Bombing of Temple Mount averted.

On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So the Israelis should have left the pipe bombs so they could be used against jews on the mount or at the wall below?

Weapons done belong in a place of worship, a place that should be teaching peace. young men started by throwing rocks and fire bombs at the Israelis, which is why the IDF entered the front of the mosque. If they had not bee provoked the pipe bombs might have been missed.

Israel is not going to let visitors to the mount or worshipers to the wall become victims to palestinian violence if they can prevent it.

Attacks by palestinians against Israel or Israelis is an act of war, not just a crime.

And as such should be responded to as detailed in the Geneva conventions. So the first response should be a pin point rocket on the al aqsa mosque as a valid military target to stop them using it as a munitions dump.

Three days of riots on the mount for taking their pipe bombs away is the palestinian response

Three days of riots are nothing if an Israeli bombs that Mosque, the entire ME will be engulfed in war cries to destroy Israel.

No Muslim would bomb their-own Mosque!

The would bomb the jewish gate or the western wall.
If they will store weapons and destroy the interior or the mosque or allow fire to burn it, they would bomb the mosque to trigger muslims to attack Israel.

They bomb, burn, terrorize and kill inside mosques. If it meant the jews not being able to access the mount, yes their would blow the mount to kingdom come.
However, there are other issues involved. Even if we received the consent of every Muslim in the world to raze or move the various Mosques from the Temple Mount, we still would not be permitted to rebuild the Holy Temple just yet.

Here's why:

Nowadays it is forbidden to enter the precise area where the Holy Temple used to be, because we are all ritually impure.(1) Whoever does so is violating a Biblical Prohibition punishable by death. In order for any of us to be able to become ritually pure, we would need the ablutions of the ashes of a red cow administered by a Cohen (Priest).(2)

Let us assume we have performed this ritual, and are now pure. Now we need an altar. Just any altar wouldn't do, it must be in the Temple area.(3) Therefore we must rebuild the altar. (I'll bypass the problems with that, as they are too complicated to explain.)

The next problem is the location of the Altar. The Law is very precise about just where the Holy Altar must be located. It is forbidden to place the Altar anywhere else. When they built the Second Holy Temple, they had to find reliable witnesses who could testify to the exact spot. They found three such witnesses, the prophets Haggai, Zephaniah and Malachi, but we don't have any prophets or witnesses today. Thus, until a prophet (we assume that it will probably be Elijah) comes and tells us where to build the Altar (among many other things we need to know first), we cannot build the Holy Altar.(4) The answer to this I shall discuss later, Hashem willing.

Without the Holy Altar it is forbidden to bring sacrifices.

Let us assume we were able to build the Altar, properly, and in the precise location. We would still need a Cohen whose genealogy can be determined absolutely and verified.(5) The answer to this problem I shall discuss later, Hashem willing.

Our next problem is that we must appoint a High Priest, or all Service is forbidden.(6) To appoint a High Priest, we need a Sanhedrin, which is a body of 71 ordained rabbis acting as the Supreme Court of the People Of Israel.(7) We cannot assemble a Sanhedrin, because the Sanhedrin must consist of rabbis ordained with the Mosaic Ordination, which was transmitted from Rabbi to Rabbi since Moses.(8) However, the Mosaic Ordination ceased to exist in the year 358 C.E. because of the persecutions Constantinius perpetrated upon the Jews.(9) This too, I shall answer later, Hashem willing.

There are yet other problems, such as Laws involving the Priestly Garments, the exact measurements of the Temple area, and many, many more, all of which demand as yet undiscovered answers.

And there are other types of concerns as well. The Torah does not even consider it a requirement on our part to rebuild the Holy Temple until most or all the Children of Israel live in the land of Israel. And there is also the matter of the Return of the Ten Tribes to consider, which will be part of our Final Redemption.

When these things have taken place, and we have made lasting peace with our enemies; when all Jews have returned to the Holy Land of Israel, and religious Jews have complete temporal and religious control over the land, then we will know that our Final Redemption has begun, and we can then turn our thoughts towards rebuilding the Holy Temple.

We have a tradition that Elijah the Prophet will arrive and reveal himself to us before the Advent of the Messiah.(10) He will arrive and answer all questions and resolve all doubts.(11) He will reveal to us which families are definitely Cohanim.(12) And he is a recipient of the Ordination Of Moses(13) and can therefore restore the Sanhedrin. And he will bring peace to the world.

Thrice daily, all observant Jews pray: "...and restore the service to the Holy Sanctuary, and the fire-offerings of Israel and their prayer you will accept with love..."

Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch, in his work, Moadim Uzmanim,(14) in his treatment of the subject, ends off by saying:

And according to what we have explained at length above, there are innumerable reasons why we do not rebuild the Holy Temple or the Altar, nor bring sacrifices today. Nor does the repossession of the Land of Israel change that Law at all. We are unable, and therefore exempt according to the Law, without a doubt, for many reasons, until the Messiah arrives...G-d forbid that anyone should reconsider or doubt this...And I only discussed these matters out of interest in the subject, due to love of the Holy Temple and the Holy Service.May the Holy One, Blessed is He, pour upon us a spirit of purity from high above, and may we be found worthy of having G-d's Holy Manifestation in our midst when G-d returns the Service to His Sanctuary speedily, and with our own eyes may we merit seeing everything straightened out.
Why Don't We Rebuild the Holy Temple?
Mansour called the situation at the holy sites in Jerusalem “extremely dangerous,” accusing “Israeli extremists” of trying to have a Jewish presence at the Al-Aqsa mosque.

He warned that Israeli actions could trigger religious confrontation over the holy sites, adding that this would be the dream of the Islamic State extremist group and would have “ramifications that will affect all corners of the Middle East and beyond.”
“It is imperative that the historic status quo is preserved” in line withagreements between Israel and Jordan’s King Abdullah II, who is custodian of the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem, he added, according toAP.

UN Envoy: Temple Mount Clashes Could Go Beyond Jerusalem
Mansour called the situation at the holy sites in Jerusalem “extremely dangerous,” accusing “Israeli extremists” of trying to have a Jewish presence at the Al-Aqsa mosque.

He warned that Israeli actions could trigger religious confrontation over the holy sites, adding that this would be the dream of the Islamic State extremist group and would have “ramifications that will affect all corners of the Middle East and beyond.”
“It is imperative that the historic status quo is preserved” in line withagreements between Israel and Jordan’s King Abdullah II, who is custodian of the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem, he added, according toAP.

UN Envoy: Temple Mount Clashes Could Go Beyond Jerusalem

Jews and christians are allowed to visit the mount but not pray there.
Palestinians often attack the jews that visit, causing the soldiers to take action. There is no justification of pipe bombs or weapons to be stashed in the mosque. Even rock throwing ban has been increased beyond Jerusalem.
Palestinian violence must end.

On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So the Israelis should have left the pipe bombs so they could be used against jews on the mount or at the wall below?

