want the president to resign".
Their coach fully supports them:

The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players. #ConcernedStudent1950 GP

9:39 AM - 8 Nov 2015

Coach Gary Pinkel (@GaryPinkel) on Twitter
So what's the coach going to do when he has no team to coach?
This should be good!
Either forfeit or play scrubs. But it's irrelevant. The President will either cave or resign.
Apparently you didn't bother to read the thread title.
The 'team' demands he resign.........fucking period. So what part in the narrative is where he "caves" moron?
You really need to lay off the juice this early.
If you think the university is going allow their President to resign because a bunch of negro thugs are demanding it you don't know universities.
It would set a precedent for every university in the country. No. the fucking football team and their coach just lost the biggest game of their lives.
Let any of these fucking negro thugs apply at any other university in the country and watch how many are fucking none!
What university would EVER accept a fucking racist negro?
Their coach fully supports them:

The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players. #ConcernedStudent1950 GP

9:39 AM - 8 Nov 2015

Coach Gary Pinkel (@GaryPinkel) on Twitter
So what's the coach going to do when he has no team to coach?
This should be good!

Easy. Gary Pinkel is known as one of the top 10-15 head coaches in college football. He would be among the top 5 candidates for just about any HC job in the South. If he wanted it...he'd be the new head coach at South Carolina making 4 million a year.

Missouri football needs Pinkel FAR more than he needs them. He took Missouri...a team with average to back SEC EAST championships and at one point a national #1 ranking in 2007.

He just has to stand by these idiots so.hes not labeled a racist and crucified by the National media. So...once he packs up and leaves Mizzou his new gig will be a good one.
Their coach fully supports them:

The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players. #ConcernedStudent1950 GP

9:39 AM - 8 Nov 2015

Coach Gary Pinkel (@GaryPinkel) on Twitter

Of course the coach does. How could he NOT!!?? His career depends on recruiting talented black players. Would he dare risk being labeled a racist coach? Career over if he didn't stand by them.
Or more likely, he agrees with them.
Missouri football players to strike, want removal of president for 'widespread racism;' Missouri responds

OH MY GOD THIS SHIT IS HILARIOUS!! These clowns have issued a "List of Demands"!!!


- President must "admit his white male privilege"!! HA!!
- Create retention strategies for blacks (aka....dont fail them)
- Create a board of trustees for racial issues on campus...comprised only of black students and staff

So these clowns were given FREE education, dorm, food, clothing, campus fame, NFL caliber workouts, etc etc etc....just because they're good at playing a game....and THEY are bitching about "white privilege"??

With thugs like this on the wonder they have gone from 2013/2014 SEC East SEC doormats in just 12 months!!

Accusing Missouri of racial intolerance. HA. THIS is the same campus that celebrated gay black player Michael Sam!
Their coach fully supports them:

The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players. #ConcernedStudent1950 GP

9:39 AM - 8 Nov 2015

Coach Gary Pinkel (@GaryPinkel) on Twitter


"Sorry Coach. No football team. Yer services are no longer needed. Bye."
Yeah the school will abandon the $60 million+ revenues their coach and team bring in every year.

Well, there is merit in the idea that schools drop all the extraneous bullshit like sports teams, and actually concentrate on education. Of course, all those inflated salaries would poof, and the Lefty profs would be consigned to living their actual worth.
Their coach fully supports them:

The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players. #ConcernedStudent1950 GP

9:39 AM - 8 Nov 2015

Coach Gary Pinkel (@GaryPinkel) on Twitter

Of course the coach does. How could he NOT!!?? His career depends on recruiting talented black players. Would he dare risk being labeled a racist coach? Career over if he didn't stand by them.
Or more likely, he agrees with them.

I doubt it. He probably doesn't have much opinion. College football coaches work 90 hour weeks and are on the road recruiting 6 months a year. They usually don't know much about anything that isn't happening on the grass.

He might. Might not. But he recruits black athletes for a living. He won't hurt his image by standing against them.

This does however GUARANTEE he will not be coaching at Missouri much longer. He's a top 15 caliber coach. He's gonna flee the Missouri shit hole for greener pastures.

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