Both parents die leaving 4 Texas orphans.

Another thread for you Leftist to celebrate the death of more innocent people.

Vaccinated people are dying too.

If there was ever any doubt just how Mentally Ill you sick Leftist Fucks are, this plandemic has removed any doubt of that.

They are the party of death and destruction.........racism, misogyny, segregation........yep, the democrats are the party of evil.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.


4 members of my family got the Chinese flu.....they all survived....since there is a 99% survival rate if you are under 75......

Typical leftists standing on the bodies of the victims, smearing blood all over themselves in their death cult rituals...

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.

This is are insane...

From Mike response to shitheads like you....

Mike – I read several months ago that you got the vaccine. I’m glad. But I’m also curious. You have a lot of people on this page who respect your opinion - many of whom I’d wager are unvaccinated. Have you encouraged them to follow your example? If not, what are you waiting for? As you surely know, Delta is raging. The sooner we’re all vaccinated, the sooner we can get back to normal!
Steve Manchin

Hi Steve

The short answer is no - I have not publicly encouraged anyone to get vaccinated. In fact, I have recently declined to participate in several PSA's designed to persuade people to get the jab. That’s not because I’m opposed to vaccines, obviously. Vaccines have saved more lives than any other advancement in the long history of medicine, and to your point, I got the shots the minute I was eligible. But I’m not a doctor, Steve, and even though I occasionally play one on TV, I’m not inclined to dispense medical advice to the people on this page.
True, I did appear in a few PSA’s early on, back when they assured us that locking down was essential to keeping our hospitals from being overrun. “Two weeks to flatten the curve!” Remember that one? That of course, turned out to be untrue, and I regret my role in helping perpetuate that particular falsehood. I also regret what I said during the first Zoom show to air in primetime. It was an episode of After the Catch, where I discussed the lockdowns with a few crab-boat captains. At one point, I looked into the camera lens on my computer and said, with uncharacteristic earnestness, “For the first time in a long time, it appears we’re all in the same boat.”
Well, I was wrong about that, too. We were not in the same boat, not then or now. We were in the same storm, but our boats were very different. Some prospered during the lockdowns and rode out the gale in yachts and pleasure crafts. Others floundered and weathered the storm in rowboats and dinghies. Some had no boat at all and hung on for dear life to whatever flotsam and jetsam they could find. Point is, I said some things I regret back then, and spoke too broadly to too many. Thus, the only thing I’ll say now regarding the vaccine, is that there is risk in everything we do, and there is risk in everything we don’t do. Thus, there is risk in getting vaccinated, and there is risk in not getting vaccinated. Obviously, I made my decision, but again, I’m not a doctor. Thus, I am not equipped to answer questions like, “But Mike, if the vaccine is so safe, why hasn’t the FDA approved it? Or, “But Mike, if the vaccine is so effective, why is the government now treating us all as if we’re unvaccinated?”
These are fair and reasonable questions, and I have no logical reply. Here in California if you’re inside, you must now wear a mask, vaccinated or not. What kind of message does that send?Yes, we have a new variant, and from what I’ve read, it’s highly contagious, but far less virulent – especially if you’re vaccinated. According to the CDC, just one 1 in 27,000 vaccinated people have contracted it. That means if you’re vaccinated, you’re more likely to get struck by lightning than contract COVID. And yet, people are once again calling for more lockdowns, more restrictions, and more compliance from those who already got their shots.
The fact is, millions of reasonable Americans have every right to feel confused and skeptical. Those people you refer to, Steve – the ones now telling us that we can “get back to normal just as soon as everyone is vaccinated” – those are the same people who said, “two weeks to flatten the curve!” Those are the same people who told us that masks were “useless” before they told us they were “critical.” Those are the same people who told us that a return to normalcy would occur just as soon as “the most vulnerable” among us were vaccinated. Then, just as soon as “half the population” was vaccinated. Then, just as soon as we achieved “herd immunity.” Those are the same people who told us they wouldn’t trust ANY vaccine developed under the last administration. Now, those very same people are belittling the skeptics!
If this were a Peanuts cartoon, those people would be Lucy, pulling away the football at the last moment while a nation full of Charlie Browns land flat on their collective back, over and over and over again. Those people you refer to - elected officials, journalists, and most disturbingly, more than a few medical experts - have moved the goalposts time and time again, while ignoring the same rules and restrictions they demand we all live by. They’re always certain, usually wrong, incapable of shame, and utterly void of humility. Is it any wonder millions find them unpersuasive?
I’m sorry, Steve, but even if I were an actual doctor, I wouldn’t know what to say to the skeptics on this page. But as a fake one, I’ll say this. Every single American who wants the vaccine has had the opportunity to get it – for free. Those who have declined will not be persuaded by the likes of me. At this point, I’m afraid the the government has but one course of sensible action - get the FDA on board, stat, and then, provide an honest, daily breakdown of just how quickly the virus is spreading among the unvaccinated, versus the vaccinated. No more threats, no more judgments, no more politics, no more celebrity-driven PSA’s, no more ham-fisted attempts at public shaming. Just a steady flow of verifiable data that definitively proves that the vast, undeniable, overwhelming majority of people who get this disease are unvaccinated.
In other words, give us the facts, admit your mistakes, try on a bit of humility, and stop treating the unvaccinated like the enemy.