Weapons done belong in a place of worship, a place that should be teaching peace. young men started by throwing rocks and fire bombs at the Israelis, which is why the IDF entered the front of the mosque. If they had not bee provoked the pipe bombs might have been missed.

Israel is not going to let visitors to the mount or worshipers to the wall become victims to palestinian violence if they can prevent it.

Attacks by palestinians against Israel or Israelis is an act of war, not just a crime.

And as such should be responded to as detailed in the Geneva conventions. So the first response should be a pin point rocket on the al aqsa mosque as a valid military target to stop them using it as a munitions dump.

Three days of riots on the mount for taking their pipe bombs away is the palestinian response

Three days of riots are nothing if an Israeli bombs that Mosque, the entire ME will be engulfed in war cries to destroy Israel.

No Muslim would bomb their-own Mosque!

The would bomb the jewish gate or the western wall.
If they will store weapons and destroy the interior or the mosque or allow fire to burn it, they would bomb the mosque to trigger muslims to attack Israel.

They bomb, burn, terrorize and kill inside mosques. If it meant the jews not being able to access the mount, yes their would blow the mount to kingdom come.

your analysis of what could happen is that of a fool...
Mansour called the situation at the holy sites in Jerusalem “extremely dangerous,” accusing “Israeli extremists” of trying to have a Jewish presence at the Al-Aqsa mosque.

He warned that Israeli actions could trigger religious confrontation over the holy sites, adding that this would be the dream of the Islamic State extremist group and would have “ramifications that will affect all corners of the Middle East and beyond.”
“It is imperative that the historic status quo is preserved” in line withagreements between Israel and Jordan’s King Abdullah II, who is custodian of the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem, he added, according toAP.

UN Envoy: Temple Mount Clashes Could Go Beyond Jerusalem

Jews and christians are allowed to visit the mount but not pray there.
Palestinians often attack the jews that visit, causing the soldiers to take action. There is no justification of pipe bombs or weapons to be stashed in the mosque. Even rock throwing ban has been increased beyond Jerusalem.
Palestinian violence must end.

Where is the pipe bomb, we have only seen fireworks?
So the Israelis should have left the pipe bombs so they could be used against jews on the mount or at the wall below?

Weapons done belong in a place of worship, a place that should be teaching peace. young men started by throwing rocks and fire bombs at the Israelis, which is why the IDF entered the front of the mosque. If they had not bee provoked the pipe bombs might have been missed.

Israel is not going to let visitors to the mount or worshipers to the wall become victims to palestinian violence if they can prevent it.

Attacks by palestinians against Israel or Israelis is an act of war, not just a crime.

And as such should be responded to as detailed in the Geneva conventions. So the first response should be a pin point rocket on the al aqsa mosque as a valid military target to stop them using it as a munitions dump.

Three days of riots on the mount for taking their pipe bombs away is the palestinian response
Three days of riots are nothing if an Israeli bombs that Mosque, the entire ME will be engulfed in war cries to destroy Israel.

No Muslim would bomb their-own Mosque!

The would bomb the jewish gate or the western wall.
If they will store weapons and destroy the interior or the mosque or allow fire to burn it, they would bomb the mosque to trigger muslims to attack Israel.

They bomb, burn, terrorize and kill inside mosques. If it meant the jews not being able to access the mount, yes their would blow the mount to kingdom come.
your analysis of what could happen is that of a fool...

If muslims would target Mecca to be destroyed, they would do the same to Jerusalme.

ISIS: We will ruin the Kaaba after capturing Saudi Arabia
Rosh HaShana Temple Mount Riots

A 64-year-old Jerusalem resident Alexander Levlovitz was also killed after rock attack

There is no reason a mosque or holy place should be used by muslims for such behavior. On any level it is wrong.
Rosh HaShana Temple Mount Riots

A 64-year-old Jerusalem resident Alexander Levlovitz was also killed after rock attack

There is no reason a mosque or holy place should be used by muslims for such behavior. On any level it is wrong.
Desperate people turn to terrorism when they are treated less than human...A fascist like you should easily understand the situation as a Christian Phalange,,,
Last edited:
Rosh HaShana Temple Mount Riots

A 64-year-old Jerusalem resident Alexander Levlovitz was also killed after rock attack

There is no reason a mosque or holy place should be used by muslims for such behavior. On any level it is wrong.
Desperate people turn to terrorism when they are treated less than human...A fascist like you should easily understand the situation as a Christian Phalange,,,

You really should learn a new song. The fascist one is both old and incorrect. Of all the people I have known or been friends with, you have a major hang up with the phalangists. You are like a broken record.
Don't you have a head ache banging against that brick wall?
Last edited:
Rosh HaShana Temple Mount Riots

A 64-year-old Jerusalem resident Alexander Levlovitz was also killed after rock attack

There is no reason a mosque or holy place should be used by muslims for such behavior. On any level it is wrong.
Desperate people turn to terrorism when they are treated less than human...A fascist like you should easily understand the situation as a Christian Phalange,,,

You really should learn a new song. The fascist one is both old and incorrect. Of all the people I have known or been friends with, you have a major hang up with the phalangists. You are like a broken record.
Don't you have a head ache banging against that brick wall?
You protest too much! Why am I incorrect? Are you not of Lebanese Christian Phalange stock? The reason I bring it out is that the un-Christian Phalange murdered lots of innocent Palestinians so that your posts reek of a clear streak of Palestinian hate and bias.

That kind of bias is what keeps this conflict alive.
Last edited:
Rosh HaShana Temple Mount Riots

A 64-year-old Jerusalem resident Alexander Levlovitz was also killed after rock attack

There is no reason a mosque or holy place should be used by muslims for such behavior. On any level it is wrong.
Desperate people turn to terrorism when they are treated less than human...A fascist like you should easily understand the situation as a Christian Phalange,,,

You really should learn a new song. The fascist one is both old and incorrect. Of all the people I have known or been friends with, you have a major hang up with the phalangists. You are like a broken record.
Don't you have a head ache banging against that brick wall?
You protest too much! Why am I incorrect? Are you not of Lebanese Christian Phalange stock? The reason I bring it out is that the un-Christian Phalange murdered lots of innocent Palestinians so that your posts reek of a clear streak of Palestinian hate and bias.

That kind of bias is what keeps this conflict alive.

