Border Patrol Has Apprehended People from 44 Different Countries


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Ortiz says, “We actually don’t know who they are. So far, here in South Texas, we’ve apprehended folks from 44 different countries. These are from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, you name it. Uh…we continue to see some increases in those numbers. Most of the people we apprehend are from Central America, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. But we do see folks from across the world, and probably, by the end of the year, I would venture to say that number, will get as high as 60 different countries we will apprehend people from.” Deputy Chief Border Agent Ortiz warned, “Those are the people who are trying to get away from us.”

What kind of national security do we have when this happens?

And the Dims refuse to do anything about it.

The story also points out that while they’ve apprehended 120k, a quarter of a million has escaped and are roaming this country.

@ DEPUTY CHIEF BORDER AGENT: “We’ve apprehended people from 44 different countries...People aren’t talking about the 25,000 people who got away from us” [VIDEO]

Jorge Ramos: Amnesty for Illegals, Migrants—‘Nothing We Can Do to Stop Them’ @ Jorge Ramos: Amnesty for Illegals, Migrants—‘Nothing We Can Do to Stop Them’ | Breitbart

Why the hell doesn’t he take the millions he earned here and go back to his home in Mexico?


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