PS Dirty Jobs, as the attached photo should prove, is coming back. New episodes probably start in October. The doctor will see you then...
Yeah, but they had the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to die out of ignorance and arrogance and ruin their children's lives.

It's not about their children, or anyone else's children, or anyone else.

This is about THEM.

That's Trumpism.

From Mike shitheads like you...

Mike – I read several months ago that you got the vaccine. I’m glad. But I’m also curious. You have a lot of people on this page who respect your opinion - many of whom I’d wager are unvaccinated. Have you encouraged them to follow your example? If not, what are you waiting for? As you surely know, Delta is raging. The sooner we’re all vaccinated, the sooner we can get back to normal!
Steve Manchin

Hi Steve

The short answer is no - I have not publicly encouraged anyone to get vaccinated. In fact, I have recently declined to participate in several PSA's designed to persuade people to get the jab. That’s not because I’m opposed to vaccines, obviously. Vaccines have saved more lives than any other advancement in the long history of medicine, and to your point, I got the shots the minute I was eligible. But I’m not a doctor, Steve, and even though I occasionally play one on TV, I’m not inclined to dispense medical advice to the people on this page.
True, I did appear in a few PSA’s early on, back when they assured us that locking down was essential to keeping our hospitals from being overrun. “Two weeks to flatten the curve!” Remember that one? That of course, turned out to be untrue, and I regret my role in helping perpetuate that particular falsehood. I also regret what I said during the first Zoom show to air in primetime. It was an episode of After the Catch, where I discussed the lockdowns with a few crab-boat captains. At one point, I looked into the camera lens on my computer and said, with uncharacteristic earnestness, “For the first time in a long time, it appears we’re all in the same boat.”
Well, I was wrong about that, too. We were not in the same boat, not then or now. We were in the same storm, but our boats were very different. Some prospered during the lockdowns and rode out the gale in yachts and pleasure crafts. Others floundered and weathered the storm in rowboats and dinghies. Some had no boat at all and hung on for dear life to whatever flotsam and jetsam they could find. Point is, I said some things I regret back then, and spoke too broadly to too many. Thus, the only thing I’ll say now regarding the vaccine, is that there is risk in everything we do, and there is risk in everything we don’t do. Thus, there is risk in getting vaccinated, and there is risk in not getting vaccinated. Obviously, I made my decision, but again, I’m not a doctor. Thus, I am not equipped to answer questions like, “But Mike, if the vaccine is so safe, why hasn’t the FDA approved it? Or, “But Mike, if the vaccine is so effective, why is the government now treating us all as if we’re unvaccinated?”
These are fair and reasonable questions, and I have no logical reply. Here in California if you’re inside, you must now wear a mask, vaccinated or not. What kind of message does that send?Yes, we have a new variant, and from what I’ve read, it’s highly contagious, but far less virulent – especially if you’re vaccinated. According to the CDC, just one 1 in 27,000 vaccinated people have contracted it. That means if you’re vaccinated, you’re more likely to get struck by lightning than contract COVID. And yet, people are once again calling for more lockdowns, more restrictions, and more compliance from those who already got their shots.
The fact is, millions of reasonable Americans have every right to feel confused and skeptical. Those people you refer to, Steve – the ones now telling us that we can “get back to normal just as soon as everyone is vaccinated” – those are the same people who said, “two weeks to flatten the curve!” Those are the same people who told us that masks were “useless” before they told us they were “critical.” Those are the same people who told us that a return to normalcy would occur just as soon as “the most vulnerable” among us were vaccinated. Then, just as soon as “half the population” was vaccinated. Then, just as soon as we achieved “herd immunity.” Those are the same people who told us they wouldn’t trust ANY vaccine developed under the last administration. Now, those very same people are belittling the skeptics!
If this were a Peanuts cartoon, those people would be Lucy, pulling away the football at the last moment while a nation full of Charlie Browns land flat on their collective back, over and over and over again. Those people you refer to - elected officials, journalists, and most disturbingly, more than a few medical experts - have moved the goalposts time and time again, while ignoring the same rules and restrictions they demand we all live by. They’re always certain, usually wrong, incapable of shame, and utterly void of humility. Is it any wonder millions find them unpersuasive?
I’m sorry, Steve, but even if I were an actual doctor, I wouldn’t know what to say to the skeptics on this page. But as a fake one, I’ll say this. Every single American who wants the vaccine has had the opportunity to get it – for free. Those who have declined will not be persuaded by the likes of me. At this point, I’m afraid the the government has but one course of sensible action - get the FDA on board, stat, and then, provide an honest, daily breakdown of just how quickly the virus is spreading among the unvaccinated, versus the vaccinated. No more threats, no more judgments, no more politics, no more celebrity-driven PSA’s, no more ham-fisted attempts at public shaming. Just a steady flow of verifiable data that definitively proves that the vast, undeniable, overwhelming majority of people who get this disease are unvaccinated.
In other words, give us the facts, admit your mistakes, try on a bit of humility, and stop treating the unvaccinated like the enemy.