Never was, but you seem to think so.
I was in the camps in the aftermath. I know who was involved and what the motivations were. I've explained where Hobeika got his order from.
I've written in great detail about what led up to, during and after the incident.
I was there to help identify bodies and count the numbers of dead, where and how they were killed.
I also know many times more were killed by syrian and amal forces in each of two consecutive years.
I personally knew some of the dead from working in the camps.
Because I was friends with Bashir that is all you want to see. You are aware he was a lawyer in DC before being drawn into his father's politics back home. I knew his wife and his american mistress, I like they both very much. I knew his daughter Maya that was killed as well as the other two Youmna and Nadim. Their guardian was a classmate. I know who Sola was seeing after Bashir's death. So what? I should pretend I was not friends with them?
My father was a general, not part of any particular party. Yes, presidents have to be maronite, but the man Hezbullah want to president was a general, and my god father was a stooge for syria when he was in office. Not all maronites are phalagists. There are some 20 christian political parties in the country. Christian does not mean phalangist. I had residency in the country but my parents wanted me to have a US passport. I was raised there but I was also an outsider, which is why I was asked to help by being a liaison, first with the palestinians and later between the factions. I was the neutral that knew Lebanon and had access to the different factions.
My father was among those who would not let the military take action against the people. That is why the military was not part of the civil war, except when Aoun tried to take power. After years of exile he was allowed back as part of uniting the country, but now he is hezbullah/syria's darling, but you don't label him phalangist.
Many of the last president have been generals, and my father has been asked to advise almost all of them. Not partisan, but honest and fair. He even became a judge, impartial except to the law. He survived when judges were targeted by many sides.
I never voted in Lebanon, nor was I a member of any party. I had friends among all the factions, some of those in office now I went to school with.
Just because I had friends who were partisan does not mean I took any particular side. If I had, I would not have been as useful, not just to Lebanon, but the UN and the American Peace negotiators. It is because of the people I knew that I could in and out of areas that others could not.
I grew up in the thick of the powers in Lebanon, as well as the area. Being friends with kings and princes didn't make me a party member of muslim factions.
I remember the aftermath of the first civil war. Why would I support the divisions of the next?
I find it amazing that you label me because of my friendship to members of one group but not to all the others, christian or muslim.
I was broken when Bashir was killed, because he was a friend, because of the way he was killed, because of the aftermath at the camps, but also because I knew what was to follow under his brother and as long as syrian forces were there. Not because I was a member of any party.
I pretty much stayed away till my godfather came to office, and I opposed him. The man that taught to me ski and play backgammon. The man who was an alumni and my sponsor at school, I was vocally against. The man that helped me study for my "A" levels. The man that still calls at Christmas. Politics in Lebanon is complex. Friendship or family ties does not mean support.
You have no idea about Lebanon, its politics and certainly not about me.
You keep playing your games and I will keep laughing at how clueless you are.
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Rosh HaShana Temple Mount Riots

A 64-year-old Jerusalem resident Alexander Levlovitz was also killed after rock attack
He had a heart attack and crashed into a lamppost " Police were investigating whether Levlovitz suffered cardiac arrest when his car crashed." (from your Link)
Notice the wording....Unknown assailants believed to be Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem reportedly attacked the car with stones. The assailants, allegedly from the nearby Palestinian village of Sur Bacher" apparently
Rosh HaShana Temple Mount Riots

A 64-year-old Jerusalem resident Alexander Levlovitz was also killed after rock attack

There is no reason a mosque or holy place should be used by muslims for such behavior. On any level it is wrong.
Desperate people turn to terrorism when they are treated less than human...A fascist like you should easily understand the situation as a Christian Phalange,,,

You really should learn a new song. The fascist one is both old and incorrect. Of all the people I have known or been friends with, you have a major hang up with the phalangists. You are like a broken record.
Don't you have a head ache banging against that brick wall?
You protest too much! Why am I incorrect? Are you not of Lebanese Christian Phalange stock? The reason I bring it out is that the un-Christian Phalange murdered lots of innocent Palestinians so that your posts reek of a clear streak of Palestinian hate and bias.

That kind of bias is what keeps this conflict alive.

Never was, but you seem to think so.
I was in the camps in the aftermath. I know who was involved and what the motivations were. I've explained where Hobeika got his order from.
I've written in great detail about what led up to, during and after the incident.
I was there to help identify bodies and count the numbers of dead, where and how they were killed.
I also know many times more were killed by syrian and amal forces in each of two consecutive years.
I personally knew some of the dead from working in the camps.
Because I was friends with Bashir that is all you want to see. You are aware he was a lawyer in DC before being drawn into his father's politics back home. I knew his wife and his american mistress, I like they both very much. I knew his daughter Maya that was killed as well as the other two Youmna and Nadim. Their guardian was a classmate. I know who Sola was seeing after Bashir's death. So what? I should pretend I was not friends with them?
My father was a general, not part of any particular party. Yes, presidents have to be maronite, but the man Hezbullah want to president was a general, and my god father was a stooge for syria when he was in office. Not all maronites are phalagists. There are some 20 christian political parties in the country. Christian does not mean phalangist. I had residency in the country but my parents wanted me to have a US passport. I was raised there but I was also an outsider, which is why I was asked to help by being a liaison, first with the palestinians and later between the factions. I was the neutral that knew Lebanon and had access to the different factions.
My father was among those who would not let the military take action against the people. That is why the military was not part of the civil war, except when Aoun tried to take power. After years of exile he was allowed back as part of uniting the country, but now he is hezbullah/syria's darling, but you don't label him phalangist.
Many of the last president have been generals, and my father has been asked to advise almost all of them. Not partisan, but honest and fair. He even became a judge, impartial except to the law. He survived when judges were targeted by many sides.
I never voted in Lebanon, nor was I a member of any party. I had friends among all the factions, some of those in office now I went to school with.
Just because I had friends who were partisan does not mean I took any particular side. If I had, I would not have been as useful, not just to Lebanon, but the UN and the American Peace negotiators. It is because of the people I knew that I could in and out of areas that others could not.
I grew up in the thick of the powers in Lebanon, as well as the area. Being friends with kings and princes didn't make me a party member of muslim factions.
I remember the aftermath of the first civil war. Why would I support the divisions of the next?
I find it amazing that you label me because of my friendship to members of one group but not to all the others, christian or muslim.
I was broken when Bashir was killed, because he was a friend, because of the way he was killed, because of the aftermath at the camps, but also because I knew what was to follow under his brother and as long as syrian forces were there. Not because I was a member of any party.
I pretty much stayed away till my godfather came to office, and I opposed him. The man that taught to me ski and play backgammon. The man who was an alumni and my sponsor at school, I was vocally against. The man that helped me study for my "A" levels. The man that still calls at Christmas. Politics in Lebanon is complex. Friendship or family ties does not mean support.
You have no idea about Lebanon, its politics and certainly not about me.
You keep playing your games and I will keep laughing at how clueless you are.
There is an old saying: "You can take the boy out of the country, but you cant take country out of the boy," you are a perfect example because you post like a right wing Israeli stooge with your hate of all things Palestinian.
Rosh HaShana Temple Mount Riots

A 64-year-old Jerusalem resident Alexander Levlovitz was also killed after rock attack

There is no reason a mosque or holy place should be used by muslims for such behavior. On any level it is wrong.
Desperate people turn to terrorism when they are treated less than human...A fascist like you should easily understand the situation as a Christian Phalange,,,

You really should learn a new song. The fascist one is both old and incorrect. Of all the people I have known or been friends with, you have a major hang up with the phalangists. You are like a broken record.
Don't you have a head ache banging against that brick wall?
You protest too much! Why am I incorrect? Are you not of Lebanese Christian Phalange stock? The reason I bring it out is that the un-Christian Phalange murdered lots of innocent Palestinians so that your posts reek of a clear streak of Palestinian hate and bias.

