Boston Globe Endorses Huntsman for GOP Nominee


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
For vision and national unity, Huntsman for GOP nominee

Dissatisfaction with the economy, expressed in spasms of anger toward Wall Street and Washington; the dashed hopes of many who believed that Barack Obama’s election would create a new spirit of unity; and genuine uncertainty about Democratic health care reform - all of these have created an historic opportunity for the Republican Party. Just three years removed from a Republican administration that was roundly judged a failure, the party has a chance to renew itself - to blaze a path to bipartisan action on the budget, to introduce market-based solutions to health costs, and to construct a post-Iraq War network of alliances to promote global economic strength, knowing that true security comes from both peace and prosperity.

For vision and national unity, Huntsman for GOP nominee - Editorials - The Boston Globe
From the perspective of the Boston Globe, I suppose Huntsman is the least objectionable GOP candidate.
Huntsman may be the other republican in the race..

Next to Romney who is sucking up to the RINO's!
Huntsman is going to have to wait to become the next GOP candidate du jour until after Mr. Sanitorium flames out.
Unfortunately, Hunstman will never get the nomination. Best case scenario is VP. But he will most likely end up as Secretary of State.
There is only one endorsement that every candidate seeks more than all the rest put together and that is AIPAC

(American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

Without this Zionist Jew lobbying group's stamp of approval.

No presidential contender has a snowballs chance in, you know where, of winning. :doubt:

That's a hot babe ya got there as your avatar.:eusa_whistle:
Unfortunately, Hunstman will never get the nomination. Best case scenario is VP. But he will most likely end up as Secretary of State.

Suceed Hillary? I know Obama made him ambassador to China, but Sec. of State is a bit of a stretch.
For vision and national unity, Huntsman for GOP nominee

Dissatisfaction with the economy, expressed in spasms of anger toward Wall Street and Washington; the dashed hopes of many who believed that Barack Obama’s election would create a new spirit of unity; and genuine uncertainty about Democratic health care reform - all of these have created an historic opportunity for the Republican Party. Just three years removed from a Republican administration that was roundly judged a failure, the party has a chance to renew itself - to blaze a path to bipartisan action on the budget, to introduce market-based solutions to health costs, and to construct a post-Iraq War network of alliances to promote global economic strength, knowing that true security comes from both peace and prosperity.

For vision and national unity, Huntsman for GOP nominee - Editorials - The Boston Globe

He's a flaming rino or a lib in sheeps clothing.
If you watched any of the republican debates you can tell that Huntsman is the smartest candidate on stage. I would vote for a Ron Paul / Jon Huntsman ticket.
If you watched any of the republican debates you can tell that Huntsman is the smartest candidate on stage. I would vote for a Ron Paul / Jon Huntsman ticket.

yes, huntsman is probably the smartest person on the GOP stage.... which is one of the reasons the "base" ignores him. he doesn't reinforce their ignorance.
Governor Jon Huntsman debates Newt Gingrich at the Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Clearly Huntsman is the smartest candidate for president in 2012.

[ame=""]Governor Huntsman Debates Newt Gingrich[/ame]
From the perspective of the Boston Globe, I suppose Huntsman is the least objectionable GOP candidate.

they don't seem to think much of their former governor.

Neither did the people of Massachusetts.

Romney is the only GOP candidate who WILL NOT win his home state if nominated.

Santorum has a fifty-fifty chance of carrying PA. Perry will carry Texas, Newt will carry Georgia. But Mass. will remain in the Democratic column no matter who wins.

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