Boehner Caves On Debt Limit

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Boehner offers to take debt limit off the table - The Washington Post

The Rs think we don't know what the debt limit is. They think we don't know that they voted in favor of borrowing the money but now want to vote against paying our debts which would get us another credit downgrade.

Just like the last time, its the downgrade the Rs want because they also think we're too dumb not to see and understand the crap they pulled with their lies.
[Its self evident its long past the time for this guy to go as Speaker.
Do you have a similar hunch that the same pair of vice grip pliers that Obama had squeezed down ever so tightly on David Petraeus testicles while he was still head honcho over at CIA might now be being worn by Congressman John Boehner (R-OH)
oh God! America is so screwed]

"Brilliant! Let’s take the one bargaining chip we have and give it away for nothing.

Via WaPo:

House Speaker John A. Boehner has offered to push any fight over the federal debt limit off for a year, a major concession that would deprive Republicans of leverage in the budget battle but is breathing new life into stalled talks over the year-end “fiscal cliff.”

The offer came Friday, according to people in both parties familiar with the talks, as part of the latest effort by Boehner (R-Ohio) to strike a deal with President Obama to replace more than $500 billion in painful deficit-reduction measures set to take effect in January.

With the national debt already bumping up against the $16.4 trillion cap set last year, Congress risks a government default unless it acts to raise the debt ceiling in the next few months.

Many Republicans had argued that party leaders should use the threat of default to demand additional spending cuts from Obama. But Boehner’s offer would head off that potentially nasty fight — at least until the end of next year."

Boehner Caves On Debt Limit, Offers To Raise It For Another Year… | Weasel Zippers
americans don't give a shit about debt and deficit, if they did they would not have voted bamie back into office.
Raising the debt limit means you will just keep borrowing, and spending till our demise. Really, cut the damn spending. :eusa_pray:
oh good bamie won, we're headed for a twenty trillion dollar debt, but americans don't give a shit.. yay boob yay demoncraps!
Whatever happened to "Our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor" Obviously going the same way as Rome did when Romans discovered the pleasures available in the public baths.
Raising the debt limit means you will just keep borrowing, and spending till our demise. Really, cut the damn spending. :eusa_pray:

Actually it means we'll be able to pay the debt we've already accrued. But please continue with your Fox News fantasy.
Raising the debt limit means you will just keep borrowing, and spending till our demise. Really, cut the damn spending. :eusa_pray:

Actually it means we'll be able to pay the debt we've already accrued. But please continue with your Fox News fantasy.
You dumb ass, as soon as you raise the debt ceiling
to pay what you owe that allows you to borrow more, but if we falter than that stops the borrowing - it's perpetual, and it needs to stop!
the good news is the 112th Congress is being replaced by the 113th and Boehner's flight to sanity ... for the sake of the Nation.
Raising the debt limit means you will just keep borrowing, and spending till our demise. Really, cut the damn spending. :eusa_pray:

Actually it means we'll be able to pay the debt we've already accrued. But please continue with your Fox News fantasy.
You dumb ass, as soon as you raise the debt ceiling
to pay what you owe that allows you to borrow more, but if we falter than that stops the borrowing - it's perpetual, and it needs to stop!

Raising the debt limit means you will just keep borrowing, and spending till our demise. Really, cut the damn spending. :eusa_pray:

Actually it means we'll be able to pay the debt we've already accrued. But please continue with your Fox News fantasy.
You dumb ass, as soon as you raise the debt ceiling
to pay what you owe that allows you to borrow more, but if we falter than that stops the borrowing - it's perpetual, and it needs to stop!

Incorrect. Try to get your information from a new source as your current favorite source is obviously misleading you.
Increasing the debt limit accomplishes nothing more than to further erode the purchasing power of the dollar, but that is what Americans voted for. The sad reality is that he and other mainstream conservatives are unwilling to stand on the fundamental principles of common sense in the presence of the liberal media and ridicule of the left.

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