Breaking News: Man That Exposed Dan Rather's False Documents Say Obama's BC A Forgery


May 29, 2010
This man ended Dan Rathers career. He has looked at Obama's document and thinks it's a forgery. This is not good for Obama and the White House has to be thinking 'What have we done'. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are fixing to witness the Obama regime implode just like Nixon did. This is worse than Watergate.

'Rathergate' expert doubts Obama's birth certificate

Joseph M. Newcomer, who exposed the "Killian documents" as fraudulent in 2004, has told WND the Obama birth certificate released by the White House April 27 is a "highly suspicious" document that deserves professional forensic examination.

"There is something deeply wrong here," Newcomer told WND. "There are artifacts in the birth certificate document that are strongly suggestive of a forgery. The document screams out that something is wrong."

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Actually, it's fantastic for the White House because it keeps you talking about this pointless issue that Obama can keep the nation distracted with while people are starving.
this is a good story. the campaign issue, which makes this politics, is "senator obama will you show the original as part of transparency ?" in '12

will jana winter get fired ?? did fox knowingly doctor the story ??
who is april blackman ?? why was she verbally attacking orly taitz at the courthouse yesterday ?? did george soros send that creepy painting he had commissioned of orly taitz, to taitz's children via email ??
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This man ended Dan Rathers career. He has looked at Obama's document and thinks it's a forgery. This is not good for Obama and the White House has to be thinking 'What have we done'. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are fixing to witness the Obama regime implode just like Nixon did. This is worse than Watergate.

'Rathergate' expert doubts Obama's birth certificate

Joseph M. Newcomer, who exposed the "Killian documents" as fraudulent in 2004, has told WND the Obama birth certificate released by the White House April 27 is a "highly suspicious" document that deserves professional forensic examination.

"There is something deeply wrong here," Newcomer told WND. "There are artifacts in the birth certificate document that are strongly suggestive of a forgery. The document screams out that something is wrong."

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Awesome! Does this mean the Donald will be throwing his hat back in the ring???:lol:
kenneth... !!! what's the frequency ??!! now we know he was asking how often do we get major scandals in the whitehouse, every couple of presidents... too bad for the dims rather's wasn't one of them... are you running for president mister rather ?? no sir.. are you?? ... i'd rather not...
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I love how people on the left accuse those on the right as conspiracy theorists when for every year of Bush's presidency the left came up with some new bullshit story.

They have short memories. Hell, they think the Tea Party is uncivil for comparing Obama to Hitler. Apparently they forgot that is what they did persistently for eight years.
I love how people on the left accuse those on the right as conspiracy theorists when for every year of Bush's presidency the left came up with some new bullshit story.

They have short memories. Hell, they think the Tea Party is uncivil for comparing Obama to Hitler. Apparently they forgot that is what they did persistently for eight years.

don't take it personally, every president gets compared to hitler, by the end of their term they all end up looking like hitler.

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