Breaking! Fake War Hero/Songbird John McTumor Decides Not To Vote On Tax Bill--Will Stay Home

This is how McCain will always be remembered, right before voting against repealing and replacing Obamacare, which is what he was elected on.

What a liar.

He always betrayed his own campaign promises.

He campaigned on the Right, but betrayed us as a Progressive. I despise the man as a politician.

He was a reprehensible liar who campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Arizonians elected him on that promise and he reneged like the crooked, corrupt politician he is.



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This is how McCain will always be remembered, right before voting against repealing and replacing Obamacare, which is what he was elected on.

What a liar.

He always betrayed his own campaign promises.

He campaigned on the Right, but betrayed us as a Progressive. I despise the man as a politician.

He was a reprehensible liar who campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Arizonians elected him on that promise and he reneged like the crooked, corrupt politician he is.

He did same thing twice on immigration and as soon as he was re-elected was right back pushing for amnesty
You're absolutely disgusting. John McCain is the definition of a true American hero. He actually went and fought for this country unlike president Bone Spur. This man risked his life and was a POW and you have the nerve to call him treasonous?

Why is he treasonous? Because he dared to speak out against Clown in chief ?

The only treasonous person in Washington is the orange fat ass squatting in the Whitehouse.

As much as I despise McCain's policies, I have nothing but gratitude and respect for his service to this country.

Serving this country is treasonous to CONscum.
What part of "serving" is campaigning on one thing, being elected for that, and then doing the complete opposite?

Who exactly is he "serving" there? Because its surely not the people that voted for his ass.
Well, two seats open in Arizona. And Arizona is less red than Alabama. Going to be interesting.

Republicans are struggling to fill Jeff Flakes seat
Kelli Ward? Another Roy Moore

Now they have to fill TWO seats
John McTreason is back in town visiting old water holes and political hacks. This is it for Senator McTreason. It's swan song time! Inside word has it that he's getting his final treatments at the Mayo up by Scottsdale.

He's now wheelchair bound and needs an aide to push it. He has said publicly he will not return to DC for the tax bill vote. With Rubio and Corker now backing it Democrats can't find enough votes to block it. And if Brewer or Arpiao are awarded the seat Trump gets a rabid pro Trump supporter!

Note to John McCain
Kick that bucket son, kick it as hard as you can!


He's allowed to have a proxy vote for him. If he's not doing that, then it's a no and his last fuck you to the American people. He can die and go join his friend Teddy Kennedy.
He was a reprehensible liar who campaigned on repealing Obamacare. Arizonians elected him on that promise and he reneged like the crooked, corrupt politician he is.

Trump campaigned on getting mexico to pay for the wall, repeal of obamacare in his first 100 days, draining the swamp and removing wall street influence, not going on vacations, not leaving the whitehouse, a trillion dollars in infrastructure spending. Trumps record on campaign promises kept is abysmal.
You're absolutely disgusting. John McCain is the definition of a true American hero. He actually went and fought for this country unlike president Bone Spur. This man risked his life and was a POW and you have the nerve to call him treasonous?

Why is he treasonous? Because he dared to speak out against Clown in chief ?

The only treasonous person in Washington is the orange fat ass squatting in the Whitehouse.

As much as I despise McCain's policies, I have nothing but gratitude and respect for his service to this country.

What about Nikita Kruschev, don't you Stalinist democrats hold him in even higher regard? :dunno:
Arizona is turning blue thanks to our latino brothers. There will be no more racists coming out of there. Other states to follow...just be patient :p

You salivate at the dream of putting an end to the USA, doncha Comrade?
Nah. This land was made by god to human kind no one is better than no one. You or your ancestors came here for a better so are others. Share the love of you are a man of god and jesus, cause im sure christianity doesnt preach bigotry, racism and selfishness.
Maybe McCain thought people should have the same healthcare that the congressmen have.

How is that being an American traitor, if we did , we would not have the highest maternal mortality rate of all developed countries with Texas as the lead state.

But no the Pubs are greedy , they mainly have refused to expand Medicaid while keeping the min wage.
See post #61.

white rabbit - Google Search

Listen to it and get out of the rabbit hole.
Would you be an AINO Nazi Jill? An American in Name Only? After all, your civil war is to destroy the Constitution of the United States.

democrat = traitor - flat out.
Republican = Russian / Putin supporter.

You've fallen behind again, radical retard - turns out it was you Stalinist democrats who were colluding with the Russians all along.

{The thing that is amazing to me in all of this is we have seen harder and stronger evidence over the last two weeks for Russian collusion between Fusion GPS, the DNC and Hillary Clinton with Russia than we have any evidence for the Trump campaign and Russia for the last year."

"The reason I think the Intelligence Committee is trying to get ahold of all of their bank records -- I think Fusion GPS was actually paying journalists to promote their manufactured news," he said. "And so you asked if there was anything illegal. We'll have to find that out and that's why I want to see the DOJ to go under the RICO statutes and look what Fusion GPS has done. It's highly unethical."}
Ned Ryun: Stronger Evidence Of Russian Collusion Between Fusion GPS, DNC, And Clinton Than Trump

Hey, you're traitors, it's just what you are.
Arizona is turning blue thanks to our latino brothers. There will be no more racists coming out of there. Other states to follow...just be patient :p

You salivate at the dream of putting an end to the USA, doncha Comrade?
Nah. This land was made by god to human kind no one is better than no one. You or your ancestors came here for a better so are others. Share the love of you are a man of god and jesus, cause im sure christianity doesnt preach bigotry, racism and selfishness.

Comrade, your Russian to English translator software is not so good.

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