breaking: kushner's clearance is coming through


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2008
on a one way cul-de-sac
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Just days after losing his top security clearance at the White House, Jared Kushner could soon be eligible to enter another high-security government facility, legal experts believe.

According to Davis Logsdon, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, Kushner could be on the verge of obtaining “long-term clearance” at this separate facility, which, like the White House, is owned and operated by the federal government.

Logsdon said that, although such a facility lacks some of the prestige of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Kushner would have access to government benefits there that far exceed what he has received as an unpaid adviser at the White House.

“All of his meals and housing would be fully paid for by the taxpayer,” Logsdon said. “And, if things play out the way some believe they will, Jared Kushner could be receiving these benefits for decades to come.”

While gaining entry to another government facility so soon after losing security clearance at the White House would represent an extraordinary comeback for Kushner, it would not come without a price, the law professor warned.

“Jared Kushner might have to put his plans to bring peace to the Middle East on hold,” he said.

Kushner Close to Obtaining Clearance for Other Government Facility
I wouldn't give that guy clearance to enter a public library.
Just days after losing his top security clearance at the White House, Jared Kushner could soon be eligible to enter another high-security government facility, legal experts believe.
Good news for Jared. If he's lucky his father-in-law and some of his other family members will be assigned to that same facility shortly. I heard that the dress code is very casual.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Just days after losing his top security clearance at the White House, Jared Kushner could soon be eligible to enter another high-security government facility, legal experts believe.

According to Davis Logsdon, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, Kushner could be on the verge of obtaining “long-term clearance” at this separate facility, which, like the White House, is owned and operated by the federal government.

Logsdon said that, although such a facility lacks some of the prestige of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Kushner would have access to government benefits there that far exceed what he has received as an unpaid adviser at the White House.

“All of his meals and housing would be fully paid for by the taxpayer,” Logsdon said. “And, if things play out the way some believe they will, Jared Kushner could be receiving these benefits for decades to come.”

While gaining entry to another government facility so soon after losing security clearance at the White House would represent an extraordinary comeback for Kushner, it would not come without a price, the law professor warned.

“Jared Kushner might have to put his plans to bring peace to the Middle East on hold,” he said.

Kushner Close to Obtaining Clearance for Other Government Facility

Are they hiring? :102:
Sadly, unless Kushner and others get convicted of state crimes, and not just federal crimes, Trump will more than likely pardon them on his way out the door... at which time Pence will pardon Trump.
Sadly, unless Kushner and others get convicted of state crimes, and not just federal crimes, Trump will more than likely pardon them on his way out the door... at which time Pence will pardon Trump.

You have no grasp of the Constitution you seek to destroy, Lewd.

The President can pardon any citizen for any crime.

Sadly, unless Kushner and others get convicted of state crimes, and not just federal crimes, Trump will more than likely pardon them on his way out the door... at which time Pence will pardon Trump.

You have no grasp of the Constitution you seek to destroy, Lewd.

The President can pardon any citizen for any crime.


No, he can't, and punishing people for breaking the law isn't destroying the Constitution. You don't think there is a reason why Mueller is charging Manafort in state court?

"2. Federal convictions only

Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. In addition, the President's pardon power extends to convictions adjudicated in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and military court-martial proceedings. However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense. Accordingly, if you are seeking clemency for a state criminal conviction, you should not complete and submit this petition. Instead, you should contact the Governor or other appropriate authorities of the state where you reside or where the conviction occurred (such as the state board of pardons and paroles) to determine whether any relief is available to you under state law. If you have a federal conviction, information about the conviction may be obtained from the clerk of the federal court where you were convicted."

Pardon Information and Instructions | PARDON | Department of Justice

...and before you attack the source, it is from the Department of Justice.
Just days after losing his top security clearance at the White House, Jared Kushner could soon be eligible to enter another high-security government facility, legal experts believe.
Good news for Jared. If he's lucky his father-in-law and some of his other family members will be assigned to that same facility shortly. I heard that the dress code is very casual.
And orange, which they like.
you can't hate trump if you don't love america


You show your 'love" of America by waging war on the Constitution.

you show your detachment from reality by posting horseshit


You're a dumb one del
Not until Mueller has dotted all the I’s and crossed all the t’s.

Meanwhile, our democracy as well as our planet are being destroyed.

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