Bombing of Temple Mount averted.

On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So when did al aqsa become islams third holiest site as it is never mentioned in the koran, and was not built until 35 years after mo'mads death. The Jews have more right to the site as the Christians and muslims have as they are late arrivals on the scene. Time for Israel to take what is theirs and destroy the carbuncles as they should have done in 1967

medieval scripts, as well as modern-day political tracts, tend to classify al-Aqsa Mosque as the third holiest site in Islam.[8] For example, Sahih al-Bukhari quotes Abu Darda as saying: "the Prophet of God Muhammad said a prayer in the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca) is worth 100,000 prayers; a prayer in my mosque (in Medina) is worth 10,000 prayers; and a prayer in al-Aqsa Mosque is worth 1,000 prayers", more than in any other mosque. In addition, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, refers to the al-Aqsa Mosque as the third holiest site in Islam (and calls for Arab sovereignty over it)
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So when did al aqsa become islams third holiest site as it is never mentioned in the koran, and was not built until 35 years after mo'mads death. The Jews have more right to the site as the Christians and muslims have as they are late arrivals on the scene. Time for Israel to take what is theirs and destroy the carbuncles as they should have done in 1967

It was a site of pilgrimage since the conquest but the third most holy site was in cyprus till the 20th century, a site dedicated to a woman, Hala Sultan Tekke in 647, she was Mohammad's wet nurse.

The mosque and dome were in very poor condition and near forgotten till the King of Jordan offered to restore it and gold leaf the dome.

should have used this instead Abba's ass
On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So when did al aqsa become islams third holiest site as it is never mentioned in the koran, and was not built until 35 years after mo'mads death. The Jews have more right to the site as the Christians and muslims have as they are late arrivals on the scene. Time for Israel to take what is theirs and destroy the carbuncles as they should have done in 1967

medieval scripts, as well as modern-day political tracts, tend to classify al-Aqsa Mosque as the third holiest site in Islam.[8] For example, Sahih al-Bukhari quotes Abu Darda as saying: "the Prophet of God Muhammad said a prayer in the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca) is worth 100,000 prayers; a prayer in my mosque (in Medina) is worth 10,000 prayers; and a prayer in al-Aqsa Mosque is worth 1,000 prayers", more than in any other mosque. In addition, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, refers to the al-Aqsa Mosque as the third holiest site in Islam (and calls for Arab sovereignty over it)
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only problem is the al aqsa mosque in Jerusalem did not exist until 35 years after his death, and the other al agsa mosque that was extant during his lifetime was barely 30 miles from Mecca. That is the mosque that is referred in the hadiths, not the carbuncle in Jerusalem
On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So the Israelis should have left the pipe bombs so they could be used against jews on the mount or at the wall below?

Weapons done belong in a place of worship, a place that should be teaching peace. young men started by throwing rocks and fire bombs at the Israelis, which is why the IDF entered the front of the mosque. If they had not bee provoked the pipe bombs might have been missed.

Israel is not going to let visitors to the mount or worshipers to the wall become victims to palestinian violence if they can prevent it.

Attacks by palestinians against Israel or Israelis is an act of war, not just a crime.
On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So the Israelis should have left the pipe bombs so they could be used against jews on the mount or at the wall below?

Weapons done belong in a place of worship, a place that should be teaching peace. young men started by throwing rocks and fire bombs at the Israelis, which is why the IDF entered the front of the mosque. If they had not bee provoked the pipe bombs might have been missed.

Israel is not going to let visitors to the mount or worshipers to the wall become victims to palestinian violence if they can prevent it.

Attacks by palestinians against Israel or Israelis is an act of war, not just a crime.

And as such should be responded to as detailed in the Geneva conventions. So the first response should be a pin point rocket on the al aqsa mosque as a valid military target to stop them using it as a munitions dump.
If there had been a real pipe bomb they would have shown it, all we see is fireworks, israeli police scared of fireworks?
Is there any independant, verified evidence that weapons have ever been stored in mosques? I know there have been plenty of allegations made by the Zionists and the usual Islamophobic right-wing sources like Jihad Watch, but have any of them been independantly verified?

Also I was under the impression that there was tight security in and around the Mount, so even smuggling pipe bombs in would be a remarkable achievement in itself. That said, why store them in the most obvious place, there appears to be plenty of cover and several outbuildings more suited to hiding weapons?

Still skeptical, this sounds like a standard Zionist "false flag" operation to me, designed to increase tension and provoke acts of violence by the Palestinians so the Zionists can "crack down" to "restore order".
Is there any independant, verified evidence that weapons have ever been stored in mosques? I know there have been plenty of allegations made by the Zionists and the usual Islamophobic right-wing sources like Jihad Watch, but have any of them been independantly verified?

Also I was under the impression that there was tight security in and around the Mount, so even smuggling pipe bombs in would be a remarkable achievement in itself. That said, why store them in the most obvious place, there appears to be plenty of cover and several outbuildings more suited to hiding weapons?

Still skeptical, this sounds like a standard Zionist "false flag" operation to me, designed to increase tension and provoke acts of violence by the Palestinians so the Zionists can "crack down" to "restore order".
Conspiracy theories are always a handy Islamo-tactic.
Is there any independant, verified evidence that weapons have ever been stored in mosques? I know there have been plenty of allegations made by the Zionists and the usual Islamophobic right-wing sources like Jihad Watch, but have any of them been independantly verified?

Also I was under the impression that there was tight security in and around the Mount, so even smuggling pipe bombs in would be a remarkable achievement in itself. That said, why store them in the most obvious place, there appears to be plenty of cover and several outbuildings more suited to hiding weapons?

