BREAKING: Al Qaida has aquired Ghaddafi's Surface-to-Air missile stockpile. BAD.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Fox breaking, within last hour it's broken that Al Qaida in Libya has aquired a large portion of Ghaddafi's stockpile of surface-to-air missiles. Where they are now, or are heading is unknown. For those who don't know, those are the missles that can take down a commercial airplane when shot from the ground at a plane in the air.

THIS IS BAD. Had to clarify that for you lefties.

God forbig they get those weapons out of country, or on a boat, to go who the hell knows where. That CAN NOT be allowed to happen, but without troops on the ground, how can we stop it?

If Al Qaida gets these missles out of country....then every US flight in the world is a target, anywhere, anytime.

See libtards, THIS is why if we decide to go to war, you go to WAR, you don't play a glorified game of "Risk".
This Libyan thing is a big mess. Our Government has actually helped Al Qaeda in Libya. What a blunder. Blow Back? You bet. :(
See libtards, THIS is why if we decide to go to war, you go to WAR, you don't play a glorified game of "Risk".

Uh, not quite sure what you're saying here. Are you suggesting that this is the reason we went to war with Iraq? Because if so, then not only was it an unsuccessful plan, but Iraq was obviously completely irrelevant.

Now, if you're suggesting that this is the reason we have attacked Libya, I have to wonder what the chances of this happening would have been if we had not attacked in the first place.
This information is from a four day old claim by Chadian President Idriss Deby who has lately been playing footsie with Ghaddaffi and reportedly attended Ghadaffi's school for tyrants.

Nice work spreading AQ propaganda, fuckwad.
"The Islamists of al-Qaeda took advantage of the pillaging of arsenals in the rebel zone to acquire arms, including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries in Tenere," a desert region of the Sahara that stretches from northeast Niger to western Chad, Deby said in the interview

Read more: 'Al-Qaeda snatched missiles' in Libya |
This Libyan thing is a big mess. Our Government has actually helped Al Qaeda in Libya. What a blunder. Blow Back? You bet. :(

You gotta watch out when you use common sense terms like blow back, that means to most people that you hate america.
Al-Qaeda is behind the revolt in the first place. Al-Qaeda is a American Covert Ops initiative from back when. The fact that we are now backing the Al-Qaeda rebels speaks volumes on the last 10 years worth of war and diplomatic webbing.

Iraq and Afghanistan? Not what you thought it was Saudi Arabia, our biggest middle eastern buddy, is the largest recruiter and trainer of terror cells.

9/11 was a prefabricated job to get the American public behind perpetual war. Now, we will create a nation of Al-Qaeda leaders and someone else will be the new terrorists.

Money, guns and power for gasoline. Spin deee wheel.
Al-Qaeda is behind the revolt in the first place. Al-Qaeda is a American Covert Ops initiative from back when. The fact that we are now backing the Al-Qaeda rebels speaks volumes on the last 10 years worth of war and diplomatic webbing.

Iraq and Afghanistan? Not what you thought it was Saudi Arabia, our biggest middle eastern buddy, is the largest recruiter and trainer of terror cells.

9/11 was a prefabricated job to get the American public behind perpetual war. Now, we will create a nation of Al-Qaeda leaders and someone else will be the new terrorists.

Money, guns and power for gasoline. Spin deee wheel.

Saudi Arabia is and has been where the most funding for terror comes from, but we love their brutal islamic military dictator (King Abdullah).

Which is why I laugh everytime I hear someone, bureacrat or voter, tell me that we're trying to promote democracy in the middle east.
Any factual and verified report on this? I am seeing nothing

because there isn't anything.

thanks for looking. :thup:

CANT POST THE LINK BECAUSE IM A GNUEB. But the article is out there if you search for it.
reported by the Australians.... There was another report, I cant manage to find the link to (but I will and will post) where the leader of Chad speaks of the same thing. He also talks about Al-Qaeda starting the rebellion. Same as Gaddafi as been saying all along.
Fox breaking, within last hour it's broken that Al Qaida in Libya has aquired a large portion of Ghaddafi's stockpile of surface-to-air missiles. Where they are now, or are heading is unknown. For those who don't know, those are the missles that can take down a commercial airplane when shot from the ground at a plane in the air.

THIS IS BAD. Had to clarify that for you lefties.

God forbig they get those weapons out of country, or on a boat, to go who the hell knows where. That CAN NOT be allowed to happen, but without troops on the ground, how can we stop it?

If Al Qaida gets these missles out of country....then every US flight in the world is a target, anywhere, anytime.

See libtards, THIS is why if we decide to go to war, you go to WAR, you don't play a glorified game of "Risk".

Personally, I think this is FAUX Nooze's way to generate more fear, by taking the worst case scenario and extrapolating from there.

Way to go lemming.
Fox breaking, within last hour it's broken that Al Qaida in Libya has aquired a large portion of Ghaddafi's stockpile of surface-to-air missiles. Where they are now, or are heading is unknown. For those who don't know, those are the missles that can take down a commercial airplane when shot from the ground at a plane in the air.

THIS IS BAD. Had to clarify that for you lefties.

God forbig they get those weapons out of country, or on a boat, to go who the hell knows where. That CAN NOT be allowed to happen, but without troops on the ground, how can we stop it?

If Al Qaida gets these missles out of country....then every US flight in the world is a target, anywhere, anytime.

See libtards, THIS is why if we decide to go to war, you go to WAR, you don't play a glorified game of "Risk".

Personally, I think this is FAUX Nooze's way to generate more fear, by taking the worst case scenario and extrapolating from there.

Way to go lemming.

go look in the mirror if ya want to see a lemming
See libtards, THIS is why if we decide to go to war, you go to WAR, you don't play a glorified game of "Risk".

Uh, not quite sure what you're saying here. Are you suggesting that this is the reason we went to war with Iraq? Because if so, then not only was it an unsuccessful plan, but Iraq was obviously completely irrelevant.

Now, if you're suggesting that this is the reason we have attacked Libya, I have to wonder what the chances of this happening would have been if we had not attacked in the first place.

`You can bet Al Qaeda wouldnt have there hands on those missles if we hadnt attacked Libya........clear enough? You see when you kill the people that have possession of the missles that allows the bad guys to go and get them......clear enough?
And if you do attack you go all in. No half ass bullshit.
But I guess when you have a half ass president.........
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I think I am going to keep Robert Fisks article on my computer as a crack up, so much for his democratic revolution, and a secular middle east. :lol:

Robert Fisk: These are secular popular revolts – yet everyone is blaming religion

Our writer, who was in Cairo as the revolution took hold in Egypt, reports from Bahrain on why Islam has little to do with what is going on

Not, then, a great week for "Islamicism". There's a catch, of course. Almost all the millions of Arab demonstrators who wish to shrug off the cloak of autocracy which – with our Western help – has smothered their lives in humiliation and fear are indeed Muslims. And Muslims – unlike the "Christian" West – have not lost their faith. Under the stones and coshes of Mubarak's police killers, they counter-attacked, shouting "Allah akbar" for this was indeed for them a "jihad" – not a religious war but a struggle for justice. "God is Great" and a demand for justice are entirely consistent. For the struggle against injustice is the very spirit of the Koran.

These are secular democratic revolts apparently. :rolleyes:
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