BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Jan. 6 report says Trump floated plan for 10,000 troops to protect him

Do you idiots ever stop to think about tbe things you ate about to post before you actuslly do so?

Morons like you have declared Trump incited an 'insurrection', calling on thousands of his supporters to charge and seize the Capitol on J6.

YOU say prior to this, as part of his plan, Trump wanted 10,000 troops to protect HIM on J6...




I swear, God didn't give snowflakes the common sense or intelligence of a door knob.

one was tazed into having a heart attack - one lost an eye - others were stabbed - one dude suffered crush discs & several developed PTSD so bad, they committed suicide.
Without a medical report that's all just so much eyewash. No doctor would testify that any tazer hits received would cause a heart attack. All you progs are jumping to conclusions that aren't justified by the known facts. How come this volume of injuries wasn't reported in Seattle or Portland?
playtime said:
One was tazed into having a heart attack - one lost an eye - others were stabbed - one dude suffered crush discs & several developed PTSD so bad, they committed suicide

1. Benjamin Phillips.

He died after he was hit by a concussion grenade that stopped his heart. There are several videos to show the grenades being improperly thrown at the crowd.

Had he been a black junkie with multiple arrests DC would still be burning right now from antifa / BLM 'mostly peaceful protests' over excessive force used by Capitol Police officers.

2. Kevin Greeson

He also fell victim to a barrage of grenades thrown by the gold medal-winning Capitol police.

His and Phillips' deaths were rrepirted as 'Cardiac Arrests', deaths by 'natural causes'.

3. Roseanne Boyland

She was reportedly beaten unconscious, another report stated she was trampled to death in the chaos. She hadn’t taken drugs for seven years, an accomplishment that she was very proud of, but her reath was reportedly listed at one time as 'drug overdose / related'.

4. Ashli Babbitt

Babbit was a petite, unarmed female Vet. She reportedly argued with police shortly before her death because they would do nothing about a rioter who was out of control.

Despite having Capitol Police approahing from behind her, Babbit was shot point blank by a large, armed security member / policeman who shot blindly through the window begore retreating back further into safety.

5. Officer Brian Sicknick

His death was distorted by the media to present a political narrative.

The Coroners report stated there was no physical injury to Sicknick’s body internally or externally. There was no collapsed skull, no gash on his head, no bruising or abrasions, and no evidence that any chemicals such as chemical irritants, played a role in his death.

One stroke expert stated he believed that the medical event Sicknick suffered happened coincidentally during the events of J6 and not because of any attack or wound he suffered.

Everyone of tbese deaths were preventable, had Pelosi, Schumer, the Sergeants-at-Arms calked for the National Guard days eatier whentgey had the chance to do so days earier or had at leadt gove the Capitol Police the resources (like fencing) to secure and protecttbe Capitol...

...had the FBI focused on prrenting J6 and protecting the Capitol instead of prepping, planning, organizing, and executing their admitted 'Entrapment Scheme' operations.

Watching the insane and delusional slowly dig their way to Hell with a shovel made from lies is not a pretty sight to see.

I thank you though for serving as a warning to all who would venture onto your highway to Hell.

I pray that you make a quick U-Turn from your path to destruction.

Not one word in your post provides any support or evidence of the Russian propaganda you're promoting here.

Judge not lest you be judged Tree, and the punishment you would visit on those you decry, will be your punishment.
Without a medical report that's all just so much eyewash. No doctor would testify that any tazer hits received would cause a heart attack. All you progs are jumping to conclusions that aren't justified by the known facts. How come this volume of injuries wasn't reported in Seattle or Portland?


Not one word in your post provides any support or evidence of the Russian propaganda you're promoting here.

Judge not lest you be judged Tree, and the punishment you would visit on those you decry, will be your punishment.
Russian Propaganda came from Russian Collusion between Obama, Putin, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, James Comey, Robert Mueller, McCabe, Strozk, The FBI, The Leftist Media, Twitter, and The Democrat Party and an Illegal and Unconstitutional Secret Court called FISA. Did you think you were going to be able to hide the source of your treasonous COUP forever?

Do you not wonder why God declared that His son would be sent to Earth a 2nd time to destroy the corrupt human governments of this world and to punish all the Evil men and women who participate in such corruption, along with the God Haters, Altheists and Sinners of all sorts, and cast them all into Hell on Judgment Day before establishing His Just and Righteous Kingdom on Earth and usher in a Millennial of Ultimate Peace, Love and Prosperity without the likes of you and your friends hanging around to muck it up?