That kind of bias is what keeps this conflict alive.

Never was, but you seem to think so.
I was in the camps in the aftermath. I know who was involved and what the motivations were. I've explained where Hobeika got his order from.
I've written in great detail about what led up to, during and after the incident.
I was there to help identify bodies and count the numbers of dead, where and how they were killed.
I also know many times more were killed by syrian and amal forces in each of two consecutive years.
I personally knew some of the dead from working in the camps.
Because I was friends with Bashir that is all you want to see. You are aware he was a lawyer in DC before being drawn into his father's politics back home. I knew his wife and his american mistress, I like they both very much. I knew his daughter Maya that was killed as well as the other two Youmna and Nadim. Their guardian was a classmate. I know who Sola was seeing after Bashir's death. So what? I should pretend I was not friends with them?
My father was a general, not part of any particular party. Yes, presidents have to be maronite, but the man Hezbullah want to president was a general, and my god father was a stooge for syria when he was in office. Not all maronites are phalagists. There are some 20 christian political parties in the country. Christian does not mean phalangist. I had residency in the country but my parents wanted me to have a US passport. I was raised there but I was also an outsider, which is why I was asked to help by being a liaison, first with the palestinians and later between the factions. I was the neutral that knew Lebanon and had access to the different factions.
My father was among those who would not let the military take action against the people. That is why the military was not part of the civil war, except when Aoun tried to take power. After years of exile he was allowed back as part of uniting the country, but now he is hezbullah/syria's darling, but you don't label him phalangist.
Many of the last president have been generals, and my father has been asked to advise almost all of them. Not partisan, but honest and fair. He even became a judge, impartial except to the law. He survived when judges were targeted by many sides.
I never voted in Lebanon, nor was I a member of any party. I had friends among all the factions, some of those in office now I went to school with.
Just because I had friends who were partisan does not mean I took any particular side. If I had, I would not have been as useful, not just to Lebanon, but the UN and the American Peace negotiators. It is because of the people I knew that I could in and out of areas that others could not.
I grew up in the thick of the powers in Lebanon, as well as the area. Being friends with kings and princes didn't make me a party member of muslim factions.
I remember the aftermath of the first civil war. Why would I support the divisions of the next?
I find it amazing that you label me because of my friendship to members of one group but not to all the others, christian or muslim.
I was broken when Bashir was killed, because he was a friend, because of the way he was killed, because of the aftermath at the camps, but also because I knew what was to follow under his brother and as long as syrian forces were there. Not because I was a member of any party.
I pretty much stayed away till my godfather came to office, and I opposed him. The man that taught to me ski and play backgammon. The man who was an alumni and my sponsor at school, I was vocally against. The man that helped me study for my "A" levels. The man that still calls at Christmas. Politics in Lebanon is complex. Friendship or family ties does not mean support.
You have no idea about Lebanon, its politics and certainly not about me.
You keep playing your games and I will keep laughing at how clueless you are.
There is an old saying: "You can take the boy out of the country, but you cant take country out of the boy," you are a perfect example because you post like a right wing Israeli stooge with your hate of all things Palestinian.

I don't hate palestinian, I am frustrated by their belief in what is being spread and their hate. I am frustrated by the destruction that result from they presence in Lebanon. I'm upset by the numbers of people that have been killed by them and because of them over the decades. I'm frustrated by the leadership and the rhetoric. I'm frustrated by the lack of willingness to take the bold step for peace.
I'm angry and upset but I don't hate the palestinians. I have family that is palestinian from Israel a great great uncle.
I'm upset that I was lied to and expected to parrot their propaganda and it cause some conflict, but I don't hate the palestinians. Even when I became a target, there were particular palestinian I was angry with. There might have been a few I came to hate for specific reasons, but I don't hate the palestinians

You really don't understand. It is not all black and white. It is not an either or. I tried for years to help them. I worked to process the paper work for some to return to Israel through reunification plans. I tried to prevent and calm the violence. I didn't do it because I hate them.

You are clueless but you will believe what you want, you have for all this time. You jumped to some assumption and you just keep blowing it bigger and bigger. You were wrong then and you are still wrong now.

You don't approve of some of my friends or who I grew up with. You ignore the rest of my friend because of your hate. You can't seem to fathom that I had friends that at one point want to kill each other, class mates that were opposing sides of the conflict but in school were even friends. You never had friend that did thing that you disapproved of or at times behaved badly? Friends that for what ever reason did not like each other?

It was one of the oddities of the people that they could be shooting at each other one day and drinking coffee and playing tric trac the next morning. The same person that helped to raise Bashir's children also help raised Dany Chamoun's. I don't know what burr you have in your saddle but you really can't seem to grasp the life, people or politics of Lebanon.

You want to keep playing the jackass, go ahead. You can be the joke if that is how you get your kicks. We can use a bit of levity on the forum.

A hat to suit you. Wear it well.
Desperate people turn to terrorism when they are treated less than human...A fascist like you should easily understand the situation as a Christian Phalange,,,

You really should learn a new song. The fascist one is both old and incorrect. Of all the people I have known or been friends with, you have a major hang up with the phalangists. You are like a broken record.
Don't you have a head ache banging against that brick wall?
You protest too much! Why am I incorrect? Are you not of Lebanese Christian Phalange stock? The reason I bring it out is that the un-Christian Phalange murdered lots of innocent Palestinians so that your posts reek of a clear streak of Palestinian hate and bias.

That kind of bias is what keeps this conflict alive.

