BP Is Into Some Pretty Bad Shit


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PObEIiW_KFc]YouTube - BP and Libya Signed Deepwater Oil Exploration Agreement in 2007, Lockerbie Bomber Sealed the Deal[/ame]

There seems to be a cloud of confusion over BP these days. Not only did they cause the worst natural disaster in US history but now it becomea evident that they were involved in oil deals with Libya to release the Lockerby Scotland bomber under false pretenses.

Originally it was claimed he only had days to live. Turns out he wasn't dying at all. He may live 20 years. Seems the Brits have been had. Or were they?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sztdXubV7Z4&feature=related]YouTube - Lockerbie Bomber Will Live 10 Years or More[/ame]

BP caused the Gulf Oil disaster and now this. Wonder why they felt compelled to contribute so much to Obama's campaign. Of all of the politicians in Washington Obama received the most from BP. Maybe they felt he was someone they could deal with.

Their reward is a $20 Billion dollar shakedown. Looks like BP got the shaft from Obama. Even after they provided him with the disaster he needed to completely shut down the oil industry in the Gulf. Obama is pulling out all of the stops in his attempt to end drilling in and around the continental United States.

Why is this so important to Obama? Ending oil production will make America an easy target for terrorist supporting regimes that happen to be some of the biggest oil producers in the world. We wouldn't have any energy security if Obama gets his way. They could bring our economy to a complete halt in months just by cutting off the spigot. I'm sure Obama knows this. Or does he?

That remains to be seen. Judging by his past actions I doubt he is really concerned about this at all.

But one question comes to mind....why now....why allow the conditions that caused the spill in the first place? Who is BP in bed with and is there a possibility that this was done on purpose? Who has the most to gain from this disaster? And finally who is taking advantage of it?

One thing is for sure....it is not beneath BP at all to deal under the table with terrorist regimes. This oil swap is a prime example of it.
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when did the drilling start and what administration did not require the fail safe part?

obama now bears the weight of a problem he did not create singled handedly but is allowing to continue....atlantis is still out there pumping
drilling started in February, 2010. it did have a blowout preventer.
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An entity whose ONLY mission is to increase net worth is apt to do whatever it takes to achieve those goals.

That is exacly why government needs to properly regulate those entities.

For the same reason one harnesses dumb brutes.

Too little regulation and corporations become parasitic or toxic. Too much regulation or bad regulation and we prevent them from operating efficiently.

Spare the rod and spoil the corporation, folks.

But abuse the corporation and you just end up killing the geese that lay the golden eggs.

Balance, it's what's works.

Finding that balance is the never ending and very difficult task before us.
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This isn't just a wacky Conspiracy Theory. This is fact. BP was involved with the release of this Terrorist. They should be banished from our nation for good. I would even support arresting some of their top execs. This really is very disturbing.
Welcome to the reality of corporations.

When profit is you only motive you will do anything.

Now who is going to watch the corps to keep them from ONLY considering profit when they act?
And which politician received the most cash from BP of any politician in America? If you guessed this current President,you nailed it. It's all just a game folks. BP will be just fine in the end. They have taken care of all the right politicians. It really is so sad.
Welcome to the reality of corporations.

When profit is you only motive you will do anything.

Now who is going to watch the corps to keep them from ONLY considering profit when they act?

Whose going to keep an eye on the corporation watchers when the corporation watchers are corrupt? MMS certainly wasn't doing their job.

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