BOOM!!!! Rand Paul Wins

Boooom. Seems Sen. Jim Demint and Rep. Eric Cantor are backing away from Dr. Paul. How many others will throw him under the bus?

Honestly, I can't see how those folks would get along in the first place. They really have very little in common ideologically.
Boooom. Seems Sen. Jim Demint and Rep. Eric Cantor are backing away from Dr. Paul. How many others will throw him under the bus?

Honestly, I can't see how those folks would get along in the first place. They really have very little in common ideologically.

True, but is there any doubt that the enemy of my enemy is my friend? The right, no matter which label or ideology they adopt, are all opposed to President Obama, and hope he fails.
Failure means more misery for the American people, but a miserable and needy citizen is an opportunity and failure means the right can again gain power. Isn't that what the last 16months have been about?
Boooom. Seems Sen. Jim Demint and Rep. Eric Cantor are backing away from Dr. Paul. How many others will throw him under the bus?

Honestly, I can't see how those folks would get along in the first place. They really have very little in common ideologically.
I wouldn't be so sure with DeMint. They do have a lot in common in regards to the "major" fiscal issues and what not.
Yeah, Rand wants to burn crosses and kill black people? If you believe that then You're truly a fucking idiot bro. ~BH

Go read the KKK's political platform, then come back and tell me how much of it you agree with. :lol::lol:

carb, I spent so many years respecting you as a poster there and here. Of course we disagree Politically, and it wasn't always either. You seem to have lost any commonsense and turned into a racist yourself? That's a shame bro. I know you're a smart guy, and that's why it's a shame. ~BH

Frankly you overestimate my concern for your opinion of me.

You're calling me a racist why? exactly? Before I neg rep you...
Boooom. Seems Sen. Jim Demint and Rep. Eric Cantor are backing away from Dr. Paul. How many others will throw him under the bus?
It was funny to watch them both back away from Paul with their vague answers.

Funnier yet is that Rand Smuts, err...I mean Paul (lol look it up people) backed away from himself even more.

On CNN's the Situation Room this evening:

He said he would have voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act if he were in the Senate at the time, calling the racial climate at the time "a stain on the South and our history."

"There was an overriding problem in the South that was so big that it did require federal intervention in the Sixties," he said. "The Southern states weren't correcting it, and there was a need for federal intervention."

Now that's quite a Rand Who!? moment!:lol::lol:

Wow, I hope none of you segregation defenders from today got hurt getting thrown under the bus by your latest Teabag Messiah.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Conservatism is dead, people, get over it.
Go read the KKK's political platform, then come back and tell me how much of it you agree with. :lol::lol:

carb, I spent so many years respecting you as a poster there and here. Of course we disagree Politically, and it wasn't always either. You seem to have lost any commonsense and turned into a racist yourself? That's a shame bro. I know you're a smart guy, and that's why it's a shame. ~BH

Frankly you overestimate my concern for your opinion of me.

You're calling me a racist why? exactly? Before I neg rep you...

Like I give a crap if you "neg rep me" you imbecile? You bottomfeeding racist motherfucker! You won't be happy until all of us whites are in chains I bet eh? You gotta African American in the Whitehouse and you're still so consumed with your reverse racist bullshit that you have become mentally ill to the point where you need to be put in a god damn fucking straight-jacket bro. ~BH
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Rand Paul is doing fine - his take on the Civil Rights Act actually shows a depth that goes beyond the superficial race card politics of the liberal left.

He has considerable momentum and appears poised to win the Senate Seat...
He will have to do something to appeal to those not as racist as he is. The teabaggers will vote for him, no matter what.
A very substantial margin of victory for the Tea Party candidate.
Paul will now quickly mend fences with the Republican Party machine, but will, by the significance of his victory, be in the driver's seat when dictating terms.

And so the conservative tide heading into November 2010 grows...

What a difference a day makes. Maddow rules! This guy is so done. OH and there were idiots who thanked you when you first posted this crap.....

AquaAthena (05-18-2010), blu (05-18-2010), code1211 (05-18-2010), Conspiracist (Yesterday), Foxfyre (Yesterday), Middleman (05-18-2010), Nonelitist (05-18-2010), Wicked Jester (05-18-2010), WillowTree (05-18-2010), Zander (05-18-2010)

Morons. You look so damn dumb at this point, its just sad.

He will mend fences? The republicans are RUNNING away from this nut. He represents the tea baggers perfectly. But no, there are no racists in that party! :lol:
Rand Paul is doing fine - his take on the Civil Rights Act actually shows a depth that goes beyond the superficial race card politics of the liberal left.

He has considerable momentum and appears poised to win the Senate Seat...

Thats funny stuff right there. Funn..........oh wait, you were serious?! Oh dear god, you are serious. Wow. :eek:

If having alternate beliefs on the CRA Act or accepting them as valid are racist, well, I guess that makes me "racist" too.
Jury is out, his hair looks a little funny but so does my favorite senator's hair an he doesn't wear a rug. Sherrod Brown always looks like a big mess.

We'll find out when we see an interview outside.

Looks a little like Eddie Haskell to me



That's all you desperate morons have to come back with after another defeat? LMAO! ~BH
I got a couple snappy come backs for ya pertaining to this guy if you want them...:lol:
As Matt Welch noted earlier, Republican senatorial hopeful Rand Paul is taking heat for criticizing those sections of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that prohibit discrimination by private businesses. As Paul’s interview last night with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow indicates, many on the left see Paul’s libertarian position on this issue as a tacit endorsement of racism (or worse). As Maddow put it, “unless it's illegal, there's nothing to stop that—there's nothing under your world view to stop the country from re-segregating like we were before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

Of course, Paul was pretty clear that he supports the federal desegregation of public schools and the federal enforcement of voting rights, as well as most of the other provisions in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, so it’s unlikely we’ll see any wholesale re-segregating if his “world view” ever reaches the commanding heights. Maddow can rest easy.

Rand Paul, Property Rights, and Racism - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Rand is also 25 points up on Conway at the moment, and the poll was taken Wednesday night.

Election 2010: Kentucky Senate - Rasmussen Reports
A very substantial margin of victory for the Tea Party candidate.

Paul will now quickly mend fences with the Republican Party machine, but will, by the significance of his victory, be in the driver's seat when dictating terms.

And so the conservative tide heading into November 2010 grows...


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Rand Paul defeated Republican establishment favorite Trey Grayson in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, a closely watched race that was a key test of the tea party movement's strength.

Paul, the son of former presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, on Tuesday gave the tea party its first victory in a statewide election — one that could embolden the fledgling political movement in other states. With 31 percent of precincts reporting, Paul was leading with 65,702 votes, or 59 percent, to Grayson's 40,767 votes or 37 percent.

Paul wins Ky. Sen. primary in test of tea party | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

Not going to happen. The GOP is still stuck with a bunch of lefties dressed in conservative attire like Hannity and his following of neocons.
It was very easy for Democrats to take Rand down.. He was the Teaparty's best hope to become viable.

First, Rand takes the wind out of McConnell's sails by winning the primary then shoots himself in the head trying to skirt the cival rights issue.

Republicans have a death wish. I'm convinced.

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