Never was, but you seem to think so.
I was in the camps in the aftermath. I know who was involved and what the motivations were. I've explained where Hobeika got his order from.
I've written in great detail about what led up to, during and after the incident.
I was there to help identify bodies and count the numbers of dead, where and how they were killed.
I also know many times more were killed by syrian and amal forces in each of two consecutive years.
I personally knew some of the dead from working in the camps.
Because I was friends with Bashir that is all you want to see. You are aware he was a lawyer in DC before being drawn into his father's politics back home. I knew his wife and his american mistress, I like they both very much. I knew his daughter Maya that was killed as well as the other two Youmna and Nadim. Their guardian was a classmate. I know who Sola was seeing after Bashir's death. So what? I should pretend I was not friends with them?
My father was a general, not part of any particular party. Yes, presidents have to be maronite, but the man Hezbullah want to president was a general, and my god father was a stooge for syria when he was in office. Not all maronites are phalagists. There are some 20 christian political parties in the country. Christian does not mean phalangist. I had residency in the country but my parents wanted me to have a US passport. I was raised there but I was also an outsider, which is why I was asked to help by being a liaison, first with the palestinians and later between the factions. I was the neutral that knew Lebanon and had access to the different factions.
My father was among those who would not let the military take action against the people. That is why the military was not part of the civil war, except when Aoun tried to take power. After years of exile he was allowed back as part of uniting the country, but now he is hezbullah/syria's darling, but you don't label him phalangist.
Many of the last president have been generals, and my father has been asked to advise almost all of them. Not partisan, but honest and fair. He even became a judge, impartial except to the law. He survived when judges were targeted by many sides.
I never voted in Lebanon, nor was I a member of any party. I had friends among all the factions, some of those in office now I went to school with.
Just because I had friends who were partisan does not mean I took any particular side. If I had, I would not have been as useful, not just to Lebanon, but the UN and the American Peace negotiators. It is because of the people I knew that I could in and out of areas that others could not.
I grew up in the thick of the powers in Lebanon, as well as the area. Being friends with kings and princes didn't make me a party member of muslim factions.
I remember the aftermath of the first civil war. Why would I support the divisions of the next?
I find it amazing that you label me because of my friendship to members of one group but not to all the others, christian or muslim.
I was broken when Bashir was killed, because he was a friend, because of the way he was killed, because of the aftermath at the camps, but also because I knew what was to follow under his brother and as long as syrian forces were there. Not because I was a member of any party.
I pretty much stayed away till my godfather came to office, and I opposed him. The man that taught to me ski and play backgammon. The man who was an alumni and my sponsor at school, I was vocally against. The man that helped me study for my "A" levels. The man that still calls at Christmas. Politics in Lebanon is complex. Friendship or family ties does not mean support.
You have no idea about Lebanon, its politics and certainly not about me.
You keep playing your games and I will keep laughing at how clueless you are.
There is an old saying: "You can take the boy out of the country, but you cant take country out of the boy," you are a perfect example because you post like a right wing Israeli stooge with your hate of all things Palestinian.

I don't hate palestinian, I am frustrated by their belief in what is being spread and their hate. I am frustrated by the destruction that result from they presence in Lebanon. I'm upset by the numbers of people that have been killed by them and because of them over the decades. I'm frustrated by the leadership and the rhetoric. I'm frustrated by the lack of willingness to take the bold step for peace.
I'm angry and upset but I don't hate the palestinians. I have family that is palestinian from Israel a great great uncle.
I'm upset that I was lied to and expected to parrot their propaganda and it cause some conflict, but I don't hate the palestinians. Even when I became a target, there were particular palestinian I was angry with. There might have been a few I came to hate for specific reasons, but I don't hate the palestinians

You really don't understand. It is not all black and white. It is not an either or. I tried for years to help them. I worked to process the paper work for some to return to Israel through reunification plans. I tried to prevent and calm the violence. I didn't do it because I hate them.

You are clueless but you will believe what you want, you have for all this time. You jumped to some assumption and you just keep blowing it bigger and bigger. You were wrong then and you are still wrong now.

You don't approve of some of my friends or who I grew up with. You ignore the rest of my friend because of your hate. You can't seem to fathom that I had friends that at one point want to kill each other, class mates that were opposing sides of the conflict but in school were even friends. You never had friend that did thing that you disapproved of or at times behaved badly? Friends that for what ever reason did not like each other?

It was one of the oddities of the people that they could be shooting at each other one day and drinking coffee and playing tric trac the next morning. The same person that helped to raise Bashir's children also help raised Dany Chamoun's. I don't know what burr you have in your saddle but you really can't seem to grasp the life, people or politics of Lebanon.

You want to keep playing the jackass, go ahead. You can be the joke if that is how you get your kicks. We can use a bit of levity on the forum.

A hat to suit you. Wear it well.

Keep typing, you are proving my points with your hateful idiocy. You blame the Palestinians for Lebanese miseries when in fact it is Israel hat created the situation with oppression and invasions...

The Jester's outfit fits you well, hateful dummy.
You really should learn a new song. The fascist one is both old and incorrect. Of all the people I have known or been friends with, you have a major hang up with the phalangists. You are like a broken record.
Don't you have a head ache banging against that brick wall?
You protest too much! Why am I incorrect? Are you not of Lebanese Christian Phalange stock? The reason I bring it out is that the un-Christian Phalange murdered lots of innocent Palestinians so that your posts reek of a clear streak of Palestinian hate and bias.

That kind of bias is what keeps this conflict alive.

Never was, but you seem to think so.
I was in the camps in the aftermath. I know who was involved and what the motivations were. I've explained where Hobeika got his order from.
I've written in great detail about what led up to, during and after the incident.
I was there to help identify bodies and count the numbers of dead, where and how they were killed.
I also know many times more were killed by syrian and amal forces in each of two consecutive years.
I personally knew some of the dead from working in the camps.
Because I was friends with Bashir that is all you want to see. You are aware he was a lawyer in DC before being drawn into his father's politics back home. I knew his wife and his american mistress, I like they both very much. I knew his daughter Maya that was killed as well as the other two Youmna and Nadim. Their guardian was a classmate. I know who Sola was seeing after Bashir's death. So what? I should pretend I was not friends with them?
My father was a general, not part of any particular party. Yes, presidents have to be maronite, but the man Hezbullah want to president was a general, and my god father was a stooge for syria when he was in office. Not all maronites are phalagists. There are some 20 christian political parties in the country. Christian does not mean phalangist. I had residency in the country but my parents wanted me to have a US passport. I was raised there but I was also an outsider, which is why I was asked to help by being a liaison, first with the palestinians and later between the factions. I was the neutral that knew Lebanon and had access to the different factions.
My father was among those who would not let the military take action against the people. That is why the military was not part of the civil war, except when Aoun tried to take power. After years of exile he was allowed back as part of uniting the country, but now he is hezbullah/syria's darling, but you don't label him phalangist.
Many of the last president have been generals, and my father has been asked to advise almost all of them. Not partisan, but honest and fair. He even became a judge, impartial except to the law. He survived when judges were targeted by many sides.
I never voted in Lebanon, nor was I a member of any party. I had friends among all the factions, some of those in office now I went to school with.
Just because I had friends who were partisan does not mean I took any particular side. If I had, I would not have been as useful, not just to Lebanon, but the UN and the American Peace negotiators. It is because of the people I knew that I could in and out of areas that others could not.
I grew up in the thick of the powers in Lebanon, as well as the area. Being friends with kings and princes didn't make me a party member of muslim factions.
I remember the aftermath of the first civil war. Why would I support the divisions of the next?
I find it amazing that you label me because of my friendship to members of one group but not to all the others, christian or muslim.
I was broken when Bashir was killed, because he was a friend, because of the way he was killed, because of the aftermath at the camps, but also because I knew what was to follow under his brother and as long as syrian forces were there. Not because I was a member of any party.
I pretty much stayed away till my godfather came to office, and I opposed him. The man that taught to me ski and play backgammon. The man who was an alumni and my sponsor at school, I was vocally against. The man that helped me study for my "A" levels. The man that still calls at Christmas. Politics in Lebanon is complex. Friendship or family ties does not mean support.
You have no idea about Lebanon, its politics and certainly not about me.
You keep playing your games and I will keep laughing at how clueless you are.
There is an old saying: "You can take the boy out of the country, but you cant take country out of the boy," you are a perfect example because you post like a right wing Israeli stooge with your hate of all things Palestinian.

