Breaking News: Benghazi scandal shows Obama Administration link to Al Qaeda


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
That's right folks, the Obama Administration is so desperate to cover up this scandal and tried to blame it on a YouTube video because Christopher Stevens was moving weapons to Al Qaeda at the orders of the Obama Administration. This explains why Stevens was there in the first place when this was NOT an embassy and why his security team was M.I.A.

"In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition and began coordinating U.S. assistance to the rebels."

"Reuters reported that satellite photos exposed a CIA post in Benghazi, located 1.2 miles from the U.S. consulate, was used as "a base for, among other things, collecting information on the proliferation of weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals, including surface-to-air missiles" ... and that its security features "were more advanced than those at rented villa where Stevens died."
We also know that about a dozen CIA operatives and contractors left the Benghazi base after it was exposed. Could these two CIA groups be connected as start and end points to help funnel heavy weapons to the Syrian opposition?"

Chris Stevens Linked Jihadists In Syria - Business Insider
I read that Obammy was going to use Al Quida to snuff out rottweilers.

You hear that?
I read that Obammy was going to use Al Quida to snuff out rottweilers.

You hear that?

First of all, stupid, it's spelled Al Qaeda, not Al Quida :)rofl:)

Second, bring 'em on. Unlike dumbocrats, I don't fear muslims or Al Qaeda.
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Al Qaeda is a CIA network in the first place. We've been handling Bin Laden since the 70s, contrary tot he claims that he went "extreme".

What you're seeing is a blowback from the transfer of elements that helped in Libya, over to Syria. Not all the fighters take the same side,,and here is an example of that. This administration is inadvertantly solidifying what many of us already knew. That the this entire middle eastern conflict is the direct result of covert meddling amongst the ME countries by creating, literally, a boogeyman to use from inside and out.
Al Qaeda is a CIA network in the first place. We've been handling Bin Laden since the 70s, contrary tot he claims that he went "extreme".

What you're seeing is a blowback from the transfer of elements that helped in Libya, over to Syria. Not all the fighters take the same side,,and here is an example of that. This administration is inadvertantly solidifying what many of us already knew. That the this entire middle eastern conflict is the direct result of covert meddling amongst the ME countries by creating, literally, a boogeyman to use from inside and out.

Well yes, but Bin Laden and AL Qaeda did turn on us because our boots hit the ground in Saudi Arabia (at the invitation of their government) for Desert Storm.
Who cares?

Let's get this swept under the rug already.

Nothing to see here.

So what if AQ was guarding the Embassy?
That's right folks, the Obama Administration is so desperate to cover up this scandal and tried to blame it on a YouTube video because Christopher Stevens was moving weapons to Al Qaeda at the orders of the Obama Administration. This explains why Stevens was there in the first place when this was NOT an embassy and why his security team was M.I.A.
Only the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood could be stupid enough to swallow the pure bullshit that Al Qaeda killed Stevens because he was supplying themselves with weapons!!!!! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you weapons. :cuckoo:
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That's right folks, the Obama Administration is so desperate to cover up this scandal and tried to blame it on a YouTube video because Christopher Stevens was moving weapons to Al Qaeda at the orders of the Obama Administration. This explains why Stevens was there in the first place when this was NOT an embassy and why his security team was M.I.A.

"In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition and began coordinating U.S. assistance to the rebels."

"Reuters reported that satellite photos exposed a CIA post in Benghazi, located 1.2 miles from the U.S. consulate, was used as "a base for, among other things, collecting information on the proliferation of weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals, including surface-to-air missiles" ... and that its security features "were more advanced than those at rented villa where Stevens died."
We also know that about a dozen CIA operatives and contractors left the Benghazi base after it was exposed. Could these two CIA groups be connected as start and end points to help funnel heavy weapons to the Syrian opposition?"

Chris Stevens Linked Jihadists In Syria - Business Insider

My, my, my..looks whose coming out of the Al Qaeda closet...No surprise there.
That's right folks, the Obama Administration is so desperate to cover up this scandal and tried to blame it on a YouTube video because Christopher Stevens was moving weapons to Al Qaeda at the orders of the Obama Administration. This explains why Stevens was there in the first place when this was NOT an embassy and why his security team was M.I.A.
Only the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood could be stupid enough to swallow the pure bullshit that Al Qaeda killed Stevens because he was supplying themselves with weapons!!!!! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you weapons. :cuckoo:

First of all, who said Al Qaeda killed him? Where exactly was that breaking news story posted?

