Boehner: Obama 'Unserious' on Fiscal Cliff


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Speaker: Obama resists curbing federal spending | General Headlines | Comcast

House Speaker John Boehner accused President Barack Obama of being so resistant to curbing federal spending that he risks an agreement to avoid the "fiscal cliff" of wide-ranging tax increases and spending cuts that will be automatically triggered in less than three weeks.

"Unfortunately, the White House is so unserious about cutting spending that it appears willing to slow-walk any agreement and walk our economy right up to the fiscal cliff," Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters Thursday. "And doing that puts jobs in our country in danger."

Boehner's comments underscored how his talks with Obama remain stalled over crafting a compromise deficit-cutting package of revenue increases and spending cuts. Without such an agreement, tax hikes and spending reductions will begin taking effect in early January, steps that economists warn could renew the recession.

Obama the welfare President has destroyed and bankrupted our economy ...
If the fucker is not willing to agree to reduced spending, REALLY REDUCED SPENDING NOW, then let the chips fall where they may.. it is about time the progressives learned a lesson
Ball is firmly in Boehners court

What is he going to do with it?
Obama doesn't want to cut spending. That would mean denying the golden spoon to many of his followers. Not gonna happen.

One day they will dip that spoon and it will come up empty- supply and demand ,when it comes to having more takers than givers that is..... Obama is and has fucked -up a many a millions retirements and futures.........
The messiah has the media in his pocket and understands the political leverage he has by doing nothing. The perception that the ball is in Boehners corner is fostered by the false representation, by the media, that if Boehner will capitulate and tax the rich we will avoid the cliff. The key question and issue remains, without spending cuts how long will it take to venture through the threshold of insolvency, and if the country slips into another recession what will there be left to salvage? The preponderance of this administration to treat what remains of the middle class as leverage in realizing political advantage is disturbing.
I hope I am wrong but regardless if Boehner agrees to raise taxes or not we are destined to slip into another recession and plunge off the cliff.
December 12, 2012

Teabaggers CAVING!!!

"Florida Republican Rep. Allen West, who rode the conservative wave into the House of Representatives two years ago only to be swept away in November, has already moved out of his office.

For some tea party backed lawmakers who remain in their seats, the movement appears to be shifting toward a compromise on the fiscal cliff, or at least allowing one to pass.

"We have to understand and bow to reality at some point in time. Republicans have no power in this negotiation," Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, told CNN.

Johnson said he would not use his filibuster power to block a vote on a compromise that raises taxes. The Republican senator indicated that is one such scenario under discussion among GOP leadership."

:eusa_dance: . :eusa_dance: . :eusa_dance: . :eusa_dance: . :eusa_dance: . :eusa_dance: . :eusa_dance: . :eusa_dance:
December 10, 2012

Tea Party Patriots DOWN!!!

"Since Nov. 6, the Beltway terrain has only gotten bumpier for Martin’s Patriots. Stung by their losses, GOP leaders are moving to marginalize what many see as their party’s more extreme elements. Most notably, earlier this month Speaker John Boehner booted three Tea-minded members from key House committees for bucking leadership on certain votes.

“There is a huge battle going on right now in the center right to determine exactly what that means,” says Martin. And at this moment, even she acknowledges that her side is getting clobbered in Congress. “The leadership has done all they can to solidify power and to punish people who didn’t vote the way Speaker Boehner wanted them to.”

Speaker: Obama resists curbing federal spending | General Headlines | Comcast

House Speaker John Boehner accused President Barack Obama of being so resistant to curbing federal spending that he risks an agreement to avoid the "fiscal cliff" of wide-ranging tax increases and spending cuts that will be automatically triggered in less than three weeks.

But John...Obama said he'd deal with spending cuts in the future................

......And pigs will sprout wings and fly

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