BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

I never hated him. We knew there was no there there. Now confirmed by Comey himself.

So Comey is no longer tye right winger hero that Trump latched onto.

Yup, Trump will now calling him a dog and a traitor. Comrade Trump has stayed in line for the past week. Now watch him lose it and start calling names again. This will do it for Hillary.
You love him, you hate him, and now you love him.

He is credible, he is not credible, now he is credible...

or, perhaps you are not credible....

I never hated him. We knew there was no there there. Now confirmed by Comey himself.

So Comey is no longer tye right winger hero that Trump latched onto.

Yup, Trump will now calling him a dog and a traitor. Comrade Trump has stayed in line for the past week. Now watch him lose it and start calling names again. This will do it for Hillary.

Amen! I expect that Comrade Trump will now come completely fucking unhinged. No more teleprompters.
don't know where the 650k email number came from and who started that was confusing to me because I had read the metadata showed there may have been 6 to 10k emails associated with Clinton's email server....

obviously these 6 to 10k were duplicates or they were personal emails between huma and hillary, they did not change the results of the investigation from July, that she did nothing criminal that they could charge her with...
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It's over!!!!!

Actually... the email stuff might be over, but that doesn't mean if there is any pedophile stuff on there it is over. Just say'n.

None of which has anything to do with Clinton.

Yes it does, if Weiner has stuff on his laptop to blackmail the Clinton's with.

I find it completely amazing that both Presidential candidates have strong connections with a convicted pedophile.


The FBI have the device. How can there be anything on there to blackmail the Clinton's with if the FBI has already seen it?
So, the Clinton campaign slogan is now....

Obama's hand picked FBI Director says Hillary's emails on Weiner's soiled pedo PC were like cleaner than the PC???

Wow, I'm voting for the witch now!!!
Comey is once again a left tard hero after they spent all last week making him the villain and before last week he was their hero.

Anyone else noticing a trend from these fair weather assholes?
Comey is a Zionist from the W Administration, whose first act as FBI Director was to mandate Zionist brainwashing of new recruits at the Holocaust museum.

"It doesn't matter if Israel was behind 911 and ISIS and Al Qaeda. It only matters that we get Hillary in office to continue to cover that up..."

Newsflash = the HOLOCAUST had NOTHING TO DO with the UNITED STATES
It's over!!!!!

Actually... the email stuff might be over, but that doesn't mean if there is any pedophile stuff on there it is over. Just say'n.

None of which has anything to do with Clinton.

Yes it does, if Weiner has stuff on his laptop to blackmail the Clinton's with.

I find it completely amazing that both Presidential candidates have strong connections with a convicted pedophile.


The FBI have the device. How can there be anything on there to blackmail the Clinton's with if the FBI has already seen it?

Uh... you can't be serious? If the information was being saved by Weiner as blackmail... yes the FBI now has it, but they only closed the email case, that doesn't have anything to do with the unrelated case.

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