

][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
If you say a word enough times people start to believe it.

[ame=]Obama Voters - Brainwashed With Change - YouTube[/ame]

I wonder if they found the change they were looking for? :badgrin:

Fast & Furious, Fisker, Solyndra, LightSquared, Keystone XL.
The most anti business, anti American son of a b!tch to ever occupy the WhiteHouse.
The American people have aquired a bigger collection of bleeding financial hemmorrhoids from Obama's tenure than Mr Obama acquired physical bleeding hemmorrhoids under the Communist pedophile Frank Marshall Davis' tutelage during his youth.
An unidentified Arab Imam recently issued a fatwah for all prospective suicide bombers, ordering them to allow themselves to be sodomized frequently and regularly in order to increase the size of their anus enabling them to carry a sufficiently large enough to be damaging load of explosives in that body cavity. Does lend a whole new depth and breath of meaning to the phrase "Blow it out your @ss" After Davis was done with Obama, 'Bam could have probably fit the entire 90,300 lb of the first atomic bomb, "Little Boy" in his.
If you say a word enough times people start to believe it.
That's true.

I wonder if they found the change they were looking for? :badgrin:
Well.... They did get Obamacare through.

But yeah... Seems like Obama is just another politician with no real difference. Well... Just like Mitt really. He is towing the same party line as it always has.

Only one in the run that was different was Ron Paul... Which... his party didn't like him. Because... Well... He was different. Logic and politics don't seem to go together very well for some reason. In order to change things, for better or worse, you would have to try something different.
Muslim. (who went to a radical Christian church for 20 years) :p
Death panels.
Take America back.

You're right. If you say the same thing over and over again people will believe anything.

It just explains how you will pick and choose when this sort of thing bothers you. :thup:

Where's the change they were talking about?
And he was black?
Those people in that video should be banned from voting until they take a required civics class.
Fast and Furious- brainwashed BS- Bush ATF local outof control

Fisker, Tesla, Volt- selling great despite Pub BS

Solyndra- 1 of 38 is a failure, due to Chinese dumping...

Keystone- will go ahead as soon as they find a safe route...Pubcrappe.

So much fear mongering BS so little time.See sig pp3. And thanks for the cronyism/corruption Pub Worldwide depression (and the gov't paralysis)...let's do it again!

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT
This is not effective you don't answer one charge by pointing at what the other administration said.

It just explains how you will pick and choose when this sort of thing bothers you. :thup:

Where's the change they were talking about?
And he was black?
Those people in that video should be banned from voting until they take a required civics class.

If I was around here back in '08 I would have been telling you there wouldn't be much at all, but I've already gone over my stances on that, over and over again.

I'm using the technique being discussed in this thread in hopes that one day you'll remember.
I like it when liberals compare Obama to Bush... It's like saying "not like Republicans did much better." Haha, both sides are doomed to pure stupidity.
Muslim. (who went to a radical Christian church for 20 years) :p
Death panels.
Take America back.

You're right. If you say the same thing over and over again people will believe anything.
1. obama is a member of the Chicago new party do a search it's socialist
2. Yes he was taught Muslim traditions as a child
3. death panels are in the law
4. obama does have a few unAmerican friends like bill Ayres.
5. I agree it is time to take America back.
The Obama ran against the policies and actions of the Bush Administration.

His message of Hope and Change was predicated on the promise that He would bring Hope to the country by Changing those actions and policies.

Which of those GWB policies/actions has The Obama changed, how did He change them, and how has that change brought the hope He promised?

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