PS Dirty Jobs, as the attached photo should prove, is coming back. New episodes probably start in October. The doctor will see you then...
You don’t know that as 99% of people who get COVID don’t die. So the odds were greatly in his favor with or without the vaccine

4 of my family got the Chinese flu......they all works in a hospital caring for chinese flu patients......
100% positive as they lost sense of smell and taste and my wife still has yet to fully regain it. Kids are fine. Note that when it walks and quacks like a duck it’s a duck. What colds have you lose smell and taste? I am 40 and have never had one like that but covid, yes that is a symptom and they live with me and I was positive so put two and two together.

Still, walking and quacking like a duck is not science. I agree that your conclusion is most likely correct however. I'm sorry about you're wife's sense of taste and smell. That sucks.

My dog groomer is going through the same thing. She was generally asymptomatic and she was never tested but lost her sense of taste and smell and it's yet to return.

She's lost around 30 pounds that she honestly didn't have to lose. Has to pretty much force herself to eat. That doesn't sound like very much fun. Eating is one of those sensory pleasures that makes life worth living.
You don’t know that as 99% of people who get COVID don’t die. So the odds were greatly in his favor with or without the vaccine

Okay, I'm gonna accept your 1% number and give the "science" of adding the asymptomatic a little slack. Still, would you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger if there was a 1 in 100 chance it would kill you?

Not me - Better odds than your normal Russian roulette maybe, but that's still 100 deaths out of 10,000 cases. Not good.
Still, walking and quacking like a duck is not science. I agree that your conclusion is most likely correct however. I'm sorry about you're wife's sense of taste and smell. That sucks.

My dog groomer is going through the same thing. She was generally asymptomatic and she was never tested but lost her sense of taste and smell and it's yet to return.

