Brave Medical Patriots Help People Who Were Forced To Get Vaxxed; Get Unvaxxed


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Anti-vaxxers on social media have been recommending all manner of sketchy and debunked rituals to like-minded followers who begrudgingly followed vaccine mandates but now regret it, NBC News reported Friday. The report spotlighted TikTok user Carrie Madej, who shared the ingredients of a bath she said would “detox the vaxx.” Madej is an osteopathic doctor with more than 43,000 Instagram followers.

There is no truth behind social media scuttlebutt that people can “detox” their body of the COVID-19 vaccine in a bath made with the household cleaner borax, experts, including a physician with The University of Kansas Health System, said Friday. Dana Hawkinson, medical director of infection prevention and control for the KU health system, said
“this is nothing that is supported by science or data or anything of that nature.”

Of course the Deep State, doctors and big pharma are going to claim there is no detox process for those who were forced by the government gestapo to get this Satanic jab....they don't want you to know there is a way to purge yourself of those demonic toxins as well as dissolve the micro tracking devices that is contained in the vaccine....This woman is a world renown award winning osteopathic doctor...she knows about back pain and muscular tissues and such...which is at the core of detoxing yourself from the vaccine...why is the Deep State trying to silence medical professionals??

Also in the story is big pharma's attempt to claim that ingesting or at least inhaling essential oils containing eucalyptus DOES NOT PREVENT you from even getting COVID.....the truth is, yes it does....this is a well-known treatment for COVID..why are they trying to silence this information?? Joe Rogan said something nice about it once, so if that doesn't convince you, you are just lost sheep....
Slow news day. Media and BS artist making shit up to rile up the brain dead followers of FacePlant.

On the other hand.

Borax is great for baiting ants. Works like a charm.
Slow news day. Media and BS artist making shit up to rile up the brain dead followers of FacePlant.

On the other hand.

Borax is great for baiting ants. Works like a charm.
It shows that there is a sucker born every minute.....

If there wasn't -- the GOP would cease to exist....
Dumb fuck OP can’t help himself.

Terrible at satire, great at posting duplicate threads.

Wow. God ........I learn so much from listening to peeps like you. lmao
This being said on a post about morons believing taking baths in Borax and here is another good one:

"making small incisions on the injection site with a razor and immediately self-administer cupping therapy"

Funny how it's usually reactionary right-wingers who believe the dumbest shit and expect the rest of us to take them seriously..
And the DNC would have never existed in the first place.
Yes, because liberal policies are so unpopular......

Civil Rights
Voting Rights
Social Security/Medicare
Labor Protections/Overtime Pay
etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...

What is the GOP focusing on this week?

Big Bird....

There is no both sides to your lunacy

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