I don't hate palestinian, I am frustrated by their belief in what is being spread and their hate. I am frustrated by the destruction that result from they presence in Lebanon. I'm upset by the numbers of people that have been killed by them and because of them over the decades. I'm frustrated by the leadership and the rhetoric. I'm frustrated by the lack of willingness to take the bold step for peace.
I'm angry and upset but I don't hate the palestinians. I have family that is palestinian from Israel a great great uncle.
I'm upset that I was lied to and expected to parrot their propaganda and it cause some conflict, but I don't hate the palestinians. Even when I became a target, there were particular palestinian I was angry with. There might have been a few I came to hate for specific reasons, but I don't hate the palestinians

You really don't understand. It is not all black and white. It is not an either or. I tried for years to help them. I worked to process the paper work for some to return to Israel through reunification plans. I tried to prevent and calm the violence. I didn't do it because I hate them.

You are clueless but you will believe what you want, you have for all this time. You jumped to some assumption and you just keep blowing it bigger and bigger. You were wrong then and you are still wrong now.

You don't approve of some of my friends or who I grew up with. You ignore the rest of my friend because of your hate. You can't seem to fathom that I had friends that at one point want to kill each other, class mates that were opposing sides of the conflict but in school were even friends. You never had friend that did thing that you disapproved of or at times behaved badly? Friends that for what ever reason did not like each other?

It was one of the oddities of the people that they could be shooting at each other one day and drinking coffee and playing tric trac the next morning. The same person that helped to raise Bashir's children also help raised Dany Chamoun's. I don't know what burr you have in your saddle but you really can't seem to grasp the life, people or politics of Lebanon.

You want to keep playing the jackass, go ahead. You can be the joke if that is how you get your kicks. We can use a bit of levity on the forum.

A hat to suit you. Wear it well.

Keep typing, you are proving my points with your hateful idiocy. You blame the Palestinians for Lebanese miseries when in fact it is Israel hat created the situation with oppression and invasions...

The Jester's outfit fits you well, hateful dummy.

Specific palestinians. You think it was right to be cussing in a bus on the other side of town causing trouble, trying to assassinate a politician coming out of church in Ain el-Remaini, that resulted in four deaths?
You think it was right to kidnap and torture his son? You think it was right for them to massacre Lebanese?
Who should be blamed? Santa Clause?
Was it right to carry out a coup in Jordan? To set up terrorist training camps in Lebanon? To kidnap foreigners? To stage hijackings of airplanes?
You approve of such behavior? Did you have bury the victims brutally killed by those particular palestinians? Did you have to prepare their bodies?
Don't you get angry at criminal and terrorists? Were you ever a victim of a car bomb?

I can hate the criminal without hating the people as a whole.

If the criminal was a kid from a black gang, you hate all people that are black? Do you have all people of that city? Do you hate all gangs? Do you hate that particular gang? Or just those members involved in the crime?

Who should be blamed, Norway, Chile, Eskimos in Alaska?

The conflict did no just begin that april but had been going on for more than ten years, sporadically. It just climaxed that day with palestinians in a area they had no business being in and trying to kill a major leader in the parliament.

Who should I be angry at? Who should I blame? The tooth fairy?

Even when I was on the hit list, I didn't hate the people, but I did particular individuals within certain parties. I hated the situation, I hated the hate and violence. I did not get angry all at once, the civil war did not happen suddenly either. It built up and grew like a fire. It flared and receded over and over till it consumed the whole country. It was another clash, an other assassination, or attempt till it wasn't, till became so much more.

I tried to bring ceasefires and truces, to calm the conflict between differing groups, I want them to compromise and come to agreements. I wanted peace but allegiances were as hard to hold onto like trying to catch a wave with you bare hands. They mixed and churned and reform and ebbed and flowed. Everything was moment to moment, day to day. There were many times when those in the street and hold up in buildings did not know who they were suppose to be shooting at on any given day. I did what I could to save lives and move supplies to areas that needed them the most. I arranged truces that allowed people trapped to move to a save location. Even the most skilled could not stop the madness during that time. I tried, not just because I was asked but because I cared.

Just because there were moment and particular people that I was angry at does not mean I hated all the people who were not involved.

If you can't understand that, you will never understand me.
You protest too much! Why am I incorrect? Are you not of Lebanese Christian Phalange stock? The reason I bring it out is that the un-Christian Phalange murdered lots of innocent Palestinians so that your posts reek of a clear streak of Palestinian hate and bias.

That kind of bias is what keeps this conflict alive.

Never was, but you seem to think so.
I was in the camps in the aftermath. I know who was involved and what the motivations were. I've explained where Hobeika got his order from.
I've written in great detail about what led up to, during and after the incident.
I was there to help identify bodies and count the numbers of dead, where and how they were killed.
I also know many times more were killed by syrian and amal forces in each of two consecutive years.
I personally knew some of the dead from working in the camps.
Because I was friends with Bashir that is all you want to see. You are aware he was a lawyer in DC before being drawn into his father's politics back home. I knew his wife and his american mistress, I like they both very much. I knew his daughter Maya that was killed as well as the other two Youmna and Nadim. Their guardian was a classmate. I know who Sola was seeing after Bashir's death. So what? I should pretend I was not friends with them?
My father was a general, not part of any particular party. Yes, presidents have to be maronite, but the man Hezbullah want to president was a general, and my god father was a stooge for syria when he was in office. Not all maronites are phalagists. There are some 20 christian political parties in the country. Christian does not mean phalangist. I had residency in the country but my parents wanted me to have a US passport. I was raised there but I was also an outsider, which is why I was asked to help by being a liaison, first with the palestinians and later between the factions. I was the neutral that knew Lebanon and had access to the different factions.
My father was among those who would not let the military take action against the people. That is why the military was not part of the civil war, except when Aoun tried to take power. After years of exile he was allowed back as part of uniting the country, but now he is hezbullah/syria's darling, but you don't label him phalangist.
Many of the last president have been generals, and my father has been asked to advise almost all of them. Not partisan, but honest and fair. He even became a judge, impartial except to the law. He survived when judges were targeted by many sides.
I never voted in Lebanon, nor was I a member of any party. I had friends among all the factions, some of those in office now I went to school with.
Just because I had friends who were partisan does not mean I took any particular side. If I had, I would not have been as useful, not just to Lebanon, but the UN and the American Peace negotiators. It is because of the people I knew that I could in and out of areas that others could not.
I grew up in the thick of the powers in Lebanon, as well as the area. Being friends with kings and princes didn't make me a party member of muslim factions.
I remember the aftermath of the first civil war. Why would I support the divisions of the next?
I find it amazing that you label me because of my friendship to members of one group but not to all the others, christian or muslim.
I was broken when Bashir was killed, because he was a friend, because of the way he was killed, because of the aftermath at the camps, but also because I knew what was to follow under his brother and as long as syrian forces were there. Not because I was a member of any party.
I pretty much stayed away till my godfather came to office, and I opposed him. The man that taught to me ski and play backgammon. The man who was an alumni and my sponsor at school, I was vocally against. The man that helped me study for my "A" levels. The man that still calls at Christmas. Politics in Lebanon is complex. Friendship or family ties does not mean support.
You have no idea about Lebanon, its politics and certainly not about me.
You keep playing your games and I will keep laughing at how clueless you are.
There is an old saying: "You can take the boy out of the country, but you cant take country out of the boy," you are a perfect example because you post like a right wing Israeli stooge with your hate of all things Palestinian.

