Boko Haram slit throats of 12 civilians


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
Boko Haram militants on Friday, slit the throats of 12 people in northeast Nigeria as the army was trying to evacuate civilians from the area in order to safe guard them from a planned air strike. A witness, Jonas Musa, who said his parents were among the victims narrated that soldiers had moved one wave of people from the hills around Gwoza, but before they could go back for the second, the attackers struck.

President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, says he is up to the task of combacting the activities of the Boko Haram sect, though admitting it would be a difficult one.

PS: This article is a summarized version of the original news

Source: Boko Haram slit throats of 12 civilians - The Summary
... their corpses still litter the streets of the village."

Boko Haram kills 56 in Nigeria
Aug. 31, 2015 -- Boko Haram militants attacked a village in the northeastern Nigerian state of Borno, killing 56.
The Friday attack was not disclosed until Saturday, when Gov. Kashim Shettima broke the news while presenting gifts to the parents of abducted schoolgirls in Maiduguri, Borno's capital. "Just yesterday they killed 56 people in Baanu village of Nganzai Local Government, as I am speaking to you their corpses still litter the streets of the village."

The attack took place about 62 miles north of the Maiduguri. Yuram Musa, who lives there, said the militants shot at some residents while slaughtering others. The news follows a declaration by Nigeria's intelligence agency that Boko Haram is seeking to expand its activities into the commercial capital Lagos in the extreme southwest, as well as other parts of the country.

Twelve militants affiliated with the group have been arrested in Lagos so far, as the group's six-year insurgency in the northeast of the country continues. Nigeria's Department of State Services (DSS) attributes Boko Haram's plan for expansion to increasing pressure from Nigerian military forces seeking to eradicate it.

Founded in 2002, Boko Haram originally focused on opposing Western-style education but engaged in military operations in 2009. It has killed thousands of people mostly in northeastern Nigeria and has abducted hundreds others, including no less than 200 schoolgirls. Since joining the Islamic State (IS), it has declared a caliphate in the northeast but is facing pressure from military forces that have retaken most of its territory.

Boko Haram kills 56 in Nigeria

See also:

Nigeria Army Uncovers Boko Haram Bomb Factory
August 30, 2015 - Nigeria’s military has uncovered a major Boko Haram bomb-making factory and arrested two leading members of the militant group, military spokesman Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman said.
Usman said the operation resulted in the seizure of a vehicle and bomb materials, including gas cylinders and fertilizer. He described the discovery as “an unprecedented feat," which he says demonstrates the military’s determination to defeat the terrorist group. “When troops of 25 Task Force Brigade did cordon and search operation along the Sandia, Kokakowa and Nyaleri villages in Borno State, they discovered an improvised explosive device-making factory, along the Maiduguri-Bulabulin-Damboa road,” Usman said.

“Alongside, quite a number of other equipment and other weaponry were recovered from the factory. In addition to that the troops were able to capture two key Boko Haram terrorists including an emir- a local community leader in the militant group,” he added. Usman said the captures help with the military’s intelligence gathering operations in the effort to combat and defeat Boko Haram.

Increased deployments

He said there has been an increase in troop deployment in areas often attacked by Boko Haram militants. This, he said, forms part of the new strategy to increase pressure on the militants in the effort to end their violent campaigns. “There is intense pressure on the Boko Haram terrorist group not just by the Nigerian army, but the Nigerian Air force also bombarding them here and there ... we are gradually kind of tightening the noose around them in the Sambisa forest,” Usman said. “People who are quite familiar with the dangers inherent on the road between Maiduguri and Maiduguri-Bulabulin and Damboa road, because of this cordon and search operation, people tend to be attacked so we trying hard to make sure that the roads are opened and protected,” he added.

Usman also said the military is making progress toward meeting a directive from President Muhammadu Buhari to defeat the Islamic militant group within the next three months. He said the joint multinational force based in neighboring Chad is fully operational and adding the military pressure on Boko Haram militants who often carryout out cross border attacks. The Islamist extremist group has killed more than 10,000 people since 2009, including 1,000 dead in northeast Nigeria since Buhari was inaugurated in May.

Nigeria Army Uncovers Boko Haram Bomb Factory
Last edited:
Boko Haram militants on Friday, slit the throats of 12 people in northeast Nigeria as the army was trying to evacuate civilians from the area in order to safe guard them from a planned air strike. A witness, Jonas Musa, who said his parents were among the victims narrated that soldiers had moved one wave of people from the hills around Gwoza, but before they could go back for the second, the attackers struck.

