Boycott here is the list of companies who have severed ties with the NRA


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
BOYCOTT: Here Is the List of Companies Who Have Severed Ties with the NRA
The left has been going all in on a push to get companies to cut ties from the NRA since the Parkland high school shooting. They are aiming bots and all sorts of folks on social media at companies connected to the NRA, claiming that they a “child murderers” despite the fact that the NRA had nothing to do with the crime. And the effort is bearing some fruit.


But know that Americans who aren't traitors to their own nation will rise up and fight back voting with dollars works on both sides of the game.
Numerous tweets can already be seen where people are telling the companies who cut ties with the NRA they will no longer support their companies by renting, flying, eating and or banking with them.
This is the work of 10 people who send tens of thousand bots onto companies. The companies targeted foolishly think these are real customers. We need bots of our own to carry our message to these companies and neutralize the opposition.

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