I don't hate palestinian, I am frustrated by their belief in what is being spread and their hate. I am frustrated by the destruction that result from they presence in Lebanon. I'm upset by the numbers of people that have been killed by them and because of them over the decades. I'm frustrated by the leadership and the rhetoric. I'm frustrated by the lack of willingness to take the bold step for peace.
I'm angry and upset but I don't hate the palestinians. I have family that is palestinian from Israel a great great uncle.
I'm upset that I was lied to and expected to parrot their propaganda and it cause some conflict, but I don't hate the palestinians. Even when I became a target, there were particular palestinian I was angry with. There might have been a few I came to hate for specific reasons, but I don't hate the palestinians

You really don't understand. It is not all black and white. It is not an either or. I tried for years to help them. I worked to process the paper work for some to return to Israel through reunification plans. I tried to prevent and calm the violence. I didn't do it because I hate them.

You are clueless but you will believe what you want, you have for all this time. You jumped to some assumption and you just keep blowing it bigger and bigger. You were wrong then and you are still wrong now.

You don't approve of some of my friends or who I grew up with. You ignore the rest of my friend because of your hate. You can't seem to fathom that I had friends that at one point want to kill each other, class mates that were opposing sides of the conflict but in school were even friends. You never had friend that did thing that you disapproved of or at times behaved badly? Friends that for what ever reason did not like each other?

It was one of the oddities of the people that they could be shooting at each other one day and drinking coffee and playing tric trac the next morning. The same person that helped to raise Bashir's children also help raised Dany Chamoun's. I don't know what burr you have in your saddle but you really can't seem to grasp the life, people or politics of Lebanon.

You want to keep playing the jackass, go ahead. You can be the joke if that is how you get your kicks. We can use a bit of levity on the forum.

A hat to suit you. Wear it well.

Keep typing, you are proving my points with your hateful idiocy. You blame the Palestinians for Lebanese miseries when in fact it is Israel hat created the situation with oppression and invasions...

The Jester's outfit fits you well, hateful dummy.

Specific palestinians. You think it was right to be cussing in a bus on the other side of town causing trouble, trying to assassinate a politician coming out of church in Ain el-Remaini, that resulted in four deaths?
You think it was right to kidnap and torture his son? You think it was right for them to massacre Lebanese?
Who should be blamed? Santa Clause?
Was it right to carry out a coup in Jordan? To set up terrorist training camps in Lebanon? To kidnap foreigners? To stage hijackings of airplanes?
You approve of such behavior? Did you have bury the victims brutally killed by those particular palestinians? Did you have to prepare their bodies?
Don't you get angry at criminal and terrorists? Were you ever a victim of a car bomb?

I can hate the criminal without hating the people as a whole.

If the criminal was a kid from a black gang, you hate all people that are black? Do you have all people of that city? Do you hate all gangs? Do you hate that particular gang? Or just those members involved in the crime?

Who should be blamed, Norway, Chile, Eskimos in Alaska?

The conflict did no just begin that april but had been going on for more than ten years, sporadically. It just climaxed that day with palestinians in a area they had no business being in and trying to kill a major leader in the parliament.

Who should I be angry at? Who should I blame? The tooth fairy?

Even when I was on the hit list, I didn't hate the people, but I did particular individuals within certain parties. I hated the situation, I hated the hate and violence. I did not get angry all at once, the civil war did not happen suddenly either. It built up and grew like a fire. It flared and receded over and over till it consumed the whole country. It was another clash, an other assassination, or attempt till it wasn't, till became so much more.

I tried to bring ceasefires and truces, to calm the conflict between differing groups, I want them to compromise and come to agreements. I wanted peace but allegiances were as hard to hold onto like trying to catch a wave with you bare hands. They mixed and churned and reform and ebbed and flowed. Everything was moment to moment, day to day. There were many times when those in the street and hold up in buildings did not know who they were suppose to be shooting at on any given day. I did what I could to save lives and move supplies to areas that needed them the most. I arranged truces that allowed people trapped to move to a save location. Even the most skilled could not stop the madness during that time. I tried, not just because I was asked but because I cared.

Just because there were moment and particular people that I was angry at does not mean I hated all the people who were not involved.

If you can't understand that, you will never understand me.
I totally sympathize with your pain...But, if you look deeply at the situation, it was Israel's declaration of forming a State on someone else's ancestral homeland and the displacement of millions of innocent civilians that gave birth to the troubles in Lebanon.

The Palestinians prior to Israel lived along side you in peace for 14 hundred years.

That was the problem then (1948) and today, especially with Israel's intransience in withdrawing to the 67 Armistice lines that the UN, USA and the world recognize...

After the Palestinians they will boot you out next, they are already torching churches.
Never was, but you seem to think so.
I was in the camps in the aftermath. I know who was involved and what the motivations were. I've explained where Hobeika got his order from.
I've written in great detail about what led up to, during and after the incident.
I was there to help identify bodies and count the numbers of dead, where and how they were killed.
I also know many times more were killed by syrian and amal forces in each of two consecutive years.
I personally knew some of the dead from working in the camps.
Because I was friends with Bashir that is all you want to see. You are aware he was a lawyer in DC before being drawn into his father's politics back home. I knew his wife and his american mistress, I like they both very much. I knew his daughter Maya that was killed as well as the other two Youmna and Nadim. Their guardian was a classmate. I know who Sola was seeing after Bashir's death. So what? I should pretend I was not friends with them?
My father was a general, not part of any particular party. Yes, presidents have to be maronite, but the man Hezbullah want to president was a general, and my god father was a stooge for syria when he was in office. Not all maronites are phalagists. There are some 20 christian political parties in the country. Christian does not mean phalangist. I had residency in the country but my parents wanted me to have a US passport. I was raised there but I was also an outsider, which is why I was asked to help by being a liaison, first with the palestinians and later between the factions. I was the neutral that knew Lebanon and had access to the different factions.
My father was among those who would not let the military take action against the people. That is why the military was not part of the civil war, except when Aoun tried to take power. After years of exile he was allowed back as part of uniting the country, but now he is hezbullah/syria's darling, but you don't label him phalangist.
Many of the last president have been generals, and my father has been asked to advise almost all of them. Not partisan, but honest and fair. He even became a judge, impartial except to the law. He survived when judges were targeted by many sides.
I never voted in Lebanon, nor was I a member of any party. I had friends among all the factions, some of those in office now I went to school with.
Just because I had friends who were partisan does not mean I took any particular side. If I had, I would not have been as useful, not just to Lebanon, but the UN and the American Peace negotiators. It is because of the people I knew that I could in and out of areas that others could not.
I grew up in the thick of the powers in Lebanon, as well as the area. Being friends with kings and princes didn't make me a party member of muslim factions.
I remember the aftermath of the first civil war. Why would I support the divisions of the next?
I find it amazing that you label me because of my friendship to members of one group but not to all the others, christian or muslim.
I was broken when Bashir was killed, because he was a friend, because of the way he was killed, because of the aftermath at the camps, but also because I knew what was to follow under his brother and as long as syrian forces were there. Not because I was a member of any party.
I pretty much stayed away till my godfather came to office, and I opposed him. The man that taught to me ski and play backgammon. The man who was an alumni and my sponsor at school, I was vocally against. The man that helped me study for my "A" levels. The man that still calls at Christmas. Politics in Lebanon is complex. Friendship or family ties does not mean support.
You have no idea about Lebanon, its politics and certainly not about me.
You keep playing your games and I will keep laughing at how clueless you are.
There is an old saying: "You can take the boy out of the country, but you cant take country out of the boy," you are a perfect example because you post like a right wing Israeli stooge with your hate of all things Palestinian.