Repent or be Left Behind!

Your time is short.
Last edited:
Why did Pelosi, Schumer, the Sergeant-At-Arms, the DC Mayor, and the Capitol Police not even try to prevent J6 until J6 when they knew about the pending violence BEFORE J6?

Why did Pelosi threaten physical harm to Trump before the violent protest started?

Why did the FBI waste time recruiting insiders at the Oath Keepers if they had no intention of stopping planned J6 violence?

Why did the FBI spend weeks organizing, tasking, preparing, planning, and executing 'Entrapment Scheme' operations - which they testified to under oath - prior to and during J6 instead of PREVENTING J6, protecting the Capitol, and protecting people?

Why do snowflakes continue to 'pull a Schiff' by ignoring ACTUAL transcripts of EXACTLY what Trump said that day and instead telling their own debunked versions?

And why do you waste BOTH of our times repeatedly, continuously failing to try to convince me of your lies / BS?

Oh wait - repeat the same shit 5 more times, and you might convince me....

View attachment 742498
Do you idiots ever stop to think about tbe things you ate about to post before you actuslly do so?

Morons like you have declared Trump incited an 'insurrection', calling on thousands of his supporters to charge and seize the Capitol on J6.

YOU say prior to this, as part of his plan, Trump wanted 10,000 troops to protect HIM on J6...



View attachment 742747

I swear, God didn't give snowflakes the common sense or intelligence of a door knob.


i am giving cold hard facts, jr. & you think 'protecting' him was the actual reason?

silly you. the uber orange attention whore was going for full PR optics - JUST like he did when he whored for the camera heading to st john's with his LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


he had a general, his AG & few underlings like macaninny.


Without a medical report that's all just so much eyewash. No doctor would testify that any tazer hits received would cause a heart attack.



Commending Michael Fanone.

Agreed to by the Senate, August 5, 2021

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone, a courageous and dedicated law-enforcement officer and a resident of Mount Vernon, sustained serious injuries in the line of duty while defending the United States Capitol Building from thousands of insurrectionists on January 6, 2021; and

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone grew up in Northern Virginia and graduated from Ballou High School in Washington, D.C.; he was inspired to become a police officer after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and subsequently joined the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia; and

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone typically works as a plainclothes officer with the crime suppression team, but self-deployed to the United States Capitol Building with his partner, Jimmy Albright, in response to a call for backup when participants of a rally to protest the ceremonial counting of Electoral College votes turned violent and breached the United States Capitol Building to storm congressional offices and chambers; and

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone entered the United States Capitol Building through the southern side and moved to reinforce the west entrance; he pulled another officer to safety and helped secure the doors, witnessing a scene of medieval brutality as one of approximately 30 law-enforcement officers who stood shoulder-to-shoulder and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a surging mob of thousands; and

WHEREAS, in the course of the struggle, Michael Fanone was dragged into the crowd, where he was stripped of his badge, radio, equipment, and ammunition and beaten, struck with hard metal objects, sprayed with mace, and electrocuted repeatedly with his Taser; several members of the mob threatened to kill him with his own firearm; and

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone feared for his own life and the idea of his four daughters losing their father and began shouting that he had children, which caused the crowd to release him and his fellow officers; and

WHEREAS, after Michael Fanone’s partner pulled him back to safety, he was taken to a local hospital where he was treated for a concussion, traumatic brain injury, and a mild heart attack suffered when he was hit with Tasers; in the days following the attack, he began to experience anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder; ...

Bill Tracking - 2021 session > Legislation

All you progs are jumping to conclusions that aren't justified by the known facts. How come this volume of injuries wasn't reported in Seattle or Portland?

deflection denied.jpg
playtime said:
One was tazed into having a heart attack - one lost an eye - others were stabbed - one dude suffered crush discs & several developed PTSD so bad, they committed suicide

1. Benjamin Phillips.

He died after he was hit by a concussion grenade that stopped his heart. There are several videos to show the grenades being improperly thrown at the crowd.

Had he been a black junkie with multiple arrests DC would still be burning right now from antifa / BLM 'mostly peaceful protests' over excessive force used by Capitol Police officers.

2. Kevin Greeson

He also fell victim to a barrage of grenades thrown by the gold medal-winning Capitol police.

