Boston Globe embarrasses itself; makes Dems look like fools.


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Boston Globe runs with a story today that was debunked by almost 2 weeks ago. How sad is that?

Late on July 1, the Obama campaign issued a formal objection to this article, claiming that Romney remained at least a “part time” manager of Bain after February 1999. We strongly disagree. Both Romney and Bain have stated repeatedly that Romney “has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way” since leaving to head the Olympics. Romney stated that twice on official federal disclosure documents, where a falsehood could draw a federal felony charge and possible fines and prison time if convicted. A contemporary news account describes Romney as working 16-hour days on the Olympics. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach

They reiterated it today. : Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion
Read this right wing morons and stop parroting the right wing propaganda that fox is ordering you to do,..

Obama campaign: ‘Severe consequences’ if Romney committed felony with Bain lies | The Raw Story


Your stupidity knows no bounds.

You didn't even read the link you stupid fuck, but it's not like it would matter. Willard could be completely guilty of federal crimes, and you morons would still vote for him.
"Severe consequences if Obama committed felony by having sex with a minor".

There... happy?
Read this right wing morons and stop parroting the right wing propaganda that fox is ordering you to do,..

Obama campaign: ‘Severe consequences’ if Romney committed felony with Bain lies | The Raw Story


Your stupidity knows no bounds.

You didn't even read the link you stupid fuck, but it's not like it would matter. Willard could be completely guilty of federal crimes, and you morons would still vote for him.

Read this right wing morons and stop parroting the right wing propaganda that fox is ordering you to do,..

Obama campaign: ‘Severe consequences’ if Romney committed felony with Bain lies | The Raw Story

Read it and weep pal:

And we wish to note, we’re not alone in this judgement. Others include:

■Fortune’s Dan Primack — who covers Wall Street “deals and dealmakers” — addressed the Mother Jones reporting in a July 2 article that came to the same conclusion we do. Primack’s more recent reporting we’ve already noted.
■The Washington Post‘s Fact Checker, Glenn Kessler, rebutted the Boston Globe story in a July 12 piece. “Just because you are listed as an owner of shares does not mean you have a managerial role,” Kessler writes. We agree.
■Before the Globe story broke, the Columbia Journalism Review’s Brendan Nyhan stated: “[T]he specific cases cited by the Obama campaign largely concern actions taken by those companies during a period in which Romney was not making operational decisions at the firm. Journalists must be clear about this distinction.” After the Globe story, CJR’s Greg Marx wrote “there’s less new in the Globe article than the attention it has drawn suggests.”
■ABC News’ Devin Dwyer reported July 12, after the Globe‘s story appeared: “Team Obama does not provide any specific evidence to back up claims that Romney was actively managing Bain between 1999 and 2002.”
Dishonest Campaigns

The Romney campaign cited our work in a recent ad to accuse President Obama of running a “dishonest campaign.” The term “dishonest” is theirs, not ours, however. And we make no judgments about the personal character of either candidate, or their campaigns.

And we’ll just note for the record that has also found numerous instances in which Romney has also strayed from the facts in accusations against Obama. He also claimed that he created 100,000 jobs at Bain Capital — a claim we found lacked support because it took credit for jobs added by companies long after Romney had left the Bain.

But that’s no excuse for the Obama campaign trying to saddle Romney with responsibility for decisions Bain made while Romney was somewhere else. : Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion
So Romney committed a felony?

Wouldn't be the first time you folks elected a lawbreaker to office.


Sure. I guess then Obama had his gay lover killed too. Wouldn't be the first lover a democrat killed. :lol:

Just keep ignoring facts so you can feel better about your choice of political party and therefore yourself.
Boston Globe runs with a story today that was debunked by almost 2 weeks ago. How sad is that?

Late on July 1, the Obama campaign issued a formal objection to this article, claiming that Romney remained at least a “part time” manager of Bain after February 1999. We strongly disagree. ...

wow!!! they disagree? :laugh2:

FOX NEWS: Obamacare Individual Mandate 'Unconstitutional' - Business Insider

Fox News Also Erroneously Reported That Obamacare's Individual Mandate Was Unconstitutional

Read more: FOX NEWS: Obamacare Individual Mandate 'Unconstitutional' - Business Insider
Obama somehow was worth 12 million dollars in 2010 and still, supposedly, 8-10 million now. How is that possible being the "public servant" he's been his whole life?
Obama somehow was worth 12 million dollars in 2010 and still, supposedly, 8-10 million now. How is that possible being the "public servant" he's been his whole life?

Pretty good for a Junior US Senator who worked for a magazine for 18 months.
Boston Globe runs with a story today that was debunked by almost 2 weeks ago. How sad is that?

Late on July 1, the Obama campaign issued a formal objection to this article, claiming that Romney remained at least a “part time” manager of Bain after February 1999. We strongly disagree. Both Romney and Bain have stated repeatedly that Romney “has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way” since leaving to head the Olympics. Romney stated that twice on official federal disclosure documents, where a falsehood could draw a federal felony charge and possible fines and prison time if convicted. A contemporary news account describes Romney as working 16-hour days on the Olympics. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach

They reiterated it today. : Romney’s Bain Years: New Evidence, Same Conclusion

So Romney was still CEO?

case closed
My uncle could have been my aunt had he been born a woman.

here ya go my friend:

A few weeks after fertilization, the initial appearance of the human fetal genitalia is basically feminine: a pair of "urogenital folds" with a small protuberance in the middle, and the urethra behind the protuberance.

In typical fetal development, the presence of the SRY gene causes the fetal gonads to become testes; the absence of it allows the gonads to continue to develop into ovaries. Thereafter, the development of the internal reproductive organs and the external genitalia is determined by hormones produced by fetal gonads (ovaries or testes) and the cells' response to them.

If the fetus has testes, and if the testes produce testosterone, and if the cells of the genitals respond to the testosterone, the outer urogenital folds swell and fuse in the midline to produce the scrotum; the protuberance grows larger and straighter to form the penis; the inner urogenital swellings swell, wrap around the penis, and fuse in the midline to form the penile urethra.

If testosterone is not present, normal female development continues, with the development of a perineal urethra and the formation of a uterus, clitoris and vagina.
Boston Globe runs with a story today that was debunked by almost 2 weeks ago. How sad is that?

Late on July 1, the Obama campaign issued a formal objection to this article, claiming that Romney remained at least a “part time” manager of Bain after February 1999. We strongly disagree. ...

wow!!! they disagree? :laugh2:

yeah then provided the facts. Something the Obama campaign should try someday.

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