I don't hate palestinian, I am frustrated by their belief in what is being spread and their hate. I am frustrated by the destruction that result from they presence in Lebanon. I'm upset by the numbers of people that have been killed by them and because of them over the decades. I'm frustrated by the leadership and the rhetoric. I'm frustrated by the lack of willingness to take the bold step for peace.
I'm angry and upset but I don't hate the palestinians. I have family that is palestinian from Israel a great great uncle.
I'm upset that I was lied to and expected to parrot their propaganda and it cause some conflict, but I don't hate the palestinians. Even when I became a target, there were particular palestinian I was angry with. There might have been a few I came to hate for specific reasons, but I don't hate the palestinians

You really don't understand. It is not all black and white. It is not an either or. I tried for years to help them. I worked to process the paper work for some to return to Israel through reunification plans. I tried to prevent and calm the violence. I didn't do it because I hate them.

You are clueless but you will believe what you want, you have for all this time. You jumped to some assumption and you just keep blowing it bigger and bigger. You were wrong then and you are still wrong now.

You don't approve of some of my friends or who I grew up with. You ignore the rest of my friend because of your hate. You can't seem to fathom that I had friends that at one point want to kill each other, class mates that were opposing sides of the conflict but in school were even friends. You never had friend that did thing that you disapproved of or at times behaved badly? Friends that for what ever reason did not like each other?

It was one of the oddities of the people that they could be shooting at each other one day and drinking coffee and playing tric trac the next morning. The same person that helped to raise Bashir's children also help raised Dany Chamoun's. I don't know what burr you have in your saddle but you really can't seem to grasp the life, people or politics of Lebanon.

You want to keep playing the jackass, go ahead. You can be the joke if that is how you get your kicks. We can use a bit of levity on the forum.

A hat to suit you. Wear it well.

Keep typing, you are proving my points with your hateful idiocy. You blame the Palestinians for Lebanese miseries when in fact it is Israel hat created the situation with oppression and invasions...

The Jester's outfit fits you well, hateful dummy.

Specific palestinians. You think it was right to be cussing in a bus on the other side of town causing trouble, trying to assassinate a politician coming out of church in Ain el-Remaini, that resulted in four deaths?
You think it was right to kidnap and torture his son? You think it was right for them to massacre Lebanese?
Who should be blamed? Santa Clause?
Was it right to carry out a coup in Jordan? To set up terrorist training camps in Lebanon? To kidnap foreigners? To stage hijackings of airplanes?
You approve of such behavior? Did you have bury the victims brutally killed by those particular palestinians? Did you have to prepare their bodies?
Don't you get angry at criminal and terrorists? Were you ever a victim of a car bomb?

I can hate the criminal without hating the people as a whole.

If the criminal was a kid from a black gang, you hate all people that are black? Do you have all people of that city? Do you hate all gangs? Do you hate that particular gang? Or just those members involved in the crime?

Who should be blamed, Norway, Chile, Eskimos in Alaska?

The conflict did no just begin that april but had been going on for more than ten years, sporadically. It just climaxed that day with palestinians in a area they had no business being in and trying to kill a major leader in the parliament.

Who should I be angry at? Who should I blame? The tooth fairy?

Even when I was on the hit list, I didn't hate the people, but I did particular individuals within certain parties. I hated the situation, I hated the hate and violence. I did not get angry all at once, the civil war did not happen suddenly either. It built up and grew like a fire. It flared and receded over and over till it consumed the whole country. It was another clash, an other assassination, or attempt till it wasn't, till became so much more.

I tried to bring ceasefires and truces, to calm the conflict between differing groups, I want them to compromise and come to agreements. I wanted peace but allegiances were as hard to hold onto like trying to catch a wave with you bare hands. They mixed and churned and reform and ebbed and flowed. Everything was moment to moment, day to day. There were many times when those in the street and hold up in buildings did not know who they were suppose to be shooting at on any given day. I did what I could to save lives and move supplies to areas that needed them the most. I arranged truces that allowed people trapped to move to a save location. Even the most skilled could not stop the madness during that time. I tried, not just because I was asked but because I cared.

Just because there were moment and particular people that I was angry at does not mean I hated all the people who were not involved.

If you can't understand that, you will never understand me.
I totally sympathize with your pain...But, if you look deeply at the situation, it was Israel's declaration of forming a State on someone else's ancestral homeland and the displacement of millions of innocent civilians that gave birth to the troubles in Lebanon.

The Palestinians prior to Israel lived along side you in peace for 14 hundred years.

That was the problem then (1948) and today, especially with Israel's intransience in withdrawing to the 67 Armistice lines that the UN, USA and the world recognize...

After the Palestinians they will boot you out next, they are already torching churches.

They moved to establish a life on land that the Ottoman gave them permission to buy and develop.
Arabs at the time also welcomed them. The British offered them a homeland when they control the land

It was their historic and religious homeland. It was the promise of every jew to return.

Their tie to the land was recorded from africa, to persia to europe. The greeks and romans speak of the jews, their temple and their rulers.

Palestine is a modern creation after the romans destroyed the temple. There was not palestine under the Ottoman or muslim rule. There were a series of sanjuks or city/counties for tax purposes.

The story of the night visit, the dream, came at a time of conflict between the authority in the middle east the authority of the holy cities. They decided they wanted the income of muslim pilgrimage, not just that of the christians and jews. They wanted the trade and spread of knowledge and culture to pass through Jerusalem, which was not on the regular trade routes. Giving it a mythology would bring a muslim pilgrimage. It was politics and money.

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