President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, says he is up to the task of combacting the activities of the Boko Haram sect, though admitting it would be a difficult one.

PS: This article is a summarized version of the original news

Source: Boko Haram slit throats of 12 civilians - The Summary

About last fall, I was inside Gate One on day shift, in between the Northeast and Northwest door. One of the vendors walked in the gate - to my left ; not seeing me.

In one fast, lightening strike motion = I got behind him. I cupped my left hand over his mouth, pinched his nose, turned his head to the left, and stuck my fist ( like it was a knife ) in the retroperitoneal region of his right kidney.

I let him go, and he did the Rick Flair "Whoooooooo" ; as I scared the bejezus out of him. In a way, it was comical.

Shadow 355
Boko Haram's scorched earth policy...

Boko Haram burns kids alive in Nigeria, 86 dead: officials
31 Jan.`16 — A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and heard the screams of children burning to death, among 86 people officials say died in the latest attack by Nigeria's homegrown Islamic extremists.
Scores of charred corpses and bodies with bullet wounds littered the streets from Saturday night's attack on Dalori village and two nearby camps housing 25,000 refugees, according to survivors and soldiers at the scene just 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram and the biggest city in Nigeria's northeast. The shooting, burning and explosions from three suicide bombers continued for nearly four hours in the unprotected area, survivor Alamin Bakura said, weeping on a telephone call to The Associated Press. He said several of his family members were killed or wounded.


People gather around the body of a man and his children killed following an attack by Boko Haram in Dalori village 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Maiduguri, Nigeria, Sunday Jan. 31, 2016. A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and listened to the screams of children among people burned to death in the latest attack by Nigeria’ s homegrown Islamic extremists.​

The violence continued as three female suicide bombers blew up among people who managed to flee to neighboring Gamori village, killing many people, according to a soldier at the scene who insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to journalists. Troops arrived at Dalori around 8:40 p.m. Saturday but were unable to overcome the attackers, who were better armed, said soldiers who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press. The Boko Haram fighters only retreated after reinforcements arrived with heavier weapons, they said.


People gather around a dead animal and burnt out houses following an attack by Boko Haram in Dalori village 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Maiduguri, Nigeria , Sunday Jan. 31, 2016. A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and listened to the screams of children among people burned to death in the latest attack by Nigeria’s homegrown Islamic extremists.​

Journalists visited the carnage Sunday and spoke to survivors who complained it had taken too long for help to arrive from nearby Maiduguri, the military headquarters of the fight to curb Boko Haram. They said they fear another attack. Eighty-six bodies were collected by Sunday afternoon, according to Mohammed Kanar, area coordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency. Another 62 people are being treated for burns, said Abba Musa of the State Specialist Hospital in Maiduguri. Boko Haram has been attacking soft targets, increasingly with suicide bombers, since the military last year drove them out of towns and villages in northeastern Nigeria. The 6-year Islamic uprising has killed about 20,000 people and driven 2.5 million from their homes.

Boko Haram burns kids alive in Nigeria, 86 dead: officials
Boko Haram incinerates 86 children...

#PrayForNigeria: 86 Children burnt to death
25 March 2016 - A image which shows how an alleged 86 children were burnt to death by Boko Haram made Twitter react today. Earlier this week, a terrorist bombing in Brussels, Belgium had shaken up the world and a few days later we have another terrorist attack being brought to our attention. It is been said that this attack happened a month back yet the facts have not yet been confirmed. Regardless, it is the image which started the hashtag #PrayForNigeria.
This what people are saying:

Purpose on Twitter

Wtf how was nothing said about this??! #PrayForNigeria

— JOSEPH (@sky_wonderful) March 25, 2016

My heart goes out to Nigeria. Absolutely horrific. #PrayForNigeria

— علياء عيسى الحزامي (@AliaAlHazami) March 25, 2016

These are 86 burnt bodies of future leaders, promising children and a weeping mother #PrayForNigeria


— BennyCapricorn (@BennyCapricorn) March 25, 2016

The sad reality of the world and it's media.#PrayForNigeria

— D.C. (@DarrenConnolly_) March 25, 2016

I see humans, but I don't see humanity #PrayForNigeria

— ️ ‏ (@kierunosaur) March 25, 2016

#PrayForNigeria: 86 Children burnt to death

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