Brand new Gallup poll: Americans dont care about Global Warming!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Hey Billy............JC............who do you think is going to shit the bit most when they see this gem??

I think I know but want to see what you guys think?

BTW......just thought of something.............we have not seen hide nor hair of Trolling Blunder in here in quite some time. Seems he took his bat and ball and went home, although good chance he is sitting on some k00k ward at a local hospital!!:funnyface:
Nice lie, Beale.

White House Obamas not mystery buyers of Magnum P.I. home Fox News

Damn, that must suck for you, having FOX point out your were snookered by bullshit.

I'd tell you to be less gullible in the future, but that ain't gonna happen. You're going to fall for the next scam just as readily as you fell for this one.

What the hell are you talking about? Even your own source says that the buyers are Obama's friends? Are you not paying attention, or just obtuse?

"Nesbitt is a Chicago businessman who served as treasurer for Obama's first presidential run and is chairman of the Barack Obama Foundation, which will build the president's future library.

The buyer of the 11,054-square-foot home on three acres of Honolulu beach front was listed as "Waimanalo Paradise," and the deed and mortgage are signed by Judy Grimanis, an executive assistant at a Nesbitt's private equity firm, and a former employee of Penny Pritzker, the real estate millionaire Obama tapped to be Secretary of Commerce in 2013."
Hey Billy............JC............who do you think is going to shit the bit most when they see this gem??

I think I know but want to see what you guys think?

BTW......just thought of something.............we have not seen hide nor hair of Trolling Blunder in here in quite some time. Seems he took his bat and ball and went home, although good chance he is sitting on some k00k ward at a local hospital!!:funnyface:
I was going to say the tooth, and it already posted. he/she is already in here. Old scunks should be right behind if all is right with the world.
Apparently even the President's friends aren't worried. One of them even bought that famous house that was use for that show, Magnum PI. lol

Obama Warns About Sea Level Rise From Global Warming … Buys Beachfront Mansion In Hawaii
Obama Ignores Himself On Global Warming The Daily Caller

OK......this made me literally laugh my balls off and spit my coffee.

Climate crusaders are the most gullible human beings alive............they'd gladly guy a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if you packaged it up just right.:2up:

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