She's lost around 30 pounds that she honestly didn't have to lose. Has to pretty much force herself to eat. That doesn't sound like very much fun. Eating is one of those sensory pleasures that makes life worth living.
So I had that same symptom. Lost 14 pds in 10 days. But my appetite is back unfortunately but I only eat one meal a day now most days. So not fully back to where it was. So yes, the stats are misleading. Death is rare but other annoying symptoms do persist. I wish China would come clean.
Okay, I'm gonna accept your 1% number and give the "science" of adding the asymptomatic a little slack. Still, would you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger if there was a 1 in 100 chance it would kill you?

Not me - Better odds than your normal Russian roulette maybe, but that's still 100 deaths out of 10,000 cases. Not good.

Versus the long term side effects of the new, experimental vaccines? Blood clots, lymphoma, myocarditis....strokes?

Please.....explain to us rubes exactly what the known, long term side effects of the new, experimental vaccines are as they pertain to blood clotting, heart inflammation, stroke and cancer....

Since you guys know everything about the benefits of the vaccines against a Chinese flu that has a survival rate of 99%.....

Please, explain the long term, unknown risks with the new, experimental the way.....the vaccine companies are immunized against........see what I did there....?
Okay, I'm gonna accept your 1% number and give the "science" of adding the asymptomatic a little slack. Still, would you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger if there was a 1 in 100 chance it would kill you?

Not me - Better odds than your normal Russian roulette maybe, but that's still 100 deaths out of 10,000 cases. Not good.
No but I would not stop living my life either. And it’s less than 1% for those under 50.
No but I would not stop living my life either. And it’s less than 1% for those under 50.

Yep....versus the unknown side effects of the brand new, completely experimental vaccines........from companies that do not have to face the consequences of any problems that may show up a few years from now...
Versus the long term side effects of the new, experimental vaccines? Blood clots, lymphoma, myocarditis....strokes?

Please.....explain to us rubes exactly what the known, long term side effects of the new, experimental vaccines are as they pertain to blood clotting, heart inflammation, stroke and cancer....

Since you guys know everything about the benefits of the vaccines against a Chinese flu that has a survival rate of 99%.....

Please, explain the long term, unknown risks with the new, experimental the way.....the vaccine companies are immunized against........see what I did there....?

The manufacturers are protected for three years only. And both Moderna and Pfizer will receive full approval by the end of this month. Then smart folk will be getting a booster each year which accounts for variants same as one would a flu shot. See what I did there?
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Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.
It seems that the blacks and Hispanics are lagging in getting the vaccine, it has to do with trust and not love but a person like yourself is ignorant to such issues. It seems you and others relish the death of the unvaccinated and that is why you so eagerly like to post these tragic stories.

Unvaxxed of course. Those kids will grow up knowing that their parents didnt love them enough to get a jab. Saddest story of the day.
At least their parents loved them enough not to abort them as prochoice people who do not believe life begins until birth.

You can blame the parents for not trusting vaccines, or blame the unnatural virus from mutating animal strains resulting from manmade manipulation in one form or another.

There is plenty of blame to go around.

Other doctors with high success rates in treating patients are still crediting Hydroxychloroquine, so the liberal politics that censored this lifesaving solution are equally to blame for disinformation costing lives and filling up hospitals when that could be dramatically reduced as well.

Let's not play this game of wanting people to fail.

Let's support all the best solutions and options, not politicize this to leverage onesided narrative over another.

We should support the best of ALL solutions and information to save the maximum lives and resources to help more people effectively and reserve hospitalizations to just those cases that cannot be prevented with either HCQ or vaccines or both.
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It seems that the blacks and Hispanics are lagging in getting the vaccine, it has to do with trust and not love but a person like yourself is ignorant to such issues. It seems you and others relish the death of the unvaccinated and that is why you so eagerly like to post these tragic stories.

Yes....70% of black Americans in New York are not vaccinated yet........but....Trump?
The absolute glee with which the OP started this thread LITERALLY oozes through the computer screen.

Exploiting the death of two parents and the resulting pain of their orphaned children is beyond disgusting.

Shame on you, Tommy Twatface.
The absolute glee with which the OP started this thread LITERALLY oozes through the computer screen.

Exploiting the death of two parents and the resulting pain of their orphaned children is beyond disgusting.

Shame on you, Tommy Twatface.

There is no shame for leftists.......that is why it is so easy for them to fill mass graves.

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