“border more secure than ever.”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Because of our failing economy and less illegals are entering to find work and not because our success in our border security. “More secure than ever” is not secure enough because illegals are still crossing and drugs are still crossing. Amnesty by way of Comp. Immig. Reform will not make our border more secure but will make it less secure by those entering to do us harm. Both illegal looking for work and smuggling drugs and terrorist. Drugs crossing our southern border is the primary cause of gun violence in Chicago and our inner cities. When a pregnant woman can climb a fence in less than a minute the border is not secure.

Illegals do U.S. economy more harm than foreign terrorist and still Obama is in Mexico spreading his amnesty\political propaganda and Mexico\America relations which benefits no one but Mexico. Immigrants from Mexico today cannot began to compare to the immigrants that entered and registered through Ellis Island. Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty is not the answer to our immigration problems, it just exacerbate our immigration problems. We are a nation of laws and that makes us a great nation. Laws that are not enforced are worthless and ineffective laws.

“Good fences make good neighbors”
Undocumented Kids Crossing the U.S. Border Alone in Increasing Numbers
by Terry Greene Sterling Mar 23, 2013
Illegal immigration may be down, but the number of children coming into the U.S. on their own is soaring—and many are deported without a lawyer. Terry Greene Sterling reports.
Undocumented Kids Crossing the U.S. Border Alone in Increasing Numbers - The Daily Beast

Obama admin chooses to cut border security
» Obama admin chooses to cut border security » News -- GOPUSA

Because of our failing economy and less illegals are entering to find work and not because our success in our border security. “More secure than ever” is not secure enough because illegals are still crossing and drugs are still crossing. Amnesty by way of Comp. Immig. Reform will not make our border more secure but will make it less secure by those entering to do us harm. Both illegal looking for work and smuggling drugs and terrorist. Drugs crossing our southern border is the primary cause of gun violence in Chicago and our inner cities. When a pregnant woman can climb a fence in less than a minute the border is not secure.

Illegals do U.S. economy more harm than foreign terrorist and still Obama is in Mexico spreading his amnesty\political propaganda and Mexico\America relations which benefits no one but Mexico. Immigrants from Mexico today cannot began to compare to the immigrants that entered and registered through Ellis Island. Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty is not the answer to our immigration problems, it just exacerbate our immigration problems. We are a nation of laws and that makes us a great nation. Laws that are not enforced are worthless and ineffective laws.

“Good fences make good neighbors”
Undocumented Kids Crossing the U.S. Border Alone in Increasing Numbers
by Terry Greene Sterling Mar 23, 2013
Illegal immigration may be down, but the number of children coming into the U.S. on their own is soaring—and many are deported without a lawyer. Terry Greene Sterling reports.
Undocumented Kids Crossing the U.S. Border Alone in Increasing Numbers - The Daily Beast

Obama admin chooses to cut border security
» Obama admin chooses to cut border security » News -- GOPUSA

We have more fences than ever. More personel on the border than ever. What more do you want?

As for amnesty, Republicans are walking lock step with the president on this.

But you are right about one thing. This new wave of immigrants is much different than those that entered through Ellis Island. They are a few shades darker for one thing.
The more illegals that come over the less legal immigrants that can come. The question is do you want people with a sense of entitlement who feel they are above the law to immigrate here or people who will follow the laws of the land and immigrate here?
We have more fences than ever. More personel on the border than ever. What more do you want?

Lots of things could happen...one: complete the fence across the entire southern border. Two: Withdraw our troop from Europe and Japan and use them to secure the border.
Three: What difference does more personnel on the border make when Obama orders them to release them on the spot?

As for amnesty, Republicans are walking lock step with the president on this.

You are mistaken on this point, it isn't Republicans who are walking lock step, its Obama who is following instead of leading. And by the way its democrats, lead by Harry Reid who are slowing down the process by not allowing it to come to a head.

But you are right about one thing. This new wave of immigrants is much different than those that entered through Ellis Island. They are a few shades darker for one thing.

I agree with both of you to a point, but the people who came thru Ellis Island (taking into consideration that not all were allow in) but they came legally and those coming across our southern border are coming mostly illegally which seems to be a sticking point to our open border friends.

I find your last sentence kind of racist.
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Because of our failing economy and less illegals are entering to find work and not because our success in our border security. “More secure than ever” is not secure enough because illegals are still crossing and drugs are still crossing. Amnesty by way of Comp. Immig. Reform will not make our border more secure but will make it less secure by those entering to do us harm. Both illegal looking for work and smuggling drugs and terrorist. Drugs crossing our southern border is the primary cause of gun violence in Chicago and our inner cities. When a pregnant woman can climb a fence in less than a minute the border is not secure.