Second, Al Qaeda has been biting the hand that feeds them since the 80's. Once they get what they want/need, they turn on anyone not a radical muslim. Are you seriously that stupid that you're not even aware of Al Qaeda history, which is pretty much documented 24x7 on American television?
That's right folks, the Obama Administration is so desperate to cover up this scandal and tried to blame it on a YouTube video because Christopher Stevens was moving weapons to Al Qaeda at the orders of the Obama Administration. This explains why Stevens was there in the first place when this was NOT an embassy and why his security team was M.I.A.
Only the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood could be stupid enough to swallow the pure bullshit that Al Qaeda killed Stevens because he was supplying themselves with weapons!!!!! Talk about biting the hand that feeds you weapons. :cuckoo:

First of all, who said Al Qaeda killed him? Where exactly was that breaking news story posted?

Second, Al Qaeda has been biting the hand that feeds them since the 80's. Once they get what they want/need, they turn on anyone not a radical muslim. Are you seriously that stupid that you're not even aware of Al Qaeda history, which is pretty much documented 24x7 on American television?
The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood have said right from the beginning that it was Al Qaeda behind the attack.

Militant group claims Ambassador Stevens killed by 'Lions of Islam' | Fox News

The seven-page newsletter further substantiates that the Sept. 11 strike that killed four Americans was part of a coordinated plot, which U.S. officials now acknowledge. The newsletter was put out by the Madad News Agency, a Yemen-based media outlet for Ansar al-Sharia, and linked Stevens' murder to the broader Al Qaeda mission.


Sources have told Fox News that the evidence points to a joint operation between Al Qaeda's north Africa affiliate and Ansar al-Sharia.
The State Department on Thursday also designated Ansar al-Sharia as an alias for Al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda is a CIA network in the first place. We've been handling Bin Laden since the 70s, contrary tot he claims that he went "extreme".

What you're seeing is a blowback from the transfer of elements that helped in Libya, over to Syria. Not all the fighters take the same side,,and here is an example of that. This administration is inadvertantly solidifying what many of us already knew. That the this entire middle eastern conflict is the direct result of covert meddling amongst the ME countries by creating, literally, a boogeyman to use from inside and out.

Well yes, but Bin Laden and AL Qaeda did turn on us because our boots hit the ground in Saudi Arabia (at the invitation of their government) for Desert Storm.
OBL wanted to kill Americans while St Ronnie was supplying him through the Saudi's long before Desert Storm.

Congressman Rohrabacher's Comments(v2)

[Congressional Record: September 17, 2001 (House)] [Page H5707-H5712] From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access [] [DOCID:cr17se01-23]

Remarks by Congressman Rohrabacher on 09-17-2001

Then, in 1996, a new force appeared, seemingly out of nowhere: the Taliban. These were fresh, well-equipped forces who had, by and large, sat out the war in Pakistan. They had been in Pakistan in what they called schools. ``Taliban,'' by the way, means student, even though most of these are older men who are totally illiterate. All of the money America provided the Mujahedin during the war had to be sent through; that is, the war against Soviet Union occupation, had to be sent through the equivalent of the Pakistani CIA, which is called the ISI. But apparently, the Pakistanis had siphoned enough off to create a third force, and since the war was over and [[Page H5709]] the other factions had been bled white, they could use this third force to dominate Afghanistan.

Also behind the Taliban is and was Saudi Arabia. During the war against the Russians, the Saudis provided the Afghan resistance with hundreds of millions of dollars. For that we can be grateful. They are one of the few countries that stepped up to the plate during the Cold War to actually confront the Soviet Union aggression. Unfortunately, however, the Saudis were financing antiwestern as well as AntiCommunist Muslims, and one of those who they financed was bin Laden.

I cannot forget also as I marched with that Mujahedin unit to the battle of Jalalabad and, by the way, that battle was a long-time siege that had been taking place around the city, we at one point in that march came across a camp of tents. They were white tents and you could see them in the distance, and I was told at that point I must not speak English for at least another 3 hours, because the people in those tents were Saudi Arabians under a crazy commander named bin Laden, and that bin Laden was so crazy that he wanted to kill Americans as much as he wanted to kill Russians. Thus, I must keep my mouth shut or we would be attacked by those forces, by those forces under bin Laden.
Did Chris Stevens slander the prophet of Islam and get what was coming to him?
monday debate going to be very tough for obama. romney got lot of stuff to attack him with.

presdient got to find good response to all of this
It was a split faction of the militant jihad islamists. Which is why when we go creating terror cells, we need to be mindful that double crossings and backdoor deals aren't a Western exclusive habit.
There are more than one faction of these nutters, adn we are currently using their momentum, a momentum we fostered for decades, to work to our "national interest" agenda for a PNAC.

This is a blowback case that was either left to happen intentionall, or was a shameful oversight for the current administration.
And so is the current administration to meet the "national interest" agenda of the federal govt.

What's your point?
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