Breaking! New Details on Jeffrey Epstein’s Mysterious ‘Suicide’ Released by DOJ Watchdog

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
There's no question, this guy was strangulated by a wire. As one commenter says.......a bedsheet wouldn't leave a mark like that plus the ring mark would go up to right below his ears if he was collapsed dangling from the sheet by his weight.


Um, associate Director of DoJ Webb Hubbell, should we bring in the FBI to investigate Vince Foster's death?

Answer = FUCK OFF!!!

This is Donald Trump's DOJ, Donald Trump's appointments overseeing the DOJ....

When Donald Trump picked Wray and Sessions, America suffered a serious wound and may never recover...
Um, associate Director of DoJ Webb Hubbell, should we bring in the FBI to investigate Vince Foster's death?

Answer = FUCK OFF!!!

This is Donald Trump's DOJ, Donald Trump's appointments overseeing the DOJ....

When Donald Trump picked Wray and Sessions, America suffered a serious wound and may never recover...
Epstein made his money via blackmail. He found out if you were having elicit sexual affairs of various kinds, and then used it to extort money from you.

My guess is that he made such a phone call, only, instead of trying to obtain money he was trying to obtain legal help and/or favors, or he would expose them.

That would be my guess.
There's no question, this guy was strangulated by a wire. As one commenter says.......a bedsheet wouldn't leave a mark like that plus the ring mark would go up to right below his ears if he was collapsed dangling from the sheet by his weight.


the left will claim the prison was out of fabric softeners .
You need clear proof that it was Epsteins body , not just assurances that it was .

You probably like Jeff Sessions. He's a SUB. He support war in the Middle East endlessly until Jesus floats down, or he says he does... He wasn't the slightest bit fiscally conservative and neither are you, because that involves NUMBERS and you can barely count to 5....
There's no question, this guy was strangulated by a wire. As one commenter says.......a bedsheet wouldn't leave a mark like that plus the ring mark would go up to right below his ears if he was collapsed dangling from the sheet by his weight.


Hmmm.... obviously, whoever was in charge of the Federal Prison System at the time, and their boss, is responsible. You agree?
The Progressive Socialist Woman Virgin Islands house delegate is a monster. She knows and is involved. No one talks like her with the vulgarity and hatred in her and e a person of true justice.
The government official in charge of the Federal Prison System and their boss should be held responsible, right?
Only if they are white conservative men.

Because as we all know, they are to blame for all of our ills.

Otherwise, there is no real right and wrong, just a hundred billion shades of gray.........................
It wasn't Epstein on the gurney. The ears were different.

I posted in Current Events about this and I posted those 2 pictures the day the body was removed.

  1. [IMG alt="Hossfly"][/IMG]

    Jeffrey Epstein’s unsupervised, unfilmed death while in federal custody was totally a suicide, feds declare

    I'm not convinced Epstein is dead. When the body was brought outside on a stretcher, the head was not covered. That is very unusual as the complete body of a corpse is always covered. What was significant is the ear of the corpse was definitely not Epstein's ear. I posted the picture of...

Acclaimed actor Mark Wahlberg told hundreds of people at a Sunday school assembly in Los Angeles that a small but influential group in Hollywood has declared war on the "evil" elite of the entertainment industry who traffic in children.

Wahlberg said: "We are tracking down these evil sons of bitches and destroying them. One blood-drinking pedophile at a time." He warned parishioners to expect disturbing front-page news in the near future.

According to Wahlberg, Hollywood is a vast network of pedophilia, child prostitution and human trafficking that is controlled by "sick freaks." There is a "cult of fear of silence" in the industry because everyone understands that speaking out about elite pedophilia is punishable by death.
For this reason, Wahlberg calls Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson "American heroes with balls of steel" for daring to stand up to the Hollywood system and for their role in raising awareness of elite pedophilia in the entertainment industry.

Wahlberg described an industry Christmas party with Hollywood executives from one of the most powerful studios in the world. He said studio bosses, executive producers,
international brokers and financial stakeholders, as well as "two top-tier stars," participated in satanic rituals that culminated in the torture and sexual abuse of children.

According to Wahlberg, four Hollywood executives dressed in satanic costumes and masks "drank blood high in adrenochrome." They suggested Wahlberg "stop being a prude and join the club" by sexually abusing "two very, very young children."

"I'm a father," Wahlberg said, "and all I could think about was that these two children should have been safe at home with their parents.But they were in a Hollywood club being preyed upon by sadists, pedos, and sexual perverts who engage in the worst form of evil."

"Why didn't I kill them? I should have thought of my children.They are my first priority in this world, and I don't want them to grow up without a father."Wahlberg said he had heard rumors of these kinds of parties in Hollywood, and he knew that adrenochrome use was a popular pastime among studio executives, but he had never openly confronted it before."The whole corrupt Hollywood system, all the brainwashing and perversion they spread every year, it all starts to make sense when you realize that Hollywood needs young blood to keep going."
Adrenochrome is a compound that is produced in the body during periods of fear and anxiety.

According to Wahlberg, Hollywood's elite torture children to induce bursts of the chemical compound before extracting the substance from their blood, which they then drink or inject to get high, in an effort to stay healthy and young.After spending some time thinking about his future, Wahlberg says it's time to "right some wrongs."

"The only way I can honor my children is to dedicate my life to eradicating this evil from the face of the earth," said Wahlberg, who explained that his own children convinced the actor to speak out about the true nature of Hollywood.Now Hollywood is rallying the "good guys" and their numbers are increasing.The entertainment empire is facing a "civil war" that could bring the entire system to its knees.

Earlier exposes and accusations against pedophilia in Hollywood were made by Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood.According to Elijah Wood, innocent young lives are being destroyed to satisfy "people with parasitic interests" who "see you as their prey." In an interview with the Sunday Times, Wood challenged the pedophiles who run the industry. Despite an unspoken media ban on discussing the subject, there are more and more celebrity accounts of the viciousness of the Hollywood system and entertainment industry.

Wahlberg confirmed that he is dedicating his future life to exposing the international pedophile ring, which he said has corrupted Hollywood "to the core" and continues to "destroy the lives of innocent children, tearing families apart."
Hollywood pedophiles have nowhere else to hide," Wahlberg confirmed.

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