His and Phillips' deaths were rrepirted as 'Cardiac Arrests', deaths by 'natural causes'.

3. Roseanne Boyland

She was reportedly beaten unconscious, another report stated she was trampled to death in the chaos. She hadn’t taken drugs for seven years, an accomplishment that she was very proud of, but her reath was reportedly listed at one time as 'drug overdose / related'.

4. Ashli Babbitt

Babbit was a petite, unarmed female Vet. She reportedly argued with police shortly before her death because they would do nothing about a rioter who was out of control.

Despite having Capitol Police approahing from behind her, Babbit was shot point blank by a large, armed security member / policeman who shot blindly through the window begore retreating back further into safety.

5. Officer Brian Sicknick

His death was distorted by the media to present a political narrative.

The Coroners report stated there was no physical injury to Sicknick’s body internally or externally. There was no collapsed skull, no gash on his head, no bruising or abrasions, and no evidence that any chemicals such as chemical irritants, played a role in his death.

One stroke expert stated he believed that the medical event Sicknick suffered happened coincidentally during the events of J6 and not because of any attack or wound he suffered.

Everyone of tbese deaths were preventable, had Pelosi, Schumer, the Sergeants-at-Arms calked for the National Guard days eatier whentgey had the chance to do so days earier or had at leadt gove the Capitol Police the resources (like fencing) to secure and protecttbe Capitol...

...had the FBI focused on prrenting J6 and protecting the Capitol instead of prepping, planning, organizing, and executing their admitted 'Entrapment Scheme' operations.

Independent Sentinel​

Independent Sentinel - Right Bias - Questionable - Conservative - Fake news - Not Credible
Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Independent Sentinel Right Biased and Questionable based on the use of poor sources, the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, and some false claims.

Detailed Report​

Questionable Reasoning: Far Right, Poor Sources, Propaganda, Conspiracy, False Claims
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Independent Sentinel


Independent Sentinel​

Independent Sentinel - Right Bias - Questionable - Conservative - Fake news - Not Credible
Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Independent Sentinel Right Biased and Questionable based on the use of poor sources, the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, and some false claims.

Detailed Report​

Questionable Reasoning: Far Right, Poor Sources, Propaganda, Conspiracy, False Claims
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Independent Sentinel


Again...Pelosi had only nominal authority over the HOUSE Sergeant at Arms. The same authority that McConnell had over the Senate SaR.

Day to day operations are NOT controlled by either. Those are controlled by the Capitol Police BOARD

And the idea that Pelosi even WOULD or could be responsible for the Trumper attack on the Capitol is absurd on its face

View attachment 742976


Commending Michael Fanone.

Agreed to by the Senate, August 5, 2021

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone, a courageous and dedicated law-enforcement officer and a resident of Mount Vernon, sustained serious injuries in the line of duty while defending the United States Capitol Building from thousands of insurrectionists on January 6, 2021; and

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone grew up in Northern Virginia and graduated from Ballou High School in Washington, D.C.; he was inspired to become a police officer after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and subsequently joined the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia; and

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone typically works as a plainclothes officer with the crime suppression team, but self-deployed to the United States Capitol Building with his partner, Jimmy Albright, in response to a call for backup when participants of a rally to protest the ceremonial counting of Electoral College votes turned violent and breached the United States Capitol Building to storm congressional offices and chambers; and

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone entered the United States Capitol Building through the southern side and moved to reinforce the west entrance; he pulled another officer to safety and helped secure the doors, witnessing a scene of medieval brutality as one of approximately 30 law-enforcement officers who stood shoulder-to-shoulder and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a surging mob of thousands; and

WHEREAS, in the course of the struggle, Michael Fanone was dragged into the crowd, where he was stripped of his badge, radio, equipment, and ammunition and beaten, struck with hard metal objects, sprayed with mace, and electrocuted repeatedly with his Taser; several members of the mob threatened to kill him with his own firearm; and

WHEREAS, Michael Fanone feared for his own life and the idea of his four daughters losing their father and began shouting that he had children, which caused the crowd to release him and his fellow officers; and

WHEREAS, after Michael Fanone’s partner pulled him back to safety, he was taken to a local hospital where he was treated for a concussion, traumatic brain injury, and a mild heart attack suffered when he was hit with Tasers; in the days following the attack, he began to experience anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder; ...

Bill Tracking - 2021 session > Legislation

View attachment 742975
Bills submitted to Congress are works of pure fiction. They are written by politicians.

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