Illegals do U.S. economy more harm than foreign terrorist and still Obama is in Mexico spreading his amnesty\political propaganda and Mexico\America relations which benefits no one but Mexico. Immigrants from Mexico today cannot began to compare to the immigrants that entered and registered through Ellis Island. Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty is not the answer to our immigration problems, it just exacerbate our immigration problems. We are a nation of laws and that makes us a great nation. Laws that are not enforced are worthless and ineffective laws.

“Good fences make good neighbors”
Undocumented Kids Crossing the U.S. Border Alone in Increasing Numbers
by Terry Greene Sterling Mar 23, 2013
Illegal immigration may be down, but the number of children coming into the U.S. on their own is soaring—and many are deported without a lawyer. Terry Greene Sterling reports.
Undocumented Kids Crossing the U.S. Border Alone in Increasing Numbers - The Daily Beast

Obama admin chooses to cut border security
» Obama admin chooses to cut border security » News -- GOPUSA

We have more fences than ever. More personel on the border than ever. What more do you want?

As for amnesty, Republicans are walking lock step with the president on this.

But you are right about one thing. This new wave of immigrants is much different than those that entered through Ellis Island. They are a few shades darker for one thing.

How about more workplace enforcement leading to self deportation leading to a more secure border because if they cannot work they will not come unless smuggling drugs?
The fences are like the ones around many homes in this country and have you seen personal chasing illegal across the desert. Two after 30 illegals. WE need a wall and the well armed militia. IF we were really serious.

Another thing they were not on welfare and food stamps either. The also registered through Ellis Island and some were sent back home. The blacks immigrants that were brought here gave this country 400 years of free labor?
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The one thing I can't stand about illegal aliens is the very thing I can't stand about popular youth culture and the attitude American business seems to have adopted: Morality is based strictly on whether or not one can get away with breaking the rules. The old status quo is contemptible, these people think. Cheating, lying and dishonesty seem to be the rule of the day. Integrity and honor seems to be dead as the dinosaurs. It’s so depressing.
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The one thing I can't stand about illegal aliens is the very thing I can't stand about popular youth culture and the attitude American business seems to have adopted: Morality is based strictly on whether or not one can get away with breaking the rules. The old status quo is contemptible, these people think. Cheating, lying and dishonesty seem to be the rule of the day. Integrity and honor seems to be dead as the dinosaurs. It’s so depressing.

What's depressing is loons who believe this kind of crap without having any idea of the truth.

Really and truly - you need to meet and get to know some of the people you are so quick to denigrate. I have and that's why I know you're wrong.

Lil ole Lady - GET A GRIP. You post this nonsense constantly and you are almost always wrong. Give your hate the day off and get to know the people you're trashing.
The one thing I can't stand about illegal aliens is the very thing I can't stand about popular youth culture and the attitude American business seems to have adopted: Morality is based strictly on whether or not one can get away with breaking the rules. The old status quo is contemptible, these people think. Cheating, lying and dishonesty seem to be the rule of the day. Integrity and honor seems to be dead as the dinosaurs. It’s so depressing.

And as history has shown us, this will also destroy us.

Because of our failing economy and less illegals are entering to find work and not because our success in our border security. “More secure than ever” is not secure enough because illegals are still crossing and drugs are still crossing. Amnesty by way of Comp. Immig. Reform will not make our border more secure but will make it less secure by those entering to do us harm. Both illegal looking for work and smuggling drugs and terrorist. Drugs crossing our southern border is the primary cause of gun violence in Chicago and our inner cities. When a pregnant woman can climb a fence in less than a minute the border is not secure.

Illegals do U.S. economy more harm than foreign terrorist and still Obama is in Mexico spreading his amnesty\political propaganda and Mexico\America relations which benefits no one but Mexico. Immigrants from Mexico today cannot began to compare to the immigrants that entered and registered through Ellis Island. Comp. Immig. Reform Amnesty is not the answer to our immigration problems, it just exacerbate our immigration problems. We are a nation of laws and that makes us a great nation. Laws that are not enforced are worthless and ineffective laws.

“Good fences make good neighbors”

We have more fences than ever. More personel on the border than ever. What more do you want?

As for amnesty, Republicans are walking lock step with the president on this.

But you are right about one thing. This new wave of immigrants is much different than those that entered through Ellis Island. They are a few shades darker for one thing.

How about more workplace enforcement leading to self deportation leading to a more secure border because if they cannot work they will not come unless smuggling drugs?
The fences are like the ones around many homes in this country and have you seen personal chasing illegal across the desert. Two after 30 illegals. WE need a wall and the well armed militia. IF we were really serious.

Another thing they were not on welfare and food stamps either. The also registered through Ellis Island and some were sent back home. The blacks immigrants that were brought here gave this country 400 years of free labor?

Wow. Obviously , you have never seen our southern border. I've posted at great length and detail about this in the past. I lived it for more than 25 years.

And, saying Ellis Island immigrants were not on welfare/food stamps is pretty silly since there was no such thing at the time.

Seriously, please learn more about this issue because almost every word you write is way off base. You're letting your mindless hate rule your emotions.

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