Still skeptical, this sounds like a standard Zionist "false flag" operation to me, designed to increase tension and provoke acts of violence by the Palestinians so the Zionists can "crack down" to "restore order".
Conspiracy theories are always a handy Islamo-tactic.

Operation Susannah.
Is there any independant, verified evidence that weapons have ever been stored in mosques? I know there have been plenty of allegations made by the Zionists and the usual Islamophobic right-wing sources like Jihad Watch, but have any of them been independantly verified?

Also I was under the impression that there was tight security in and around the Mount, so even smuggling pipe bombs in would be a remarkable achievement in itself. That said, why store them in the most obvious place, there appears to be plenty of cover and several outbuildings more suited to hiding weapons?

Still skeptical, this sounds like a standard Zionist "false flag" operation to me, designed to increase tension and provoke acts of violence by the Palestinians so the Zionists can "crack down" to "restore order".

So you missed the media circus when weapons were found hidden in a mosque in Britain. Along with forged passports, NI cards and other identity stationary
Anti-terrorist police who burst into the Finsbury Park mosque in north London early yesterday found weapons including a stun gun and hundreds of suspected forged or stolen passports, identity and credit cards.

They also found a CS gas canister and a blank-firing imitation firearm at the building,
Police seize weapons in mosque raid
Anti-terrorist police who burst into the Finsbury Park mosque in north London early yesterday found weapons including a stun gun and hundreds of suspected forged or stolen passports, identity and credit cards.

They also found a CS gas canister and a blank-firing imitation firearm at the building,
Police seize weapons in mosque raid

And if you read your koran you will see that mosques are army barracks and military lookout posts. That is why they build them high and fortified so they can protect themselves.
Anti-terrorist police who burst into the Finsbury Park mosque in north London early yesterday found weapons including a stun gun and hundreds of suspected forged or stolen passports, identity and credit cards.

They also found a CS gas canister and a blank-firing imitation firearm at the building,
Police seize weapons in mosque raid

Waste of police time and money...

"Media Circus" is an apt description. Our local vicar stores an air rifle in the vestry...OMG!!
Last edited:
Israeli police found pipe bombs at Al-Aqsa mosque.
Abbas is having a hissy fit over the Israeli soldiers search that turned up the pipe bombs

Abbas decries Israel’s ‘attack’ on al-Aqsa mosque

They should have detonated them there and then claiming they were too unstable to move and disarm elsewhere. That would have given the Palestinians food for thought, same goes for any weapons found in schools and hospitals.
Probably placed there by the IDF. no Muslim would desecrate that Mosque or blow it up...
On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So the Israelis should have left the pipe bombs so they could be used against jews on the mount or at the wall below?

Weapons done belong in a place of worship, a place that should be teaching peace. young men started by throwing rocks and fire bombs at the Israelis, which is why the IDF entered the front of the mosque. If they had not bee provoked the pipe bombs might have been missed.

Israel is not going to let visitors to the mount or worshipers to the wall become victims to palestinian violence if they can prevent it.

Attacks by palestinians against Israel or Israelis is an act of war, not just a crime.

And as such should be responded to as detailed in the Geneva conventions. So the first response should be a pin point rocket on the al aqsa mosque as a valid military target to stop them using it as a munitions dump.

Three days of riots on the mount for taking their pipe bombs away is the palestinian response
On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So the Israelis should have left the pipe bombs so they could be used against jews on the mount or at the wall below?

Weapons done belong in a place of worship, a place that should be teaching peace. young men started by throwing rocks and fire bombs at the Israelis, which is why the IDF entered the front of the mosque. If they had not bee provoked the pipe bombs might have been missed.

Israel is not going to let visitors to the mount or worshipers to the wall become victims to palestinian violence if they can prevent it.

Attacks by palestinians against Israel or Israelis is an act of war, not just a crime.

And as such should be responded to as detailed in the Geneva conventions. So the first response should be a pin point rocket on the al aqsa mosque as a valid military target to stop them using it as a munitions dump.

Three days of riots on the mount for taking their pipe bombs away is the palestinian response

That's what you get when you try to muscle in on a "holy site". Jewish Palestinians rioted when the British administration tried to prevent access to the "wailing wall" during the mandate period.
On September 13, ahead of the two-day Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah period, extremist settlers led by racist agriculture minister Uri Ariel, protected by soldiers and police, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem - Islam’s third holiest site where they don’t belong, on the fabricated pretext of conducting a security operation.

Dozens of worshipers were attacked and forcibly removed, including children, Israeli forces using tear gas and stun grenades, as well as indiscriminately firing steel-coated rubber bullets against helpless victims.

Last week, defense minister Moshe Ya’alon illegitimately banned two Muslim groups responsible for protecting the Mosque.
SteveLendmanBlog: Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site, Again

OH, Fireworks

So the Israelis should have left the pipe bombs so they could be used against jews on the mount or at the wall below?

Weapons done belong in a place of worship, a place that should be teaching peace. young men started by throwing rocks and fire bombs at the Israelis, which is why the IDF entered the front of the mosque. If they had not bee provoked the pipe bombs might have been missed.

Israel is not going to let visitors to the mount or worshipers to the wall become victims to palestinian violence if they can prevent it.

Attacks by palestinians against Israel or Israelis is an act of war, not just a crime.

And as such should be responded to as detailed in the Geneva conventions. So the first response should be a pin point rocket on the al aqsa mosque as a valid military target to stop them using it as a munitions dump.

Three days of riots on the mount for taking their pipe bombs away is the palestinian response

Three days of riots are nothing if an Israeli bombs that Mosque, the entire ME will be engulfed in war cries to destroy Israel.

No Muslim would bomb their-own Mosque!

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